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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. There is soooo much oil under the seas all around the world and would be economically viable to extract ...... at the right price of course trouble is the more they extract the lower the price goes and profits diminish ...... of course And of course as soon as this debacle and tragedy of war in Ukraine stops then Russian oil and gas will be sold to everyone again with a “safe” Ruskie Govt allowed to receive it ok ....... to pay for the war damage repairing Ukraine £600 billion is it up to now ? Oil and gas abounds and the price will be / can be affordable sometime soon if the world Govts allow And just burn it all cleaner to save the planet and stop this Climate Change Much more sensible cleaning up and / or cutting down on emissions should enable us to make use of this immense world supply of available fossil fuels EVs are preposterous for posterity and methinks should be rapidly pushed up a Musk posterior Malc
  2. simply burn cleaner ............. fossil fuels are in plentiful supply once drilled for etc .... oil, gas and coal being the old fashioned ones SO THEN why not just get them to burn cleanly . it can be done, they tried it with catalytic converters on cars and washing the gases from coal powered Power Stations . just needs doing better and more effectively methinks It's certainly not beyond the wit of man to do this . it just needs the clever scientists to get their acts together with universal Govts support ( as if that would ever happen 😂 ) and fossil fuel cars can live for ever I'm sure Malc
  3. isn't there a quite simple equation here to be refuted by some, admonished by others or indeed supported EVs are good for some, good for many BUT with £££ in short supply for most people the prospect of getting an EV is simply " pie in the sky " Of the 26 million ? cars on the roads in the UK and in this economic climate .... just how many people can afford to buy,lease,rent whatever a new car ........ I can but won't but I'm thinking I'm in a huge minority of people with too much money left at the end of the month ............ and I certainly wouldn't " invest" in a new car Nope. most car owners will simply be trading up to a replacement secondhand fossil fuel car with the end of the line cars going on those ships to parts of Africa for their true end of life ............ after a few more years good use Whatever we enlightened Lexus drivers might think . old and well used fossil fuel cars are with the planet for many decades to come, somewhere in the world .............. and as an aside, my chatting with that 1989 Ls400 guy ( see my post ) he told me that so many Ls400 engines are being used in all sorts of guises in the USA, especially not ordinary cars ... and was i reading some way back that the Ls400 engine had been approved by the USA air authorities for use in light aircraft ... so there goes another source of Ls400 pollution .. you're breathing it in from " up high " 😅 I am in fact noticing these past months that the local " breakers " yard looks bereft of stock too Malc
  4. was about 3 years ago so they still might try to get me then ............... oh, the relevant car has now been sold AND I think either gone to Poland or been scrapped ! I await their call with fear and trepidation Malc
  5. is the standard rule of thumb .....................don't do anything with the gearbox oil for the first 100k miles then every 36k miles thereafter to drain off two ltrs and refill ? does that keep the oil in fair fettle for the life of the gearbox ( forever ? ) Malc
  6. I had Parking Eye try to "fine " me a while back whilst in a Aldi carpark. Aldi said they tried to help with their PE "fine" but never managed to sort it out at all ( I no longer had my till receipt nor paid on my debit card ) ........ so impasse ................ I just told them to b.gger off and after lots of acrimonious calls and email correspondence with Aldi and absolutely NO way of phoning PE ( uncontactable by human endeavour on a 1 2 1 basis ) I vowed just never to use Aldi again PE stopped contacting me in the end BUT as for Aldi, well, crap customer care tbh Malc
  7. Floggit/Steve wow what a crap employer you have ............................ 22yrs and they won't lift a finger to help you .......... do you want to name and shame ? I'd happily buy a share and go to the next shareholders meeting and raise kane for you if it's a PLC Malc .
  8. blimey, you're brave taking that lot to pieces Malc
  9. I would be so wary of cheaper tyres from Chinese origin the latest scam I heard is the CE mark (in general ) when questioned, officially now means " Chinese Export "................................... Malc
  10. Regarding semi synthetic oil. My Indy has only ever indicated the use of semi owing to the age and wear and tear on the engine nothing to do with cost at all. He says it's the most suitable in the circumstances Malc
  11. I wish I could put you in touch with the ACLex on here whom I bought my car from but he told me he was emigrating all those years back BUT he did work at Lexus Poole in Dorset Wonder if they might be able to give you some useful thoughts Malc
  12. As i mentioned before .............. rather than just accepting the job looks nigh economically impossible and the posts here are probably a little dubious in your eyes, why not just go to Lexus Main Dealer and get them to quote for you ? They might have a set piece in their pricing manual that may pleasantly surprise you ....... or not. Nothing to lose ! Malc
  13. does it really do this ? mine's ever so non-rumbly, bit like a walk over axminster ............. rumble Malc
  14. in each of my Mk1, 2 and Mk3 Ls400s there has always been about 100 miles left in the tank whenever the orange warning light appears ............... Often get about 420 miles to a tank full, sometimes a 100 miles more if it's long hard motorway driving fully loaded and at 70 or so mph .................. she thrives on a bit of pressure Tank holds 85.1 ltrs I believe .............. petrol bills are ok, the money doesn't matter Malc
  15. Tesla say "Our inspections instead focus on checking wheel alignment and tyre condition, assessing replacement parts like key fob batteries and windshield wiper blades " and the electronics updates too of course . BUT to major on something that any self respecting owner of absolutely any car would do on a very regular basis, well, I for one would most certainly pay for the privelege ................ don't we all regularly " check " our tyres and wiper blades and understand when the key fob battery is starting to play up ! Bit like making sure you never run out of loo paper .......... Malc
  16. can u tell us the mileage you're at for this to emerge ? you do have a Mk3 ? Thanks Malc
  17. bit like watching paint dry with excitement for me ................. Toyota are well advanced with their Hydrogen Fuel cars ........ an 80 vehicle fleet of Toyota sponsored taxis in London I believe at least ! We did think at one time that LPG would be interesting, it's CNG in India with 20% of the world population ( less volatile I believe ) ....... doubtless there'll be something else in the melting pot to consider before I pass this mortal coil .......... how about tap water, surely someone can develop that, or salt water using the electrolytic effects to power motion ... or harness earwigs or some such amazing power driven creatures............. I doubt we have heard the last of power from differing fuel types ...... the vast majority of vehicles around the world will doubtless be using petrol and diesel for the rest of my lifetime methinks ( how long's a piece of string ? what shall I do with my SIPP ) Malc
  18. well done, thanks for that ..... technology in its infancy with significant growing pains I guess ............ maybe BP and ESSO etc will develop the appropriate charging facilities at their stations at some time .......................... BP has to my knowledge been a significant player in the solar power research and development scene for very many years, at least 15 to my knowledge and with the likely change in motoring power and oil in it's possible decline I know that I for one would explore this substitute energy facility for the " new " motoring world. They sure have the dosh to do it, much more so than individual car manufacturers whoever they are ........ why on earth haven't car manufacturers got a common charging filler, like petrol cars etc ? They must be mad Malc
  19. not so bad with the solid silver tray, that reforms ever so easily Malc
  20. simply depends on your budget £££ I've been with an Ls400 for 16 years nearly and wouldn't swap it for any other car ............. just brilliant V8 V8 V8 all the way Don't expect the usual V8 sound though, even when it's roaring away it's as loud as hearing sheep munching grass in a field 50 yds distant There's mountains of very useful stuff on the Ls400 Forum and mainly from very satisfied owners and over very many years Malc
  21. don't the kids in London make snowmen anymore ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or go sledging along the pavements ? Malc
  22. Of course you will, wouldn't be the same without us chatting on here would it Just off to do two/three weeks exploring Kerala in the south for my business ...... maybe offering good value packages to there if it seems a likely way to go Malc
  23. Chazz, out of interest, how did you get on with this .? ..... we're always interested to know the outcomes of posts. Thanks Malc
  24. wow, 312,000 miles ( 502k kms ) that's impressive ............. well done Malc
  25. replacement bulbs seem to be silly money for you specialist guys ................. just replaced one original on my 1995 Ls400, a simple bulb, first time changed and cost about a fiver. Did the other side a couple of years back and that was about £3.50 ! both a 5 minute job I'm quite expecting them to last at least another 20 years Malc
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