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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. Please enlighten me - you know I will always stay for long conversation!
  2. Seems even worst companies sometimes improve for better! Still would not let them fit anything... don't want to repeat for 10th time my experience, but let's just say they have tried to literally scam me on more than one occasion.
  3. Unlikely... I mean it is possible and government that cared to revive economy could easily take such step, I would argue it would be popular decision, 50% of fuel cost right now is tax (historically low as well, because duty is static, so with higher price it has less impact, it was 71% in 2020). So if fuel is currently £1.54 at pump, it is completely in governments power to make it £1.10 overnight there there still would be 35p of tax left. It is impossible to know why they not doing it, obviously we can speculate and make conspiracy theories... but not more than that. Going back to inflation, I think what is more important is that annual Core inflation is only down 0.3% from 5.9% to 5.6% and this is more telling. The headline figure that includes energy and food prices is generally from external factors (like war in Ukraine) that government can't do anything about, so they now boasting to have "resolved" the inflation they never had any control of, but the core inflation which they could do something about they have not reduced at all. Politics!
  4. Its the radio unit itself. Kills itself and the screen goes dead as the connections all go through the radio. Essentially requires a new radio unit to work which isnt cheap unless you get a second hand one This really makes it sound like some sort of extremely complicated job. Disconnect negative terminal, then positive... then connect them back in reverse order, positive, then negative... to be honest it doesn't even matter the order, except there is higher risk of damaging something if negative is connected and you accidentally touch positive to the frame (as frame is ground), so it is safer to connect positive first and then you can dangle negative anywhere you like without any risks. If you want to preserve the settings, then connect 12 volts from somewhere during the exercise, but that is optional and sometimes cleaning memory from ECUs actually helps, even if it is annoying to set memory seats etc. back. In short - messing-up battery replacement requires special skills and extreme negligence, not saying it never happens, but it isn't some sort of extremely risky job, Lexus does not even code their batteries (not sure about latest models, but certainly not in IS/GS and hopefully not SC).
  5. Not sure about specific size for SC430, but my go to for IS250 was always Bosch S4. 4 year warranty, but I usually order them online (for much less than halfrauds prices) and when ordering online they don't have same nonsensical limitations like physical stores (not transferable warranties, receipts etc.). Basically you get your receipt to the e-mail and if battery fails before 4-years you just find the e-mail from years back and send it back. Not that any of Bosch batteries have failed on me yet, although I never really kept them for more (or the cars I fitted them to) for more than 4 years.
  6. This is just monthly inflation figure, it is kind of flawed to compare last month YoY inflation drop against target of quarterly inflation halving. As well it is easy to achieve lower inflation after already record inflation last year. That is why I think it would be more meaningful to wait until full year figure and compare full year 2022 vs. full year 2023. It kind of becomes matter of perception - 4.6% inflation would be bad, but compared to 11.1% at the same period last year it looks almost like a good thing, but this inflation is compounding... I know I am explaining basics here, but they are relevant when it comes to "real wage growth" and affordability. For somebody that was earning £40,000 last year their real wage continues to drop, slower than last year, but it is still dropping. And besides this 4.6% is just headline figure averaged across many factors, food for example is still on 10.1% some areas even higher. So my view is that we are still far away from being out of this mess and I am not expecting deflation at any time soon, like for example fuel prices dropping maybe back down to at least ~£1.20 range which would have drastic effect on all good and everything.
  7. I personally would stay away from both Yuasa and especially halfrauds. You may find not only ghost and vampires, but as well fully grown daemons in the car if you allowed them to touch it. Honestly there is less risk to car if you let toddler do it, at least toddlers don't have bad intentions (usually). Now as for Yuasa itself - mediocre, had two of them fail on me (both had short cells), but to be fair one was unknown age (I suspect 6 years) and another very near to 5 years, so I mean 5-6 years from the battery is not horrible, they should be able to do 8 maybe. However, halfrauds is halfrauds, they will never warranty the battery for you and will find whatever excuse possible to refuse it, so the 5 years warranty point kinds of becomes moot. Halfrauds autocentre told me they can't do it because it was halfrauds retail that fitted the battery , halfrauds retail demanded the receipt (for 5 years old item, but I happened to find it in the folder with documents), then they said warranty is not transferable, then I came few weeks later to speak with another person saying it was me who fitted it (despite me getting it with the car), so his excuse was that he can only refund to the card that was on the receipt?!?!?!?!? When I explained to him that bank cards usually are not valid for that long he offered me to call their complaint department... In short you not getting it replaced if it fails!
  8. That is certainly a possibility! But ask for battery health check first, would be sad to waste it if not the culprit!
  9. It would be strange if it did start... Then perhaps I would be really worried about ghosts!
  10. Just small note here - idling car to charge it is not the most ideal, especially when you have to run 4.3L V8 to do it. Battery would charge faster when driving + it consume negligible fuel compared to running the car (~2000-3000RPM is where alternator makes it's maximum amps, so as you can imagine 700-800rpm isn't optimal). My point - find your new favourite road and drive the beast more! As for radio coming on I really don't know, but I have one idea - there is function for road alerts, so for example if you listening for CD or using Aux, it may turn it to radio when driving and I remember begin really irritated about this when going trough Link-House tunnel. They had maybe faulty transmitter there for emergencies, and every time entering the tunnel it would switch to FM and I could see little warning appearing "emergency reported" (or something along those lines). So perhaps it could turn on the radio even when it is off, if it could switch from CD to FM, then why not turn the radio on? Thinking about it now - I am not sure you can even switch it off...
  11. what is more horrifying - ASDA is not even worst offender, Apple and Amazon are way worse. Other absolutelly horrible person is Mike Ashley (Sports Direct)... and I mean it isn't even worth start building the list. Any company worth more than £100 million and any person worth probably more than £10 million does that, some to smaller extent some to larger.
  12. I guess you mean injectors? Yes they are ~£500 each. I assume the only option is to find them used (~£145 each around here), maybe you can find somebody that refurbishes them? Search for part 23670-29105 in ebay. Long term I would advise getting rid of IS220d, because this model is nothing but trouble.
  13. Yeah, exactly! As I said - big funds have to write off some cash, because for them it is like use it or lose it situation. They don't look into profits and money like me or you, for them it is more like supermarket gift coupon that expires on 1st of January. They have £538 billion in the fund, so they need to lose some value over the year, because if they keep increasing it by 8% or whatever market, then that will be worth £43billion, capital gains from that will be 20%, so they literally have £8 billion to waste! On top of that most likely the investment in company like Lucid may be considered desirable and there may be government grands for it, so not only that they don't pay tax investing in such company, but they as well get grants for it! Now I am not saying nobody should invest in companies like Lucid, I am just saying what looks $billions lost and "making loss per car" first of all is just normal for any capital investment, secondly they not even losing anything. At least in 19th Century when magnates were building railway they used their own fortune up front, not same magnate equivalents using tax savings on building that capital (although I am not sure there were no such scheme in 19th century either).
  14. No a fair comparison - you comparing 5L V8 vs. 2.5L V6 - IS250 will never sound like IS-F, but it sounds decent enough. Not that I would advise having semi-straight pipes on daily car, but it is possible to make IS250 to sound little bit more proper.
  15. Yeah in some location in central London, Cambridge, Oxford and few other anti-car cities they have "decibel cameras", although if you nor revving your car it should be fine, even straight piped IS250 would not be very loud when idling. So you can do whatever you like as long as you pass emissions... and by "straight pipes" - I mean leaving primary catalytic converters in place (removing them would be immoral and illegal), but removing everything after that (secondary cats, resonator, back-boxes/silencers). The car will NOT sound like that (because this is American completely straight pipe - nothing left in terms of catalytic converters + you get "Christmas tree on the dash" as a bonus or maybe o2 sensors are plugged). But it will sound somewhat loud when revved:
  16. Beautiful car and seems to be fully loaded, can't really tell you how much you should ask for, but if you not in the rush, then just buy the highest cost package from Auto-traded (it is £60-80 if memory serves), list it there and forget about it (it allows you unlimited number of re-lists). Cars like this will take some time to sell privately. I was selling my RC200t which I would argue is even less desirable, but the car had every option, had full dealer history, was detailed and kept in the garage under the cover and I didn't budge at all on price. I bought it just pre-pandemic December 2019 form Lexus for £15,500, I have listed it for £19,000 and after 8 months guy came and picked-it up for £19,000... I think all he got from me was 80% full tank and keychain. When cars have all options and are in great condition there is no basis to negotiate the price, I literally said to few buyers "I will not negotiate over the phone, come, see the car if you find any imperfection then we can negotiate", the first guy that came could not find any issue, measured paint thickness etc. All was perfect. He was the only one who came and he bought the car. My car had 54,000 miles, but bear in mind this was the middle of pandemic and the highest price point ever. I have seen he tried to sell the car again last year for £20,000 and it sold, I just doubt it sold for £20,000 as the prices were already on the way down. Your car with 20k miles and all option should not have issues selling and I doubt there is anything to pick-on, just some time to wait for the right buyer.
  17. Depends on time perspective, yes it is probably weakest in like 4 years -yes! But we forgetting how ridiculous were the priced during pandemic. So it may be little bit down for many RC-F to be under £30k now, but it is not unusual at all, in 2016-2017 there were already RC-F for £25,000, bare in mind those where 3 year old cars back then, now they are 8 year old cars. The cheapest one I can remember was white on black basic model (meaning no-TVD, no-PCS, no-Sunroof) with £40k miles for £23,888 - that is in 2016 or maybe 2017! There was another white with sunroof and red seats for £24,000 with 36k miles, I should have taken screenshots really as it is hard to prove now. And the prices were around this point (£25-30k) between 2016 and 2019, then pandemic kicked in and suddenly all RC-Fs become £32,000+ (except one Cat-N that was lingering for a while at £16,000-£19,000 price point with very horrible repair job, I even considered PX-in my RC200t for it with RC-F owner paying some money to me, but ended-up deciding against such foolish move). That said I agree on perspective - it seems that pandemic craze is going away and cars will start depreciating again, or have already started catching-up with were they should be. Note as well that IS-F at this stage in their life (~8 years old) were already getting close to £10,000... the nicer ones where like £14,000-£16,000. So if RC-F were to catch-up with depreciation levels it mean to have had if not for pandemic, then the prices could really look bleak for current owners looking to sell.
  18. Don't forget that loss could be offset by tax write-offs, this is how all UK Insurance companies claims not to make any profit ever. As well this "$225,000 loss per car" is horrible misinterpretation of what is going on. They simply divided total money lost, by the number of cars sold and that is the figure. It does not mean they selling cars at loss, but for company that is growing it's market share and developing new products this is normal. If it costed them $2 billion to build a factory and they only sold 15,000 cars for $50,000 each, then you inevitably making $1.25 billion loss. Even if to build each car only costs $15000 and they making gross profit of $35000 per car. Making net loss in the end is normal for new company which is building capacity and market share, and it is beneficial for investment fund as they write-off loses against taxes. It is basically free money they write-off and tax payers are basically picking-up the bill. Because when we lose money we lose money, but when fund loses money they just offset their taxes from gains elsewhere.
  19. I didn't say you were the one who burned it - I am just saying it was not fixed correctly. First of all it is a fuse and fuses are not repairable as rule of thumb, so as Colin suggested - bypassing the burn contact is not a great idea. Secondly, fuses usually does not burn without other fault, so there is likely some other fault to be fixed before you replace fusible link. Replacing fusible link is little bit fiddly, but not a disaster, it took me maybe 2 hours. That cables are cut - that is not an issue at all, they are screwed in with screws, so having cables there are actually nice as reference (otherwise just take the picture before removing them). BUT - as I said, you need to find the issue first, just replacing fusible link is likely blow the new one again if the issue is not fixed. So - identify and fix the issue and get new fusible link then.
  20. Okey... I think now I understand what is going on... So you had blown combination fuse (also know as fusible link) i.e. this thing: THEY ARE NOT REPAIRABLE... you have to replace them. Now further I suspect that somebody messed with your car electronics and the reason it was blown is something else. So basically you fixed it, it worked for some time, something shorted again as it was not fixed and you back to the problem you had. You need serious auto electrician here, first they need to find what is blowing your fusible link, there will be short somewhere, but Lexus IS is not the simplest car when it comes to electrical problem troubleshooting (they are reliable, but if somebody comes and messes them-up it is real nightmare to find the issue), then they need to replace fusible link.
  21. Just word of caution here - being final model year of the car, your car came with facelifted headlights and tail lights. I understand they may not be to your taste, but they are THE MOST EXPENSIVE lights bar non for this car model (well I guess IS-F rear tail-lights are more rare and expensive). As well being last revision of Xenons in front they are the best in terms of actually lighting-up the road and vision at night. So whatever you fit performance and price wise will be a downgrade. I understand you may want something different style and modernise the car and that is fine, just don't throw what you have away. At least £600 for pair of fronts and probably £300 for pair of rears. Apart of that you, in terms of quality everything will be downgrade, so I would not worry too much, choose the style you like, make sure they have correct markings (i.e. being certified and legal to use in UK) and that is about it. Vlands are standard option, Vland basically is generic name nowadays for aftermarket lights on Lexus, real Vlands are semi-decent (not as good as what you replacing, but not terrible), but there are loads of horrible quality Vland lookalikes. One other thing to note when ordering - you will need lights without AFS and with DLR, they are slightly different connectors (or internal wiring) and I believe lights for your car will be slightly more expensive. Majority of the lights you will find will be designed for older model trying to imitate face-lift lights you already have, so they have AFS connection but not DLR, I know that DLR compatible aftermarket lights exist, but you need to make sure you get right ones. For exhaust, the cheapest mod and the one I recommend you to start with - just cut the resonator that comes after Y joint, that will generally make car louder, but should not drone. SS tends to drone (just properties of the material), seems fine at first but very quickly get's old. If you still not satisfied with sound after cutting the resonator out, then replace rear section of exhaust with smaller silencers, but at this point you may want to put some sort of resonator back, even if it is just straight perforated pipe inside. Generally speaking IS250 does sound nice, but not exceptional, it is V6... it is possible to straight pipe them for maximum effect and they don't sound too horrible, but the question is how antisocial you want to go, or if you want to keep it civil. I have already answered your bumper question.
  22. Easier to show than explain, so below clip shows exactly what you need to do in this case. The only thing I would do differently - I would not use my finger to dab it, there are tools for that. Or if you need to use the finger (sometimes you just want thin layer, but really push it into the scratch and not make too much of the hump, hence he is using finger) then put nitrile glove on it. Kind of weird that he used brush with glove, but then he used his finger without them... anyway enough nit picking, the results were great. Will never be perfect, but nobody apart of you will know that:
  23. I know that in Lexus sunroof robs quite a lot of space (like 2 inches), not sure specifically about 2010 LS, but if you have option of DVD which is mounted in the middle, maybe it takes further space away from the headroom, if both sunroof and DVD are combined, maybe that adds-up to your issue.
  24. To be honest 5th seat in any saloon/sedan is kind of afterthought, being LS-L it is certainly has more space than most of other cars in the rear. I would not say it is only good for a child, although to be honest my experience is based on rending LS460L in Bahrain and it was 5 fully grown men in the car and I don't remember anyone complaining about space. Is it as comfortable as other two seats? - no, obviously it isn't and that is true for any car. The point of it is really just to open the arm rest (which ideally should have spaceship like controls) and be used for two people in the back. Now to be fair rear seat comfort was never my priority, so perhaps I didn't pay too much attention to it, but even normal LS has ample space in the back and LS-L, really shouldn't be short of it, but middle seat will remain middle seat. Perhaps SUV/MPV would be better for sitting 3 in the back.
  25. 8L is still way high, especially at relatively low speed of 110km/h, it should be closer to 6L at those speeds. Not sure what you mean by "convert".
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