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Everything posted by Donna-Marie

  1. im bored of medical... *changes the subject* GLOBAL WARMING... What do you think has caused it... to be honest i think its all the "Leap Days" added up from the time the earth started to months/years so really were in november 2078 lol
  2. click that ken and then right click on ur photo and copy the address and paste it here :D
  3. I cant see them either :( because we aint gold members :P And i aint paying to become a member of LEXUS because i aint got a lexus :P and it would be pointless :P
  4. I live in windsor and i swing on a swing :D they are cool :P
  5. Well when you have a baby give me a call lol thats out of the question... 1) I doubt i would EVER have a baby.... I aint exactly "motherly" and 2) If i did i wouldnt have it in a hospital :P
  6. Its not my fault ive come accross aload of Incompitent Dr's .... is it?! If there was a compitent dr which i met... then maybe i would take back what i said.. until then i stand by it!
  7. well its not like im saying dont give blood ... dont go to the dr's as i dont care what others do... im just saying i wont give blood and i wont go to the dr's and i wouldnt wanna be treated :P
  8. And whats wrong with that?! The DR is in the wrong and has had media coverage!
  9. It was a block agent... and they are meant to help you but they dont! I dont really want my life in the hands of incompitent dr's or ones who like to use people as guinea pigs!
  10. This is the stupid Dr.... : Dr ***** I think she needs the H changed to a C: <url snipped>
  11. we tried... but the bitch of a dr threw away the files... as my nan watched her (her being old didnt realise what she was doing), so there is no record of it...
  12. Im dying at this second... so is everyone else... the older you get the closer we are to dying... some just die sooner than others....
  13. ANGINA... i cant remember what pills they are they have a weird name!
  14. Well a Dr has never done me or my family and friends any favours theve caused more problems ... Two valued family members died because a DR did something wrong, and it was their careless ways! Hence why i dont trust them and will never trust them or do anything for them, even if it was to save their lives or other peoples.... They didnt help my family so i wont help anyone's elses!
  15. well heres something about so called DR's my nan has been visiting the Dr's regularly for 35 years... to find out the DR had given her the wrong tablets for something she NEVER had for 25 years and now she cant stop taking them as she could die! So called Dr's eh?!
  16. Spot on.. I've seen people come in for a check up, and refuse. Two weeks later they're on deaths door and would let a not even tested procedure/drug be used on them. People can play on things, either other people or situations. I'm sure you know what I mean Dr's use people as guinea pigs.. thats all patients are to them!
  17. you what?! I believe what i want to believe... I havent got a fear of Dr's or other medical people, i generally dislike them and think its wrong playing jesus *****! And i dont care if u say its the way and everything... cause it isnt... i mean theve made it the way... Dr's dont do people favours.. they treat people from accidents give them blood a few months later they find out they have aids or something.. or someone has a stroke and they bring them back... that person has to live the rest of there life not being able to do the things they could do... ok some may recover fully but others just pro-long stuff... I mean my mates b/f was saved but he cannot walk/do things for himself or anything he cant even talk.. and they call that saved!? I THINK NOT! It would have been best for him to let him go, he has to have someone look after him 24/7 hows that for a life.. if u can call it that!
  18. My hearts fine now thanks Pete lol Chris i havent broken your heart :P so nahhhhhhhhhhhh!
  19. ahh no he was just trying to argue with me whilst clay shooting.... he said i couldnt shoot for dust.. so when he was like a mile away i managed to shoot him right in the bottom :P I thought it was funny... hes got a nasty scar though...!
  20. Isn't a Midwife medical? I thought she was when I took my medical training! :P and your mother would of needed to take you for jabs, check-ups etc..... Maybe you have a fear of hosiptals which is increasing, due to news shock stories. Plus the world is not "over popultated" it is growing in population, as it has been since man's first few steps. In a recent white paper it was reasoned to believe that the world can withstand a 500% increase in populous. my mother didnt take me for any jabs... i remember my mother and grandmother arguing about it (which is strange as i was only 6months) My mother hates Dr's too and so does my father.... I remember when i was at school my parents let me stay at the others kids houses when they had chicken pox and stuff so i would catch it... never did... and even now when i baby sat my cousin when she had measles and chicken pox i never caught anything!
  21. lol ive shot someone :D in the bottom :D with a riffle... :D
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