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Posts posted by Dave748

  1. Hmm, I do 17 - 18 miles (each way) daily commute on country roads every week day which is reasonably hilly, I can 50 - 55mpg if I'm careful and it's a fair bit colder than most places due to the higher than sea level average .  Due to the type of roads I tend to try and stay around 40 - 50mph and I hardly ever use Curse Control.  I find I can get much better mileage feathering the throttle myself though it means not keeping a constant speed.  If you are on a flat or down hill and you have a reasonable Battery charge just hold the needle between Charge and Eco in Eco mode, at anything below 45 - 50mph it will stay on EV mode as long as your needle doesn't go over the Eco mark.  If it goes over the Eco mark and your engine kicks in just quickly take your foot off completely and gently back on and it will almost instantly go back to EV mode.  Doing this I can get about 3 - 5 miles sometimes more (depending on the hillyness of the road) just on Battery.  

    What I find that also helps is learning the roads, particularly the junctions, downhill parts and sharp corners. Experiment to find out what the earliest point is you can begin to brake to reach the point your aiming for at the speed you want to arrive at but ensuring that the needle doesn't go all the way down to the bottom of the charge meter.  This will ensure the maximum amount of your momentum is converted into Battery charge instead of been converted to heat from your brake pads been engaged, it will also make your brakes last longer.  Of course if you can avoid braking altogether even better but at times it's unavoidable.  

    It takes a bit of practice to keep the car in EV mode for long periods and find the sweet spots where the car is most efficient for the road you're on but as you keep trying different things you'll discover little things here and there that overtime add up to make your driving much more efficient.  But then sometimes like me you'll just want to bang it in sport mode and floor it on the straights, at that point your efficiently is ruined, but it's fun. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, BigChange said:

    I have enjoyed reading this discussion.  I also switched after 20 years of BMW (fed up after 2 blown turbos) and agonized over the decision.  A good price from Lexus helped and I am very relieved that Dave748 also decided on Lexus.  Same model also. It was a difficult decision and after 3 months am still not wholly convinced.  Perhaps when summer arrives and mpg improves I will be more relaxed.  In the meantime am enjoying gliding along and grappling with the satnav, etc.

    Dave748 car looks superb. On the mucky country roads around me that beautiful finish would be gone in no time.  Incidentally thanks for the claying discussion.  I always thought that sort of cleaner stripped off a tiny layer of the surface.  Like TCut ?

    Hi Change,

    When I did the claying I also thought it was going to be a lot more abrasive than it was, it didn't feel abrasive at all and it's surprising how many streaks it picks up even after a very thorough wash.  It also highlighted some patches that it couldn't remove that but were hard to see, they came off with a good one finger scrub with a cloth.  I also live in the country side and my daily commute is all country roads so I'm not expecting it to stay that clean for very long at all, probably until the first day it rains.  Nice while it lasts but easier to keep clean if you do it often, also I used bilt double speed wax that should help a bit and rain-x on the glass.

  3. 6 minutes ago, rayaans said:

    If its taking you less than an hour to clay with a conventional bar, you're not spending enough time on each panel.

    You should have gone for the G3 clay mitt, its faster and can be re-used.

    Id be polishing the car after claying - claying leaves scratches as its abrasive. And then wax on top. Depending on how much you drive you only need to do it 1-2 times a year at most.

    Also 200h - I would bet that the car looks no different if it was just washed only without any clay or wax. Clay or wax does NOT add any sort of shine unless it has gloss enhancers in it. Polish is what you need for the shine.

    Here you go:

    You'll thank me later :P

    OK I hear you, what would you suggest as an under wax polish?  I have some halford's polish in the garage and it does a good job of adding shine but it also waxes so not sure if it would be a good idea waxing again over the top of it.

  4. Thanks 200h, I thought it would take a lot longer to clay be honest.  I'm a bit nervous about claying it, never done it before and as it was only registered and has only been driven since September but I don't really want to WAX it properly without claying it first.  If I do it this weekend then I may not do it again till late summer or I could wait till later on in the year and clay it closer to summer when it will look it's best and just wax it anyway this weekend after a good wash.  What do you think?

  5. So, I got the LED block, the lights were compacted in but it was still too big to fit in the light hole, it was mounted on a metal plate which I had to sand down right to the edge of the LED block.  I snapped off the wires while doing this but soldered them back on in work.  Finally got it to fit just right and in the dark it does light a hell of a lot better than the standard light, even to the back of the boot so no need to use the extra strips.  

    I also got a Meguire's clay kit from Halford's and some bilt hammer double speed wax that if I have time may do this weekend.  If I do I'l finally take some pics and put them up.

  6. Thanks 200h,

    I have already ordered a 36 LED panel that should just fit in the light panel that should give loads of extra light and I have also ordered 2 white LED strips to place near the back for even more if it needs so it should be good.

    I was looking around earlier and noticed you can get an F-Sport Carbon Fibre bumper lip from the states for the bottom of the front, looks amazing but with delivery over £400.  I've been able to get away with ordering little bits here and there without the missus kicking up too much fuss but I think she would blow her lid at a £400 bit of bumper.  Looks good though if it fits the is300h.


  7. 46 minutes ago, 200h said:

    get rid of the block connector solder the wires instead.

    to get to the copper wire you could of used an automatic wire stripper

    to reveal the copper wire then soldered your wires onto them and covered with

    insulation tape to make the job look neat.

    since you have cut the wires get some heat shrink tubing slide it over the wires

    solder the wires together & slide the shrink tubing on top of the join use heat to shrink the tubing.


    There was a reason I used block connectors and not soldered, I did solder most parts of the circuits I made and insulated with electrical tape (shrink tubing would be neater but as you can't see those bits tape will do the job just as well).  I used block connectors only in a few places and only because the wiring was already in the car and couldn't be taken out, all the parts of the wiring I could do outside of the car I soldered.  I didn't want to risk taking the soldering iron inside the car, one slip and there would be a hole burnt somewhere or a big melted line in the trim or carpet so I opted to not take that risk and just use block connectors on those very few parts.

    200h, I like the idea of changing the light for a brighter whiter LED and I was going to do that anyway at some point but that doesn't solve the problem that the light won't reach to the back of the boot it will just make the front of the boot a little brighter.  I've got some spare blue LED strips left over so I may put a couple of those towards the rear of the boot, or, I may order a couple of white strips and put those towards the rear of the boot to keep it all the same colour as there is no need for blue in the boot.  I'm also going to replace all the internal bulbs with LED ones as I prefer the crisper white colour.


  8. It was really hard working running the wire for the ambient lightning and even harder when I finally got it to the back of the car.  I was going to remove the rear light cluster to attach the wires but couldn't figure out how to access the back so instead I had to strip off the sheathing, cut the wires and put them through a block connector and just prayed they would still work when I'd finished. Luckily it all did so that was a relief, not sure how I would have explained what happened if I tried to claim on the warranty because I messed it up.  

    I think I can still do a bit more to neaten it up, there is a small part where the wire is exposed as it comes into the boot, I won't be happy until it's completely hidden from view.  I may change the foot well lights to blue ones too, looks a bit odd with the mix of blue and white light in the front.  I've still got 4 LED strips left over too so I may put some extra lighting in the boot as it's hard to see to the back with just the standard lighting. 

  9. OK, so I've spent all day wiring in some LED strips for foot well lighting driver, passenger and rear.  Took along time to find the best places to take the feed but ended up splitting the original foot well lights so the LEDs light and fade with the doors opening and shutting just like the standard internal lights.  

    I've also wired in some ambient lighting as per Capese21 but using Blue LED's to match the car color and the foot well lighting, what a pain in the ***** that was to wire in.  Took the feed from the rear left cluster so the ambient lighting comes on with the head lights.  Because I used Blue lights they were as I suspected too bright plugged straight in so I'd also ordered a mini LED dimmer to put inline with a memory function.  Worked a treat, the light is perfect now and the switch retains the setting so when power is lost it still goes back to how I set it before I sealed it in.  

    Got more stuff planned and stuff in the post, will upload some pics soon.

  10. Hi All,

    So tomorrow I will finally be driving my Lexus for the first time since picking it up, it's been in the garage a while, while I've been doing bits and bats to it and I've been away on holiday too for 7 days.  So far I've tinted the rear windows, painted the callipers and applied DECALS (Looks great) and added some logo puddle lights, I've also cleaned it up to looking like showroom new.  I've got more stuff planned this weekend too, ambient lighting (got all the parts and tools just need the time to do it, LED foot well down lighting, extra boot lighting and maybe rear foot well lighting too if I can find a good spot to place the lights.  Also looking at ordering some of these from the US: 

    in blue and got a few other nick naks on the way but their coming from china so may take a while.  

    • Like 1
  11. 46 minutes ago, 200h said:

    with the vibrations lasting less then a second this says to me its not the discs, if it was the discs

    the steering wheel would also wobble until the speed has been reduced then the wobble would stop.

    you normally notice warped disc's when you leave a motorway and apply the brakes.

    if you cant sort it soon contact the dealer

    It depends how warped they are, if it's only very slight you may only notice during braking, if it is a much bigger warp then yes your steering wheel would be all over the place most of the time, especially between certain speeds when the warp most aligns with it's resonating frequency.  I've had both on past cars, it may also be worth looking for any marks on your wheels where the balancing weights are, one may have come off, I've had this too and it's a very quick and easy fix in any garage. 

  12. I've not had this on a Lexus as I've only just bought one but had this exact issue on quite a few other cars and all of them turned out to be warped brake disks.  I don't know how or where the regenerative system is applied but if anything is warped when it contacts I'm guess it will have the same affect.  Try slightly harder breaking to engage the calliper brakes and see if it makes it worse, not too hard though as I found this forces the warped part into alignment and hides the issue. 

  13. Loads of people are asking for pics but I want it to be perfect first and have all the bits I want doing finished first. I'm a ridiculous perfectionist to the point of OCD so even though it's been very well valeted I'm doing it all again inside and out and a proper wax too.

    I've got a loads of stuff in the post like the calliper paint and DECALS (though I don't think they will fit as the callipers don't seem to have any large parts of uninterrupted surface area to put them) and the puddle lights.  Also I've had a quote for window tints so will be getting those done too.  

    I want to do the ambient lighting too but worried about messing it up and damaging something as it's so new, I think I'd have a small breakdown if I did that just at the moment.  may have to hit up the guy that did it for some details instructions.

    • Like 1
  14. So, picked up the car today and drove it the 3 and a half hours home, love it.  I was picked up from the train station by a taxi and was looking for it on the way into the dealers but couldn't see it as it was around the back.  When the sales guy took me out to have a look at it I'd forgot just how good they look, I was shocked that, that was now my car.  Obviously it had been valeted so it looked like new but a stunning looking car.  After all the paper work etc. I sat for ages playing with the Nav, the premium Nav is so much better than the Lexus Nav and the tactile feedback is so cool the way it works.  Linked up my phone, all worked perfectly, sent myself some dirty messages just so I could listen to the woman read them out, awesome, and then drove home.

    Cleared out some more space in the garage next to the trailer, had a fridge at the back of the garage but thought I'd still get in easy, only just managed to get it in with about 2" front and back with the door closed.  Couldn't believe how big it was, I used to have an estate that went in the same spot with a good foot front and back.  Probably wont drive it again now for about 2 weeks, going to use the courtesy car while I paint the callipers and give them the proper time to dry then I'm away for a week.  O and I'm going to put the puddle lights in if they fit.  As it's so new I'm a bit nervous about doing the LED down light thing, don't want to damage anything and make a mess of it, and also will get the windows tinted and that's about it, good to go.  Shame it absolutely ****** it down all the way home, didn't really get a chance to try out a few things.  

    The rain was torrential with some pretty deep puddles in places, I noticed there was a guy on here saying that his car pulled off and veered around in the water, I didn't notice anything like that, it was solid and I went through some pretty deep puddles pretty fast, not on purpose but it was fine all the same.  And the sound system is amazing, I only have the standard but still sounds so good.

  15. 1 hour ago, capese21 said:

    The point of ambient lighting is it is on all the time same as all the dashboard / switch illumination. It is very subtle but just makes the gear stick area glow slightly like in my colleagues Audi which is where I stole the idea from once I realised the Lexus doesn't have it.

    I get that, I just like the idea that if I wanted to I could turn it off too, say on a long haul drive up the motorway at night and there was no need for it to be on.  Also if I wanted to I could leave it on all the time, I'm not bound by the side lights.  Also blue maybe a little brighter than red so I may not want it to be on all the time.  I'll probably order the puddle lights, for £20 I can always send them back if they don't fit, I'll let you know how it goes.

  16. 2 hours ago, capese21 said:

    Lexus dont include ambient lighting so I added it. There is small blank panel in the front of the interior light switch console. I removed it and fitted two small 3mm 12v red Led`s wired into the side light circuit. I kept the leds flush so they are not distracting and hardly noticeable. The red glow is very subtle but look great imho.



    Hmmm, I'm thinking something similar but easier to install and with a manual control element so I don't have to have them on all the time when the side lights are on.  Maybe include into the circuit, also attached to the small panel a discrete 12V switch (matching the colour of the panel) and take the electrical feed from the internal lights right next to them.  That way I can have them on and off as I chose regardless of the side lights and without having to run a long wire along the loom.  

  17. 2 minutes ago, capese21 said:

    There is small blank panel in the front the interior light switch console. I removed it and fitted two small 3mm 12v red Led`s wired into the side light circuit. I kept the leds flush so they are not distracting and hardly noticeable. The red glow is very subtle but look great imho.



    When you say wired it into the side lights, so how far did you run the wire? Where did you run the wire, and where did you tap into the sidelight circuit?

  18. 14 hours ago, capese21 said:

    My Fsport now has ambient lighting just two small neat not noticeable red Leds. Just enough to give the centre console area a red glow at night. As fitted to Audi`s.  The picture is not great as it is hard to expose in the dark. The Red glow is very subtle and nothing like as bright as shown but just enough for a glow.



    4 hours ago, bluenose1940 said:

    Hi Edward, is the red glow factory fitted or did you do it yourself.  If DIY can you point me in the right direction please, I'm a sucker for such stuff!


    Same question to the above about the internal lights, my missues Beemer has these and I really like them, no idea if my F-Sport has them or not yet, pick it up tomorrow afternoon.  Also I'd really like them in blue to match the car colour.


    17 hours ago, PaulWhitt20 said:

    How about some Lexus puddle lights....


    Also I'd be interested in the puddle lights, anyone know the best place to get them from?

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