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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. In which case you only option is to fit android unit, there are units specifically made for "non-sat/nav" cars. I had IS250s without sat-nav and with it and I can honestly say I never missed factory sat-nav... it was just quite bad. As for reliability, that is the main difference between Lexus and other cars (especially french and italian) - they simply work, electric issues are rare ( to be fair when you have them they are horrible, but they are usually caused by somebody shorting the battery and similar). Other thing - Lexus parts are expensive, but they last very long time, like suspension etc. So when you buys shocks you know they will last you 10 years and 100k miles, so that £600 doesn't sound as bad. My only concern with manual car is £585 road tax which is stupid and unwarranted, kind of really takes away from appeal of manual in particular. Have no idea why in UK it is like that, but you can pay £280 for similar year Jaguar Supercharged V8?! How is that make sense.
  2. Is it Mark Levinson system? If so then I agree it is most likely amplifier, it may be overheating (there is tiny fan which may have failed). As for "Standard" (non-ML) system it is unusual, I can't remember any having any issue with amp there.
  3. If you thought this was the end, then I have good news - saga with this car continues. Just some teasers here, I will reveal later what is up with these 🙂
  4. Yes you probably right, but as I said the seals not going to be your main worry (it is not like your callipers are leaking), the worn-out/rusted pins is key thing for stuck callipers. As well as mentioned I doubt they going to discount it at all for you even if you bring your own parts. and furthermore they may refuse to warranty the work if you insist on using your own parts.
  5. As far as I know Lexus does not sell repair kits (which is kind of sad considering that this is part where it would beneficial). There are third party repair kits, but I can't say if they are good quality. Not sure About Bulgaria, but in UK that would not make sense - you would pay same price regardless if you provide the parts or not, so there is no saving and refurbishment places usually have their own suppliers where they get big discounts and bulk orders, so at least in UK the best way is to give the calliper to them and let them deal with it.
  6. They simply realised that having built in redundancy means less profit, and built in risk makes more profit. This is why I don't believe critical national infrastructure should ever be privatised. Private capital is great where efficiency and profits are important, but efficiency and profits are bad when it comes to national interests and meeting specific security demands. So if we take electricity for example it seems like rational thing would be to have at least triple the needed capacity and run the network and the plants at ~40% of their potential. As such they would wear slower and in case of some sort of accident it can always be rerouted to ensure reliable supply. Is it efficient? No obviously it isn't, but efficiency does not matter when we talking about critical infrastructure like water electricity, gas and nowadays I would say internet. Now guess what - our government simply decided that our energy security is not priority, they completely happy for us to be left without electricity and energy companies are happy with it, because if energy cannot be taken for granted, then they can charge more for it.
  7. That just makes it worse - because if he can't even handle low end personal responsibility, how can we trust him with nukes?! That goes back to my point why politicians and especially leaders have to meet very very very high standards before they can even stand to be elected. Just because of times like this where country may be in real danger, whilst being led by person would cannot be trusted to sharpen the pencil. In other hand I agree - this would be bad time of replacing him... hence he should have resigned much earlier. As for replacement - that is sad reality of our politics, we have to choose "least bad" candidates from the bunch of criminals, that is really unfortunate reality.
  8. I often see this compared to support certain agenda along party lines, but the context is more important here than ever... Frankly I never cared about people ignoring the rules, because I never considered certain disease to be as dangerous as it was made to be, nor restrictions appropriate, this is purely image issue for me. But there is one quite big difference, one was in power and actually SET THE RULES which one then broke themselves, whilst ordinary people were getting finned and dragged to courts, not only that PM faced no consequences, but as well the party was tax payer funded and held in tax payer paid estate (this is not private setting, where "personal" responsibility would matter, this is collective responsibility of the government). That is bad enough - I don't think normal person should stay in position after this, normal person with at least drop of respect for the role must resign immediately. Why? Because it shows they cannot be trusted to set the rules, because they have shown no to follow them themselves, fundamentally untrustworthy (which to be fair we knew for at last 20 decades, so I am not sure where is surprise here). Other thing is simply taking responsibility, I could have respected the him personally (in his own capacity) if after this came out he would have admitted it and supported police investigation and taken full responsibility that may even be PR victory i.e. resigned immediately, collaborated fully with police, attended the court and got judgement for paid HEFTY fine (this is not merely braking rules, but organising the party)... I would say fine in range of £10,000 would be appropriate and PM was more than capable of paying it. He is not like one of those broke students who paid £400 for attending her only friend birthday quietly, but then being dragged to the court... I think they ended-up reducing the fine to £72 once "party gate" was revealed as not self-respecting judge would have dared to impose full fine in the face of such hypocrisy. That would have shown, that despite making mistake he is at least honest person, who can own it, face consequences. BUT NO - he did not admit, he stopped police investigating it, he refused to resign and he paid no fines himself throwing others around him under the bus. That is called corruption my friends, it actually consisted of several very serious crimes - like preventing course of justice, so we have criminal PM, those are facts no matter if you like them or not. This just shows hat deep down this person is dishonest, corrupt criminal, not only he does not respect anyone around him, he does not respect himself and therefore he is not worthy of respect from anyone. That he is still PM of such big and powerful nation after this is beyond belief. After all this I would not trust him even cleaner job, nevermind PM. And if somebody says - "c'mon he is PM, different rules applies, we don't want to dismiss PM, just because of some small scandal", then they are fundamentally confused about what democracy means, what laws means and what basic personal decency means. PM not only should not be exempt of law, PM should be held to higher standard, as a leader PM should lead by example and therefore even small mistakes like this must be career ending. The more important is the job and role, the more immaculate personal record and character, and the less is needed to make person unsuitable. Certain person was never suitable, but this incident just highlighted how unsuitable he is and highlighted how rotten the democracy is, where party lines are more important than any crime. And then we except no corruption... get real! Just note - this is not personal attack because you just mentioned the two parties, I just picked on the post because I don't think they could be compared. But please take my comment light heartedly of if it goes a bit deep and basically calls for government to be overthrown 😄 Surprising to think that just such words could have one hanged and quartered just few hundred years ago. And my still result in death in certain countries - so not all good, at least we can speak about injustice.
  9. I guess if you just want dual exhaust at the back then it is relatively easy, but as john said it would still need some modification. Entire exhaust I would say - no, not before major modification... at which time you just better of getting full custom made exhaust.
  10. Great choice as first Lexus and Welcome to the forum. Not sure what you mean by "older style" as it never changed over the life-time of the model. There were some upgrades internally (e.g. HDD based systems with USB, BT enabled systems) but they all looked the same. Can you update the maps - yes you can to certain degree, I believe 2014 and 2017 are the latest maps depending on the model, but I would say it is not worth it. Just my personal opinion, but built in sat-nav in Lexus was mediocre at best even at launch and by now it is terribly outdated. You better of using £80 phone to navigate, than updating the maps. The solution is to get android unit (£150-£300) and they look like factory sat-nav, just with bigger and better screen, or you can get GROM (~£400) which plugs into exiting unit and enables android system and all connectivity. GROM used to be default go-to option when replacement units were expensive (few years back they costed like £500-700, whereas older GROMs were £300), but now I would say it no longer makes sense when you can get entire unit with better, larger, more sensitive screen for half as much and never GROMs come-up in price.
  11. Yes that sound fairly standard for stuck callipers, so when you brake only outside pad is actually doing any braking (these are common on mk2, but I assume mk1 has same issues). You can certainly refurbish the exiting callipers (in fact most of so called "new" callipers are just factory refurbished), but just replacing o-rings won't be enough, it is likely that slider pins are corroded and binding. I would say callipers would need to be fully stripped, probably media blasted, machined surfaces polished, slider pins mostly likely need to be replaced. Unless you have fully fitted workshop I would say that is job for professional. Not sure where you from, but in UK that costs ~£100-150 per calliper, which is slightly cheaper than "new" callipers (at least on mk2 they are like £220 per calliper). If you have grooved disks (rotors is american), then you need at very least to resurface them, again depends on what it costs in your location, but at least in UK that was never an option for Lexus IS simply because resurfacing costs £80 per disk, whereas new disk costs ~£22-60 - so it is cheaper to buy new disks every time. Maybe on some more exotic cars it makes economic sense, but not on Lexus IS. One note - if you choose to resurface, then make sure you use service where they doing it on the car and not taking it off the car, because if there is any run-off on the disk or it sits just slightly uneven on the car, it will not be cured. As well this could be part of your problem - clean the hub as good as you can and then ask mechanic to check run-off on the disk. P.S. - would be good to move to mk1 sub-forum.
  12. Usually Lexus won't sell "upgrade parts", so you need to tell them VIN from the car and they would only sell parts as per VIN. You can PM me if you need F-Sport VIN as I used to have one. Although this won't help you with the price ~500 seems to be the cost for it.
  13. I can save you some time - there is, but it is small and on hybrid you may not be able to notice it at all. Simple fact is that ethanol is less power dense (30% less power in the same volume), this means that E5 is about 1.5% less fuel efficient than pure petrol and E10 is about 3% less efficient. However, that said most Lexus cars have "smart" ECU which adjusts based on fuel meaning you may get less power despite getting very similar MPG. In my experience the difference between E5 and E10 is very small 1% at best, where the difference was noticeable was between real petrol and E85 (but that is 85% ethanol), with E85 fuel consumption was as much as 10% worse and at the same time car peak power was noticeably lower.
  14. lol - yes it sounds close to my point of view. I do personally believe that using E10 (10% of ethanol) in place of E5 (5% of ethanol) on modern cars is safe. So it would be right to say that for majority of people "the fears are unfounded". I can only back-it up with anecdotal evidence like my personal experience running E10 and E85 in my IS250 for tens of thousands of miles without issues, despite Lexus claiming it is not suitable fuel. However, this article specifically mentions classic cars and that is where I disagree - ethanol can and will damage certain classic cars if they have parts which could be damaged by ethanol. And the way it is articulated I think the statements is wrong or at very least misleading. Because it states that "fears are unfounded specifically for certain or particularly classic" cars - no that is wrong, "fears" are very much "founded" and rather factual, to the point where they are not even "fears", but rather facts. However, it is also true that they would be damaged regardless if E10 or E5 is used, so perhaps moot point.
  15. I am glad to hear you have options... not so much the case for like 70% of population living in the apartments and dependent on whatever policy is thrown at them (good food four thought - perhaps I should invest in some freehold house in Durham). Not as well, that there were plans to regulate private solar with "smart meters" e.g. you could be "compelled" to sell your own energy during peak times rather than using it yourself. I am not sure if this applies for solar panels you own yourself outright or only the types of deals where companies install them "for free", but then keep the rights for 10 years. In any case the proposal was that EVERYTHING goes through "smart meter" first, and smart meter decides what energy should go where and for what price. Which In theory could mean that "smart meter" decides that your "clean" energy should go to Bob in Scotland at rate X, but when you decide to have a hot shower it decides you will purchase energy from local power plant at rate Y... and obviously rate Y can be higher than rate X. Same principle for BEV grid power - it may even be the case that energy is not only rationed, but "smart meter" or "smart charger" will decide that they will use your car battery power to charge another car, or indeed power Bob's lawn mower! Sorry it is kind of long-winded explanation, but my point was - "smart meter" overlord could be the thing which decides what you pay and energy which you think you own... you don't own despite literally having solar panels on your roof... and as for BEV - it may even be the case that you will find less power in your battery than when you plugged your car in! (safe to say - if you have ~60-80% better leave it unplugged!).
  16. Sounds pricey! Surely soon you only going to be able to use it at night... or whenever government deems necessary.
  17. That is "heat Kwh" price, not electricity price.
  18. Yes that is what they call "saving" - so they will allow us to use electricity at reasonable cost during unsociable hours. Obviously, it was "our mistake" that we misunderstood what "smart meter" meant. We thought electricity will cost the same, but will be discounted off peak - no no no... the price remain the same off peak, they just going to increase peak power price 10 fold. Actually first time in my life I had to challenge EON (who provides heating) because I used just to shred renewal letters from them, it was always increasing by amount of inflation, and it would be the case will all suppliers (sadly not with salary for everyone) so there was no point to even look at it. But this time I looked at the letter and without shame it said your heating kwh will increase from 8.97p to 16.97p !!! In any other time it would not be worth mentioning, but EON has monopoly in our estate, meaning I can't switch at all, so when they literally double the price this is especially annoying. I am thinking to sue them on the basis that as monopolist they should be further regulated, but doubt anything comes out of it. Maybe threat of court case going to make them to offer me "special discount".. who knows...
  19. No I think it is opposite - diesel in petrol makes more damage than other way around (when we talking about amounts which may remain in tank), especially when it comes to modern injected cars. "damage" I guess it is not right word, more like plugs lines and injectors. Diesel is like oil - so it doesn't "dry", I think at very least I would flush the tank with petrol few times. There is no such thing as petrol filter - only strainer at the bottom of the filter. Have you seen the tank yourself - why exactly it has to be replaced, or can't be repaired? I mean I am sure there will be surface rust, but that is hardly something that would make it beyond repair.
  20. That was obvious from the beginning, UK just does not have infrastructure to support everyone using BEV... so it rationing in inevitable, no matter what ecomentalists and EVangelists are saying. We are onto dystopian future for sure!
  21. "Side" - I meant when you stop and just front of the car get's in a way of harm and other car just rips the front "form the side". Total check actually keeps database of these, so if any car was trough the auction and you run the check on it, they will have auction pictures. Sadly, when copart link expires it is gone and I didn't even take the number plate.
  22. Could be, it would be interesting to know the story of what happened to it. But likewise it could be legit, like car damaged when parked, or impact from the side (where airbags won't deploy), or it could be underside where it hit something low and just ripped bumper underneath. We could only speculate, but that is good shout - airbags not deploying is little bit suspicious.
  23. And importantly we (car enthusiasts) don't need to sacrifice another perfectly good IS-F, so win-win for everyone. IS-F actually has quite good racing history with privateers. I know at least 3 or 4 real IS-Fs, and then there is dozen IS250, IS300 and IS350 with wide body kits and "Lexus V8", likely UZ1,2 or 3, perhaps some UR... and I know at least one with IS-F engine. I guess it is conflicting statement to say they are "popular"... not really when I can count them on my fingers (although toes included), so it is really just handful cars. But they are there and the yare racing.
  24. Have you had battery replaced or disconnected recently? This is likely the cause of not resetting windows. I had my own "experience" when I found car with all windows fully open in middle of surprise summer storm. Luckily for me we stopped to buy towels on the way to the beach so I had plenty to wipe the seats with. If windows are not reset after battery replacement, they could do something completely random and silly like that - just open all the way without any reason. The procedure to reset is simply to use each individual door window controls and fully open them, then fully close them. It being IS250C you only have 2 doors to worry about.
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