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Everything posted by Malc1

  1. like summat out of the Brittas Empire 🤣 ......... chill guys, take decaff coffee, it might help ...... life's too short to get wound up over this ................ Social Media posts effectively No one here is bonkers Elon Musk or dopey Trumpety petty Trump ............... chill and forgive and forget eh ! Best wishes all round ........... Malc
  2. the big Q must now be ............ Could a Lexus Ls600 be ( simply ) converted to Hydrogen power ? Save my waiting too long for my Ls700 to come off the production line Malc
  3. maybe cheaper to buy a Bus than this " thing " Malc
  4. Prof Gill Bates Professor of Molecular Neuroscience Neurodegenerative Diseases UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology Research summary Huntington’s disease is an inherited ..... some sort of Conspiracy Theory maybe ??? 🤣 Lighten up you lot ..... just accept that lots of indifferent people have indifferent theories about all sorts of rubbish and nay ! ............ not just BG but maybe GB too eh ! Malc
  5. NOOOOOOOO .................... I want a sensible 4 door car with a speedo please .... summat the King might drive his'self around Windsor Great Park on a Sunday afternoon with the grandkids or great nephews and nieces ....... out for a picnic in the sunshine ....... or up around Balmoral estate somewhere away from the paparazzi ! 😇 You know, summat quite normal and unassuming ........... there'll be a BP filling station close by I'm sure 🙃 Malc
  6. Paul, I'll award you a PHD for Lexus Understanding and a Merit of Honour for implementation 🤩 Well done Malc
  7. my Ls700 you mean 🤣 I'd like it to be a proper 4 door car tho' not whatever is a " sedan " .. summat I can put bags into to go on holiday sensibly Malc
  8. Those observant enough to understand a little about the Hydrogen Power availability in the UK will already know that the BP hydrogen production facility going on in the North of England will provide a sensible roll-out to the 1200 + BP fuel stations in the UK ........... as a minimum If there's a BP filling station anywhere close by to you it will enable you to buy and run a good hydrogen power'd Toyota ....... what else would you want 🤩 Malc reading today that there's a terrible fear that EVs won't be able to park in multi-storey car parks . they weren't designed for the EV battery weight issue . they'll just collapse under the strain !
  9. look on the bright side and be HAPPY about whatever it might be Life's toooooo short to dwell on the crap in life . just enjoy each and every day that you wake up to .. each day is precious and could be simply a heartwarming time to ENJOY Try to be happy at least .... it might make others happy too Malc
  10. wot a lot of old moaners eh ! Look on the bright side of life and all around one .... it's GREAT to be alive and able to enjoy all one can ........ .......... and those 4 wheel alignment thingys, well yes . correct it all as best as possible to eek out another few 000 miles from those silly cost tyres well done ColinB623 ( odd name eh ! ) Malc
  11. Callum welcome to this Forum Hope the engine gremlin issue is simple enuf to resolve . lucky you, two beautiful classic limos do keep us posted Best wishes Malc
  12. a good price for a good car that you're happy to pop 5 grand into and to get the enjoyment from ............. ENJOY ......... £££ sitting in the bank doing nowt is no use to man nor beast . just your inheritors someway down the line hopefully Better than a compelling holiday Q'ing at Heathrow for hours, passport control and some overseas covid risk bearing down with rip-off merchants fleecing you of you're well saved pennies Ignore me, I'm a Travel Agent ! Best wishes and ENJOY Malc
  13. nor the spare cash to pay the Heathrow parking fees ........... I don't know but i suspect is mega £££ Malc
  14. what's the price then . if she's going to cost you £20k then probably not But if she's only £1500 then yes for sure Cars are NEVER an investment and should be used to best advantage, taking them out every day to enjoy ...... and then to pay the inevitable bills for sensible running costs ......... you're buying a V8 and petrol costs should never be a consideration, if they are then you simply can't afford to buy and enjoy her Dings and dents and running blemishes come with a 20+ year old car and parking her will often generate even more somewhere down the line . supermarket trollies are the worst .. just don't worry too much about it .... ENJOY her while you can BUT how much £££££££ ............. hehehehehehe Malc
  15. ............ and the MOT history looks remarkably " bright " and the mark of a well looked after car these past 20 years I'd suggest and all as evidenced by the quite brilliant service records and major works of cambelt, waterpump and radiator change too ....... now then, what's the price one wonders ? 🤩 Malc
  16. Traitors ........... 🤩 .... hahahahaha, ............ wishing you well with the Merc . ............. have you upped your credit card limit yet ? Best wishes Malc
  17. hey . underseal doesn't fix a problem . it covers it up . if it's a problem .............. now then CV . please tell us the registration of this beast Thank you Malc
  18. does the average punter just wanting to replace tyres have any chance of understanding wot on earth it is he/she should be buying ......... Average Punter, 20 million or so in the UK is it ! I'm talking about Not a hope in hell's chance methinks ...... just go with whatever the tyre sales place advises eh ! Just walk / drive in to KwikFit, Halfords whatever and say . do i need new tyres, well, yes sir for sure and these are what you could be buying sir.... . or madam Now which card do i use today 😉 Malc
  19. reading another post heading that MOTs can be picky on the tyre ratings for these now zippy over / super powered cars .. so make sure any new treads you buy comply with the outpouring of MOT tyre rules and regs You don't want to be spending lots ££££ on summat that might fail the MOT on " tyre strength " so as to speak Malc
  20. ........... methinks we're going to maybe see the likes of Toyota, with all it's purchasing power and volume in the new car sales market . maybe taking over a tyre production business or two . and commandeering the market with necessary high speed tyres and Toyota vehicle BHP tyre requirements for MOTs and the like Just a thought . or maybe globally Govts will ban them from doing this . too much control of a market 🤔 Malc
  21. hence the brand new leaky welly boots no doubt ! Malc
  22. no it was real and took place. a friend was at the conference with the UK Govt contingent Horrified that the Rio authorities just cleared the streets of the myriad waifs and strays and " disposed " of them in one way or another .... street and neighbourhood cleansing Malc
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