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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. but what I don't need are the bills that would go with it 😂 Malc
  2. and the schedule is occasionally lacking in necessary detail .................. .................... where your indy would probably, without a second breath actually service the calipers, greasing them etc which no Main Dealer would do .... as that's excepted from the schedule Main Dealers are OK when you have to have them but a ( usually ) expensive option when you don't Malc
  3. we have bundles of effectively UK owned and free oil reserves just off the Falklands which our guys went to war over and several hundred died sadly So. we do have this abundance of oil reserves so let's just set BP etc onto the case and bring it home eh ! It's not renewables but so what ! what on earth does it matter when it's all gone in about the year 2522 then we can go for the Brazil oil reserves just up the road which are just about as much as the world has actually ever used or is likely to use over these next few hundred years I really don't get this foreboding on using oil and gas non renewables ........ dig up all those rare minerals instead to make EVs stuff .. what's the conceptual differences please .... It's beyond me to comprehend obviously. what the Green Brigade understands Simply dig for all this abundant and free oil and gas and burn it cleanly . that's the key Put money and research into developing effective Clean Burn .. and save the planet that way and allow me to run my V8 4 ltr limo for ever ........ please Malc
  4. and you'll still be in the market for your next new car .... I'll only be 100 and still driving my Ls400 eh ! Malc
  5. R hi .... Not fit for purpose ........ comes to mind and if this is a quite recent purchase then you might have the option to just cancel the deal, do a Chargeback if you paid any of the cost by a bank card The Dealer did NOT deliver the Goods fully ... good grounds for a Chargeback in my mind Maybe this might focus their attitude a little more usefully towards your needs if this is an avenue you could pursue Malc
  6. filling both my cars on the same day is 1 x £10 X about 26 😅 nor indeed for ancient terraces of houses like mine maybe ........ BUT let's remember it's only us silly dopes in the UK and the EU and some of the USA that have fallen for all this political and Green CRAP about saving the planet we need to go EV .............. the REST of the WORLD hasn't succumbed to the dumb down rubbish being spouted Malc
  7. and significantly out of pocket when the effective EV " white goods " need servicing or simply replacing with a built in life, like a fridge or a washing machine of say ... 5 years and then simply recycled .... it's not going to be a car but simply a general household item with built in obsolesence ...... don't you think ?? Malc
  8. sorry but I've never heard of the Throttle Position Sensor nor of one ever being checked out either My 95 car has covered 240k miles and half of that with me over 11 years .............. so advise us please ...... ..... who told you the TPS needed changing and more importantly what did they actually do ? I've a feeling this might be some cause of your unusual troubles Malc
  9. I think getting a replacement glass headlight will be like finding a needle in a haystack ............. If the glass looks intact then it's hopefully something quite simple to sort out Good luck Malc
  10. Methinks Stockbroker Belt and Liz removing the upper limit on said Bankers Bonuses might have summat to do with why your Surrey fuel prices are tardy in coming down 😂 But I do recall when Peckham was in Surrey . going back a while now tho' and even in me youth I wondered how on earth Peckham could equate to a rich and £££ rewarding Surrey lifestyle .... BUT nowadays a common simple 3 bed terrace house in the heart of Peckham is £1millon + ..... how times change eh ! YEP, your Surrey petrol deserves to be expensive compared to us poor mortals outside of your Stockbroker Belt 😇 Malc
  11. have you got a tiny crack appearing in the front of the glass I wonder . which a clear sealant might sort out ? Or is it condensation from the inside maybe ? Malc
  12. when my windscreen was changed many moons back the price new was maybe £200 a pair and the screen insurers blew a fuse I believe ............. 😂 oh dear how sad Malc
  13. so is the only Rust Fail the OS/R outer sill ? . get that fixed and your mechanic to sort the remainder " easy " Fails and you're " good to go " for another year Malc
  14. chill .... de-stress ............. just run her every time you can, not just for long trips ............ ignore the Advisories and just get on with " living " ............... until the next MOT / Service is due when you can address any pertinent issues Best wishes with your health . it's a bugger but you will overcome it all 🙏 Malc
  15. Gerry hi and welcome to this forum How long have you had this car, mileage, servicing etc ? We might be able to help advise if you told us what's happened thus far in your ownership Malc
  16. a few years ago I asked my trusted mechanic if I should buy a fun car Saab convertible and he said simply NO it would be an unreliable mode and a money-pit .............. the Lexus simply won't be either .. with proper good and preventative maintenance Malc
  17. this is totally non-sensical overall ........ the western nations that are worried about using fossil fuels are but a minority all over the world in usage of cars, trucks, buses etc Most of Africa, Asia, South America-s won't be able, quite simply to use EVs Charging Points in the middle of the Gobi Desert and similar ----- I mentioned prior somewhere .. Toyota will be the biggest global car producer still it's just that the petrol and diesel models won't ever be produced in the UK and the western nations which are obliterating the use of new fossil fuel cars from 2035 It's just that the UK will be competing with Germany, France, Ireland etc for the Toyota spend and investment to produce new EV cars ........ and we sadly just won't win on that front I'm sure And the Toyota spend on new petrol and diesel cars factories will be going to say India, Bangladesh Mexico etc where the costs of production and willingness to have production in those countries will make them even stronger and of course India will just beat the pants off the rest of the civilised world at some point ...... and soon methinks ............ Really don't understand the futility of UK NOT trying to burn our old fashioned fossil fuel needs cleaner and better by maybe add-on simple technology Better and new style add-on catalytic converters, washing the exhaust and other emissions at point of discharge .... for heavens sake, we can put spaceships around and nuclear bombs into Russia ( I guess ) so why oh why can't we, the UK develop some sort of " washing " emissions stuff thereby preserving the delightfully silent V8 ................ like my Ls400 Malc Malc
  18. Gentlemen or nay 😅 back to basics please FUEL PANIC is there a sensible reason why non EV transport couldn't be driven with CLEANER fuels emissions ? sat BETTER cats etc and thereby enabling us all to drive our wonderful petrol cars with a non Climate Change effect clear conscience .. that conscience extending of course to the non depletion of ground source assets ( non renewables ) and the population physical harm that mining for EV propulsion products entails they tell us It is well argued here and everywhere that EV is NOT a clean climate change source of propulsion and itself causes much harm to the environment and society digging the stuff outta the ground EV is bad Petrol and diesel is bad too I personally don't see any argument for EV being any less BAD in " the round " Malc
  19. I concur, if you have a mechanic you can trust then fine .. and you should save plenty of £££££ ... if not then you have no option but to use the main dealer and empty your pockets at the appropriate juncture Best wishes with your deliberations .. hopefully your servicing and preventative maintenance garage visit will be just annually with the fresh MOT Good luck Malc
  20. methinks you guys undertaking this sort of stuff are quite amazing, incredible, barmy, barking mad whatever ..... well done to you both and may the gods be with you in your further DIY endeavours Well done ..... keep up the good work and report back with all findings please well done 🧐 Malc
  21. There’s always going to be a punter to buy almost any car at the asking price we've seen this with a few Ls400s recently ...... seemingly barmy asking prices but hey ! Someone thinks it’s a good buy and happy with the result but good proper recent pictures should be essential and YES a Dealer makes the investment and expects a ( hopeful ) good Outcome ....... eventually there’s a real £££ cost to stock buying, holding and Preparing a car for sale ...... and can sometimes take many months or years to “turn that profit “ Malc
  22. And you think people relying on Foodbanks can contribute to your lifestyle ....... get real please 🤥 Malc
  23. Blo-ody Camels ...... u smoke ‘em, ride ‘em ...... whatever u get pollution from ‘em BUT maybe their poo helps the climate fertilising whatever their Shiite falls upon ....... and of course u can eat ‘em too ...... but the “eye” of one ........ could be a tasty morsel to contemplate away from all this irreconcilable pullava over Fuel Panics .......... I think it’s commendable to be able to make a profit on ones electric home bill and donating that to the local Foodbank In appropriate form would be a wonderful and welcome gesture ........ from those with the wherewithal so to do 😇 Malc
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