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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. Yes I agree, although as mentioned MOT and visual inspection was carried away 2.5 month before I bought the car. On the day I inspected it as much as it is possible on the dealer lot the brakes looked sorry for themselves. Sales assistant promised to check them again, but never did. And indeed wear indicators should be a thing, and I believe they should start making horrible noise around ~2mm. I think on RC it is just metal tab like below and not asensor Would it be some dodgy private seller, I would not be surprised they could have removed it, but that is why I would always take car for inspection after buying it on the street. This being sold as used approved from main dealer I did not expect any shenanigans. As well worth nothing that some aftermarket pads does not come with wear indicators and as I have no history which would indicate pads were ever changed by Lexus, it is possible that previous owner replaced them with something not genuine. Either way I asked Lexus Woodford to keep all parts they replace and I will pick them-up.There is still very slim possibility, that they are trying to up-sell me brake-job without it being actually needed. But I would say that is very very unlikely, considering that I made comments myself about brakes not looking well nearly 3000 miles before and recently pointed noticed scraping noise they have certainly didn't become better over that time. And just to note - it wasn't "screeching" noise from wear indicator, it was more like slight scrapping noise you would have if caliper is maybe a bit stuck and brake-pad drags a little bit after you let the brakes off.
  2. Yeah - funny enough they have their own MOT centre, so they literally test their own cars.... Not suggesting anything, but conflict of interest is appar.... I mean... "possible". In other hand I don't think it is unusual for larger franchises to have MOT centres of their own, so maybe industry wide issue.
  3. @Stew-R - in UK IS-F comes with every single possible extra which was available in IS mk2, including dynamic cruise control for example. Now it depends on what options you going to get on JDM car, but at least US imports have really poor level of equipment. Take for example ML sound system, in IS-F it is standard in IS350 it is possible to get a car with poverty line 6-speaker "radio". If we just take UK cars, then yes difference is minimal - DRCC and ML were main features, the only optional thing depending on your taste could be sunroof - optional across the range. ohhh and you get real Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer interior trim if that is your thing! IS-F has better residual value as well and likely to maintain value in long term. I would even argue that IS350 is "un-sell-able" car in UK, which means to get anyone interested into it you will have to discount it significantly. This is to do again with all "imported cars" related issues and limitations. In short this means you really have to commit to IS350 and keep it for very long time. IS-F I may argue is in high demand, so you may drive for few years and as it seems now - sell it for profit. And that all again goes down to you actually being able to get IS350 inclusive of all costs for £10k and IS-F staying at ~£15k (few years ago it was possible to pick one up for 10-12k). Now again my knowledge my be obsolete, but few years ago JDM IS350 and any reasonable condition and equipment were selling close to £10k, even the dirtiest and cheapest were like £6.5k and I have doubts that you could actually get the car from Japan all inclusive for under £3.5k The transmission issue affects all super-saloons, but in my many years being interested in Lexus I have only heard it happening twice - once in Australia and one in UK. It goes without saying the fault didn't happen when just cruising on motorway or visiting shops. Cars were frequent on tracks (which they should be) and not exactly original.. I mean it "could have" contributed to the fault. That said there is massive difference between what you have in IS250/350 - 6 speed automatic transmissions gear with limiter and in IS-F where you have properly manually shifted 8 speed (is it up-to 4th gear if I am not mistaken) which is actually very fast. I guess all boils down into finding IS-F in good condition, but that applies to any car including IS350. Finally, if you really want to know what "BAD" fuel efficiency is then try 200t. On my IS250 I was getting 38/28 and doing exactly the same driving in RC200t I am getting 28/22... The lowest I have ever seen on tank was 24 in IS250 and 17 on RC200t. This is much worse than RC-F or even IS-F. From my experience IS-F can still do ~32-34MPG on motorway and if you really careful you could make it fit 26 per tank. Anyway, I am not tying to discourage you from importing the car, I would have had IS350 myself... would it be available in UK, but I just explaining why they are very rare in UK.
  4. Kind of funny topic, but I really hate indicator stalk on RC... this is not made better by me being religious when it comes to indicating. So the problem is that for some reason Lexus decided to have... not even sure how to describe it "stay in position stalk" - basically it means that when you indicate the stalk not going to stay up or down, but immanently comes back to middle position. To cancel you then have to move it in opposite direction from where you were indicating. As there are no pronounced clicks or positions, this means it is easy to turn on opposite indicator by accident. It may be thing which depends on personal taste, but I always hated this type of indicators - I am not much into BMW culture, but rumour has it some BMW drivers uses this an excuse not to use indicators at all ... and I understand why - it is better not to indicate at all, then to indicate 6 times backwards and forwards incorrectly before you can switch off the dang thing! I believe IS mk3 has the same thing, but no other Lexus has it - not CT, not NX, not RX, not LC and not even ES - so I am not sure why it was decided for this to be a thing in only IS/RC. I know that theoretically there are 4 positions, 2 being temporary - so if you change the lane you push it half way-up and in blinks 3 times and stops, whereas if you want to indicate for a while, then you pull it all the way and when you turn the wheel ~45 degreed, to one side and then back it cancels. Problem is that there are no real steps so it is easy to pull it all the way when changing the lane or overtaking and slight movement of steering wheel is not enough to cancel it. Equally, when cancelling it is easy to turn it in opposite side... I mean just look at instruction - you need 4x4 table to operate indicators! Anyway, maybe I am the only one weird like that, but this drive me crazy... to the point I am actually considering whenever there are any ways to replace the stalk from... I don't know.. NX or something. So I guess the question - is there any compatible cars where the change would be pug&play ... and if not - is it even possible without full custom steering column?
  5. There are few, including one TOMS45s. I think the reason not many people are doing it is that after all costs of importing IS350 to UK and changing what is needed it costs as much if not more than IS-F. Arguably, IS-F is better value for money, has more stuff in it and at the end of the day probably cheaper to insure than "grey" imports. On this being viable really depends on getting IS350 at next to 0 cost in Japan. I guess current firm prices on IS-F made it more feasible, but when IS-Fs were trading all day long for £12k this wasn't that feasible to do. Really sad Lexus decided no to sell 350's in UK, I certainly would have had RC350 instead of anaemic RC200t
  6. Not sure how much is "considerable" increase in revs, but for all cars I ever had revs would increase by 100, maybe 200 revs when AC is running in stationary car. I just assumed it is normal. Although, it seems that 4l V8 should not feel much of challenge from running AC compressor even when idling.
  7. Yes, I agree in general, but not sure it will work here. My "charm attack" was when we agreed the list of issue to be resolved with the car before purchase, however I feel Lexus Reading or at very least sales assistant in his personal capacity were not dealing very fairly. For example when he agreed to inspect the car for me - guess what? That inspection in December never happened, the only report they have is from October. I assume because car was priced to sell (RC200t are particularly difficult to shift), they had no margin on it and they definitely had no desire to put all new brakes around and only promised to inspect them to facilitate the sale. That said it isn't really my issue, they have standards to adhere to and they should have sold me car as agreed and as required by Lexus QA. So that said, I don't believe being nice is going to work in this particular situation. For the particular reason you mentioned (not making threats) I first e-mailed the sales assistant himself so he could have a chance address the issue before it is escalated. Even when confronted with inspection report from another dealership which indicates brakes were not so good after, he straight away started looking for excuses. And I wasn't very aggressive either - started with all standard "hope you well" stuff and just said that after less than 3000 miles brakes have failed and car is in different dealership waiting for my approval to carry out the work. I replied to original e-mail where we agreed the list of items to be fixed and just said "I hope you agree this is not normal wear and tear and you will be able to cover cost of repairs". To that he straight away sent me aforementioned "visual inspection" and didn't even bother to start any negotiation. If they would be willing to budge at all, then perhaps they could have started from something like "we can replace pads, but not disks, or disks, but not pads, or cover costs partially". But now their positions is - "we have nothing to do with this car". One other thing Lexus technician told me - they probably be more likely to cover costs if the car would be in their workshop, obviously in that case they would need to cover only wholesale price for the parts. As it is now in different Lexus franchise, they basically have to cover whole retail cost of parts and work. But hey! They had a chance to address those issues when they had car for 2 weeks in their workshop preparing it for sale. As always I will remain very professional with them. Currently, I have just replied with points I have mentioned above - their report is no good, no inspection which we have agreed before the sale, brakes disappeared after 2845 miles and if they not willing to cover, then I feel they miss-sold the car to me. He has not responded.
  8. Thanks for quick response, Yes I was thinking along the same lines. I have report from Lexus dealership, so I guess it as good as it get's. I do hope I don't need to sue them and merely the threat of lawsuit will do, but I am prepared to go all the way 🙂 In meantime I made a complaint to Lexus UK as well, not that I think it is going to help me much, but I feel the service at Lexus Reading misrepresents generally good experience people have with their Lexus ownership.
  9. @whiteman - I did quite along test drive in one and was extremely disappointed with. Most complaints were specifically with how "trashy" it sounds, it think "weedy" is a compliment for that car. Well or I guess you have not pushed it far enough - sounds starts off with being disappointing when you push it halfway and turning into outright awful when you give it a proper go. Obviously, on top of that I was not keen of how slow it was and other things... Really really disappointing car to drive - it looks amazing when stationary, but as soon you start going it does not take long to realise it is "all just show and no go". RC200t is slightly better in that regard, sounds slightly better, has a little bit more power, has unreasonable fuel consumption - literally higher than 5L RC-F and at the same time is even less reasonable purchase (to my dismay),
  10. Hello all, I haven't spend much time in forum lately, frankly because I am not that please with my Lexus ownership anymore. That said it just got worse recently - driver seat motors failed and I had to get them checked under warranty (will be fixed by the warranty as well). So that is kind of good - Lexus warranty experience was very good, no questions asked Lexus Woodford handled all communication, I only had to bring the car in and get it fixed. However, just before that job being carried out I noticed scrapping noise from brakes, mostly from the front when I let it off, so I asked for car to be inspected and sure enough there are no brake pads left. Front "under 1mm", rear 1mm, both brake disks lipped, front below minimum thickness and the scrapping noise is because inner front pads do not exist - it is braking with metal backing plate. I would generally be embarrassed "letting myself down" like this, but here is the kicker - since I have bought the car I barely covered 2845 miles. Due to covid I work from home so I rarely ever user the car (maybe once or twice a month) and all my driving was long motorway journeys in very pleasantly quiet motorways, so completely destroying brakes was not achievable. Money wise - all pads and disks around the car - £1,155.00. When I inspected car before purchase I have noted that brakes "look" very worn - front disks had noticeable lip, rear disks have deep groves, I could not inspect pads much as they are no very visible behind calipers. I have raised it with sales assistant as a thing which need to be replaced, but he insisted car has passed inspection and MOT. Eventually, we agreed that brakes will be checked again before I pick-up the car and if worn below "required level" they will be replaced. I have noted all that and e-mailed the list of thing we have agreed to address with the car to sales assistant before wiring the deposit. On the day I was picking up the car brakes still looked worn, but I was told they passed inspection - generally I don't take c*** like this, but after all it is authorised Lexus dealership, they must adhere to Lexus QA, so I was thinking "perhaps they know what they are doing". Worst case scenario it is agreed in writing and car is under warranty, so what could go wrong?! Sure, comes... now. To quote Lexus technician "even if you drove it like you stole it, it is not possible that you worn down the brakes like that in 2845 miles". Point being, brakes were actually very low when I picked-up the car and what bother me most - would I have driven my standard 14k miles per year, the car would have been unsafe to use withing 2 months, 10 month before MOT and next service. It is really poor that Lexus Reading let the car off like that - not even ready to be driven for next service period. So with all above in mind I reached out to Lexus Reading, saying basically please pick-up the replacement costs, because you have miss-sold the car to me, I have pointed out the issue to you, which you agreed to inspect and if necessary to fix and you just done nothing with it and sold me the car which was not ready to be used - arguably unsafe. They responded with following excuse - "car passed MOT and visual inspection in October 2019", where it states remaining pads are 5-6mm and thus it is wear and tear and as expected they won't cover any costs for fixing it. Now the issue with that is - I have picked-up the car on 20/12/2019, they "visual" inspection was on 11/10/2019 (2.5 month before the purchase) and it was multiple inaccuracies e.g. mileage is 500 miles higher than at the time I picked-up the car, tyre brands and thread depth incorrect and there are a lot of thing like "4-5mm", "5-6mm" indicating it was literally a visual inspection and not proper proper measurement etc. Point being - I neither consider it to be comprehensive or accurate test, and certainly not representative of the condition when I purchased the car 2.5 month later. Importantly there is no record of them inspecting the car in December, when they have agreed with me to inspect brakes before sale. Ok so to cut the story short - I am planning to make complain for miss-selling, but I have few questions and hopefully somebody had previous experience with that: Lexus states SELECT used approved cars are checked with comprehensive 150 points inspection. There are no evidence of that ever being carried out, but I wonder if such thing ever exists - or if they pass 30-point "visual" inspection as "comprehensive 150 point"? If anyone have an example of how comprehensive 150 points inspection report looks like it would be much appreciated. More generally, does inspection 2.5 month before purchase actually counts? Maybe somebody can point out to any contact in Lexus HQ UK where I could generally make complaint? And finally, how realistic is that in 2845miles I have worn brakes pads from 6mm (which I assume is 50-60%) to literally nothing? What is the experience with IS/RC200t are they really "chewing" the brakes like that.. I mean my precious IS250 was known for having "undersized brakes" and it would go through pads in 16-20k miles, so with same driving habits I would expect 6mm to last at least 8-10k miles. Thank you for all the answer in advance.
  11. First of all - no they don't... secondly their new engine in practice (8AR-FTS in particular) is neither more fuel efficient, nor emits less emission. So even if you statement would be true - they still have failed miserably. I am telling you - IS200t is literally less fuel efficient than IS250, if it is less fuel efficient then it means it emits more as well - more fuel burned = more emissions. The 300h is a bit of joke as well - unacceptably slow and fuel consumtion is just mediocre. If they are trying to make half hearted "compliance car", then they simply failed to deliver - look at what BMW is doing - 5/330e are both fast and fuel efficient, merc are doing the same thing with E/C350e. I cannot comment on driving pleasure, but certainly it cannot get much worse than 300h/200t. So Lexus "effort" is just not enough. There are plenty options in between bottom feeding entry-level compliance vehicle and V8, yes indeed the roar makes the driving an "occasion", but more powerful V6 as well could suffice. Again in comparison with 350, the 200t consumes just as much fuel, but is nowhere near as powerful/fast - yes I guess on paper 200t emission are lower, but that is not true in practice. As I said before - Lexus had an option to deliver something truly good or just follow the regulation by the letter to deliver something "compliant" but 💩...
  12. As I have said already (and it seems we agree here) - larger, more thirsty, simpler and older engines makes more economical sense for LPG conversion. I am not really that worried about performance, especially considering that it is possible to make so that performance is not lost - the simple fact is that LPG is cost saving measure. If LPG does not save the cost considering original installation, then it makes no sense. Again - the more economical and complex the car is, the less it will benefit from LPG, and once it goes into figures of 10s of thousands miles the questions should be asked - are you planning to keep the car forever? What if your annual mileage? How many years it will take? Prius example is just silly - what is normal claimed MPG on it... something like 97MPG? Obviously, I appreciate that "real" MPG is going to be like 60, but still the question remains - how many miles you need to do just to cover cost of LPG system. Further prius is relatively simple car with small 4 banger - not comparable to larger and more complex v6s. The diesel stinks?!. ohhhh yes.. because the LPG have a smell of the roses... If one cares about driving please, then certainly straight petrol is least offensive option.. I wanted to say electric, but there are other issues with that. So my point remains - considering average vehicle if one does so many miles that LPG makes sense over petrol, then the answer is - diesel. If one does not do many miles, then system will never pay for itself which defeats fundamental purpose of fitting it. I guess there are always exceptions - like city taxi using diesel is not great, even if it does a lot miles - so perhaps hybrid or electric is be best option. Further how about: Reduced size of the boot Potential risk of fire - yes I know "properly" set-up LPG is "safe", but no one can deny risk is higher than factory fitted petrol... or indeed factory fitted LPG. Difficult to find filling station Difficult to fill Reduced reliability... in general, you adding complex fuel system on another complex fuel system which is not factory installed The smell of farts... and yes I know every LPG owner will say "properly" set-up system doesn't leak and there is no smell, but that is like cat or dog owners saying their pet does not have any smell... yes it does! Just a nature of the thing. In summary it is very simple - there are cars which can benefit from LPG, but IS250 is not one of them. Perhaps the answer is - choose the right size/engine displacement and fuel type car for your needs, or even have multiple cars to get best of both options.
  13. I wish Lexus had improved on what they had instead of this half-cooked hybrid/turbo non-sense.
  14. Consideration is fairly simple - how much fuel your car use, how much it will cost to install the LPG kit + complexity and how many miles you do. IS250 is already fuel efficient car for displacement, most gains are when you equip non-injected car with DI LPG - it is no so much difference in fuel, simply leap in engine injection technology. IS250 is already DI, so not only there isn't much saving to be made, but as well there is additional complexity. The cost of LPG kit varies, but for IS250 it will be complex and expensive + as mentioned it cannot even properly run on LPG or it will cause damage to injectors. How much miles you do - if you do enough miles to justify cost of the kit then you already better of on diesel and if you do not do much miles, then the LPG kit will never cover it's own cost... so why bother. Finally, I appreciate there are cars which can really benefit from LPG (mainly do to option of having DI in older car), like LS400, 430, GS430... they have very strong and still relatively simple port injected engines. So not only the car will run better, but it might even use less fuel + because they use quite a bit of fuel the breakeven point could be much sooner. In car like IS250 LPG is just waste of time and money... and why would anyone even consider it on GS450h is beyond me... or logic.
  15. I believe head gasket and bolts are still the same part number for both new and revised parts (sort of Lexus deying there ever being issue), but Lexus had several "overhaul kits" PN:04111-0R070/71/211 etc. which overtime made engine more reliable - you need to check which is the latest to make sure you get improved parts. There were speculations whenever bolts are new or just replaced as standard i.e. stretch bolts are single use. I never owned IS220d as it does not make sense for my use + Petrol/AT is in any possible way better. The only real benefit (as for any diesel car) is motorway fuel consumtion, but one needs to do a lot of miles and long to take advantage of it. For low annual mileage diesel does not make sense and isn't even that much more economical on short journeys. Just check this forum alone and you will find endless list threads about all issues mentioned.
  16. a. the amount of income tax is higher now than it was in 70's - so I don't know what you talking about. Further, things like fuel duties, VED, Insurance premium tax and mandatory insurance itself has skyrocketed in prices. Government has plenty of revenue to spend if they would be efficient, but obviously they are corrupt instead. b. this is true - nowadays the bigger is the business the less tax it pays... kind of strange. But as pre previous point - there are no shortage of funds... they are just simply wasted via defunct and corrupt system our government is running on.
  17. No... 200t still sounds 💩 what you expect from 4 banger turbo? Below is like £2000 worth exhaust system... I might be spoiled with sounds of V6, but I just don't see how it is worth it? Yes it made it to drone more - wow! Actually, if look to below video then consider 300h sounds twice worse both before and after, then you can get a picture of what can be achieved.. sorry to disapoint.
  18. I would call it simply - Number plate holder. Have you actually tried Lexus, sometimes you will find that their prices are more reasonable than you thought. Yes it is rare but sometimes smaller plastic bits are cheaper new from Lexus than it is from scrap yards.
  19. What you even mean? Yes it is very unreliable by any measure, just look to the forum - there is thread every day with same issues over and over again... For a long time now if anyone comes saying "I want to get Lexus IS mk2" the first response they will get will be "just don't buy IS220d - it is ticking time bomb". To be fair is not that uncommon for modern diesels, especially if driven in short distances. Compared to other diesels - EGR, DPF and Turbo issues are standard on any of them, but head gasket and injectors issues are Lexus specific. Further, IS220d only came with manual gearbox which itself is not great unit. In short IS220d has one of the least reliable engines in existence + not the best gearbox. The service history largely does not matter, because service does not include anything to do with the issues mentioned. Service won't change stretched head bolts and blown gaskets... even under warranty they used to fit entire new engines and the car would comeback few years later with identical issues. First thing to note - they are not designed for short journeys or small distances (like any diesels)... so basically any sort of city commuting is out of question if you want it to last. That said low mileage of your car works against you - this means that the car was driven on short distances and that explains why it already had EGR issues in the past. If you had a car with high motorway mileage you would be more in luck. The people who don't have issues with this car are the ones who commute like 50-80miles every day on motorway and do not stress engine too much + do standard routine of EGR cleaning. Now neither of standard diesel issues really matters if you looking into the tuning - they are caused by people using the cars wrong, not letting engine to warm-up properly, not doing enough miles, long enough distances and not letting DPF to regenerate + due to stupid gearbox ratios keeping the car in too high gear on motorway and preventing DPF regen again (even if they are doing long miles). Your issue will be Lexus specific weaknesses - head gasket and injectors. Both of them are already not up for task and you going to bring more pressure on them. It is basically like acknowledging the car has weak point and saying - "bring it on.. lets see you if blow-up!". So... yes - it is unreliable, 95% of faults with Lexus cars on here are to do with IS220d for one of 5 reasons mentioned and none affect petrol variants, proper service does not help, because neither of the issues are in service schedule. EGR being change in the past means nothing - even if they fitted new one it just gets clogged-up again, so you simply need to clean it routinely. As I have already said, Lexus looked into the issue and fixed most of it in IS200d - they did completely changed the head gasket (which is by the way available for 220d as upgrade), changed head bolts and detuned the engine to 150hp instead of 175hp. IS200d still has all normal "diesel issues" like DPF and EGR, but no longer have issues with head gasket. I have not heard of IS200d having issues with injectors either, so perhaps they improved them as well.
  20. I agree it would be "right thing to do", but sadly we are living in times where police operates like "for profit organisation" and enforcing all the laws are not profitable. However, it is profitable to focus only on those laws which gives best profit margins and that is what they do. Police now treats the laws like toy company treats their lines of toys - some toys sells well, are popular and cheap to manufacture - so they will make more of those. Some other are more complex to make and are not as popular, so they stop making them. How it works with laws? - some are broken more often, are easy to prove and are cheap to enforce. Further you can even artificially make people to break them more often. Perfect example is speeding - requires little investment and almost no maintenance, does not require real officer at all and with new "dumb motorways" they can now change the limit at whipm and crack few thousand more tickets even when people are not actually speeding. Enforcing violations like you mentioned, would require thousands of officers in the fields and hundreds processing files etc. Yes it would make roads safer and driver more compliant, but the cost of administering the whole shabang is much higher. Again - one would think police should have safety and law and order as their priorities and the cost of enforcing it should be more of justified necessity, but that is just not the case. I reached conclusion that believing in police caring about public safety is rather naive concept... and I mean police as an institution - I am sure many individual officers are great people and truly caring..
  21. What is "fun" or "nice" to drive is really subjective, but there are certain objective measurements to compare how well the car behaves. However, I am not surprised that IS250 was more fun and nicer to drive. What I am saying is literally that the car with more hp/ton is slower... it does not "feel" slower - it is slower in 80% of situations compared to IS250. The only real place where 200t is faster is sort of 40-90MPH, which isn't exactly practical.. and yes from stand still to 60MPH would be faster, but just barely and IS250 would still be in front most of the way to like 45-50MPH - this should not be the case considering power/weight ratio. This tells me is that car is not well tuned, the engine and gearbox does not work well together and the car is not optimised to use the power it has efficiently. In itself it is not that surprising - different engine/gearbox options in same model will vary in how refined they are. What is surprising however is that in UK across entire Lexus range (bar LC and F-marque) we only have 2 main engines and both are terribly refined for driving. It seems as if Lexus said - "well those brits are lost cause, they care more about co2/mile and their screwed car taxation system, so let's scramble something passable together - they won't understand the difference as nobody cares about driving there anymore". As for turbo engines being laggy - that should be the "past"... at least according to manufacturers and journalists. It will never feel as "natural" and lineal as NA, but it should not longer be a noticeable issue... or at least that is what they are feeding us to make it easier to swallow downsizing and turbocharging - which seems to be clearly inferior to the engines we had even 10 years ago.
  22. Yes and many other things, which people do all day.. everyday. Plus - who are there to ticket them?! I have seen on several occasion where driver creates a dangerous situation (almost literally crashes into police car) and police just drives away... because they were MET and not highway patrol/traffic police. That is just dumb.. This is why I hate - "policing by automated cameras" system in UK. People now literally drive from camera to camera - comes camera they drive properly and then they drive anyway they like in between! Further, cameras only work on some specific simple to prove offences like speeding and red light, but are completely blind for more nuanced things - like lane hogging, tailgating, cutting off, indicators etc. And it is getting increasingly worse - at least that is my experience driving 12 years in London.
  23. In supermarkets I honestly don't mind - I mostly park in reverse, but sometimes it actually makes sense not to. For example if you planning to load something in the boot sometimes it is difficult to get to it etc. so I am not overly judgemental about others not doing it. However, it drives me mad when people park front forward in their drives or parking spots on the the side of main road and then reverses back into traffic to get out...The latest trend now is not only to reverse into traffic on your side... but reverse across entire road into opposite direction. That is outright moronic and it is seriously dangerous. Obviously they cannot see at all, so they simply reverse slowly and hope that somebody going to let them in and not crash into them.
  24. The chances of getting mint IS-F or any car "cheap" have always been "very very very very slim". Further, what ones considers "mint" and "cheap" is kind of subjective and changes from time to time. However, getting IS-F for £9000 is completely possible, in fact one is listed now at this price on FB marketplace. Whenever that is good car or not will depend on many circumstances and one's perspective. The cars which hangs around are those "where price does not meet the condition". It could be low mileage car in "mint" condition for simply too much, or high mileage car in poor condition for very little... it does not matter in what condition the car is - as long as the price make sense in given market conditions it will sell.
  25. I think there are two parts to this story and that creates sort of mixed feelings. Form one side it is ridiculous that somebody could not park the car without rear camera. This is actually wider issue in UK - driving is very inclusive and a lot of people who should not be behind the wheel ended up driving and not losing their license. Pretty much as long as one is slow and careful - that is "good enough" even if they are creating traffic jams by constantly driving far too slow and could not park car properly.. it is fine just "take your time". The story linked plays on the same line - "if she cannot park without aligning the lines on the camera, she should not be driving at all!". To be fair that was my first thought... However as @Shahpor said - if the camera is genuinely not straight that is a fault. Why should anyone accept to live with that in their car?! Even though I don't need camera to "align" when parking it would drive me nuts seeing that and living with it. I would raise it with Lexus as well and would ask it to be rectified. I think the important part of this story is that Lexus seems to have admitted to the fault but just fobbed off the owner - this in itself becomes more of an issue than her skill or even whenever the car is faulty or not. If the camera where straight, then why would they provide the credit for upgrade etc?! and if it not straight then it is kind of embarrassing Lexus was not able to do such as adjusting it. So in summary, by focusing of the driver inability of ... well driving. We kind of sideline genuine fault with the car - which may be small, but still a fault and should have been fixed. Actually, think about this - what if you steering wheel would be not dead straight? I had it once and it would drive me crazy... the tracking was fine, car would go straight, would not pull, but the wheel was maybe 3mm to the side. One could say it is not important... wheel is round if you leave it alone the car go straight and no function was impacted by this, but still it feels wrong! I find this very similar - one could adapt to wrong lines, or use the mirrors, but this does not change the fact lines are not straight!
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