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  1. @Mossypossy - I am very interested as well where they got £500 "immaculate" GS450h which apparently was being scrapped! The idea is interesting, but the article is false "to electric power for the princely sum of just under £900." This is what - cost of the labour of just removing the engine? The idea is very good and not new or original either, to be honest if I would not be working in financial sector, then this would be my ideal work (maybe I will do it when I retire). There is huge potential in these conversions and as car enthusiast I love to see cars preserved and resurrected for second life. However, costs are nothing like that and there are no such culture to make this feasible business (not only in UK, but around the developed world). Issue is not ICE, issue is consumerism - people want new thing even if their current things are perfectly good. A lot of cars meets premature demise for this reason and pollution from this is many times bigger than pollution from transportation itself. So going back to why this article is nonsense - yes indeed you can transplant crashed Leaf or Tesla battery into body of old or classic ICE car. Cost of ICE car is what? Well let's say £2000-5000 depending on condition. Cost of crashed Leaf is what - another £2000-5000. Then you have to deal with simple maintenance and making your "host" car body road legal and safe to use. It doesn't seem like much, but if you taking 30 years old shell, there will be problems - so just as a ball park add another £1000 per corner, on suspension, rust etc. And then comes the labour cost - standard engine swap is easily £3000-5000 if there is no major custom fabrication needed, but with EV conversion fabrication is always needed! High voltage components are not cheap either. So to be on the safe side - £5000-£10000 just for work. What we have in the end is that the swap will cost at least £13,000 and depending "donor"/"host" you choose the complexity may wary and it could easily cost more than £20,000. If you think this is "steep" then check some professionals who does such conversions and see what answer you will get. yep - Fiat 500 - £22,000 and you will find this price quoted times and times again. I assume it could be done little bit cheaper, maybe indeed you can have GS in good shape for £3000 (saving of £7,000 right there), but it would still be in ballpark of "tens of thousands" - besides GS will require much more batteries and much larger motor to run than Fiat 500 (so saving on one side, cost on another). This article assumes that you miraculously have mechanically "perfect" old ICE car for free, you have electrically "perfect" EV as donor, you are advanced mechanic with space and time to work on them and you have all tools which costs thousands of £ to do it all. Not to mention such modification are legally complicated, you may struggle to insure the car afterwards, you may not get benefits of car being considered EV without lengthy and extensive process to legitimise the car as EV... and you may not even get the required components for it as basically you need to patiently wait for somebody to crash Tesla next door! I am sorry but I would call this article "naive" if not little bit dumb... perhaps somewhat true if you have your own car repair+modification+trade business and you can get some magic deals and merge two cars together for "princely sums", but for 99% of inhabitants of this planet this does not apply. As saying goes - "If it sounds too good to be true then. it probably is... "
  2. Are you confused @Mincey? I was confused as well when I came to London like 12 years ago... you see I came from republic with "two tier system", where everyone are equal by the law, but some are "more equal". That is - if you rich you still going to get arrested, but the sentence will be more lenient then in case you just normal person or poor (in which case you will feel full brunt of the law). It is somewhat similar in UK - look at Mr. Sir. Lord. King. Philip Green, he goes around pillaging pension funds, gutting companies, leaving tens of thousands unemployed, paying himself £1.5bn in dividends, living in £200mln mega-yacht in Monaco and facing no consequences ever. Although, I despise such "two tier system" I was used to it. However, what confused me the most - in UK it seems you have "four tier system", you could be normal working person in which case you have to follow the law, have insurance etc,, or you could be violent criminal in which case you will be arrested and put in jail, or you could be rich in which case you going to avoid jail, but as well there is forth group with acronym S.C.U.M. - that is poor antisocial group which isn't violent, but equally law does not really apply to them. This is the same group which could drive around with 68 points on the license, without MOT or Insurance and somehow there is nobody to stop them! It is really confusing for me why this is allowed to happen... I don't have answer either - just seems like government is only interested in applying the law if there is money to be recovered.
  3. This actually makes sense, every-time I drive I am surprised that it isn't more common. I have no clue how some people got their driving license here?! I would say in London rules somewhat applies just around speed/red light cameras or bus lanes with cameras - if there are no cameras around it feels like there are no rules. And indeed most of the contraventions are minor - like not indicating, turning around where one should not do it etc. But overall, it is clear that people do not know the rules... I am not angel either, but at least I know what I am doing on the road... but it is evident that many other drivers just don't know. Finally, let me tell you the story about one lady I used to know personally to explain how this "exceptional circumstances" thing work. I temporary rented a room when I was studying whilst moving between campuses and my "landlady" had an antisocial niece who visited like every-other day and she was real nuisance. She was "sole" mother of 4 and every-time I seen her she was either drunk or on drugs. How this relates to the story? Well.. she was driving bashed-up Ford Galaxy and had no insurance, nor MOT... she never had one. Simply bought the car and was driving it. Apparently, she had driving license with 9-points, I have no clue how she got the license, but she had one. And during the period I lived there she used to continuously complain about all the court cases she had to go through. Basically, she would get caught like once a week driving in bus lane or stopped by police for not having insurance etc. the case would eventually go to court and she would go and say that she had "exceptional circumstances". Her excuse was that she had to take her 4 kids to nursery (which was 200 metres away from where she lives) and thus needed the car and pleaded not to give her remaining 3 points which would result in driving ban. I am not sure how many times she succeeded with this plea, but in like 8 weeks I was living there it must have been at least 6 times (she would come and leave her 4 kids with her aunt to attend hearings). The outcome would always be along the lines - police asks for 6 points, driving ban and £1875 fine, she asks to consider circumstances and the court would give her like suspended sentence for 2 days social-work and £45 fine due to "exceptional circumstances". Then she would fail to pay that fine and would get sued again at which point she would say that she has no money to pay it (income support, she was obviously never been employed), fine would be reduced to £28 or something along those lines. She would not pay it again and it would be eventually dropped altogether. How do I know she was not lying? Well... she was registered in that address and she would come to pick-up like dozens of letters with various debts and fines and would go around showing them to everyone... and indeed I seen decision saying that considering "exceptional circumstances" the fine will be reduced to £45 and no point will be issued. RIDICULOUS!
  4. I actually quite like it, clean minimalist and partially retro design. I think they kind of succeed if you consider spiritual inspiration for this model was:
  5. @javadude - few things to note here... One you comparing it with "now", whereas I am sure energy demand for EVs will rise by 2025 and 2030. It is inevitable that cars will have bigger batteries and longer ranges. So I would expect that even 150KW chargers will be necessity, never mind 22KW. Secondly, even if we take most favourable example for the powergrid and say that cars will be charged only every other day and only for the mileage they do (instead of 0-100%) that still going to require a lot of PEAK power. We may have sufficient energy production overall (heck we waste like 50% of energy produced), but we still don't have sufficient peak capacity. Even if I only need to recharge 55miles of range after I am back home, it still going to require full 7KW (or 22 or 150) for that short period. Perhaps I only need to charge it for 20 minutes, but does everyone else. Result everyone plugs their cars when they get home and we will have black-outs. Sure there are solutions for that - like smart charging stations where you will be able to plug-in your car when you got back home, but it only starts charging when there is capacity for it. I see issues even with that, but that is another discussion. Finally, don't expect electricity prices for motoring to stay low. Fuel is cheap as well, for example when petrol costs £100.0p/Litre the actual cost of fuel is just 13.25p (+59.75p duty, +~7% distributor retailer costs + 20% VAT). The reason you get electricity cheap is because it is subsidised at the moment. Once we have more EVs I am sure there will be different tax. Most likely you will have to pay per mile you drive (which is kind of fair). But the point is - via road tax and fuel duties government currently rackets £40bn out of motorists, when we switch to EV they will find other ways of getting same £40bn out. Even if we all stop driving and we switch to bicycles they then going to charge bicycles... if we stop cycling then they will charge us for walking, if we stop walking they will charge us for breathing. Point is - that money will be paid into the budget no matter what, if not from transportation then from general taxation. EVs are just initiative where you can temporary thrive on the backs of other people like us (ICE owners) who have to pay tax for you, but it won't be forever.
  6. Yeah... seen that... makes me sad that Lexus spent so much money in developing such great car and technology and only ended-up making few hundred examples. Feels almost criminal for me not to continue with it. Once it is all developed (that is where they spent $1 billion) it really doesn't cost as much to continue making it - yes first 1000 cars costed them on average 1 million to make and they lost money selling it for $300k, but second 1000 would not cost much extra at all. Obviously, I am not expecting these cars to be cheap or many of them to be sold, but making it available would be even bigger statement then just making 1000 cars for collectors and closing the shop. Maybe even making LFA mk2 with updated interior and technology. Or using some or most of the tech in LC-F, somehow I think that developing new LC500h "multi-stage hybrid system" costed far more than just making 10000 more LF-As.
  7. You are welcome, there are many members from other countries. Most of internet shops will deliver parts to Denmark as well (eurocarparts, carparts4less, As a matter of fact some of them are not even based in UK e.g. posted their parts to me from Germany and the box says that company is actually (registered in Germany). As such if you got to you will see it is the same site, just called differently - the underlying company is still German. That said Lexus is very rare in UK as well (in whole Europe to be honest), from "European" countries the only one where Lexus is little recognised is Russia (if you call it European). As such Lexus parts are difficult to come by across EU. If you really need something unique to Lexus and not shared with Toyota (most parts are shared) then your only option is to order them from US e.g. - sometimes they are subject to import duties, sometimes not, but be sure to factor it in when ordering. Generally, ordering from US still works out the same as getting parts from EU, most often little bit cheaper if the part is small and especially if EU fails to apply duties.
  8. Yes but the car in question has aftermarket lights, not the original Lexus FL ones with DLR's. Hence I was little bit surprised you struggled to find them... and yes I agree it is nearly impossible to find OE Lexus FL lights for sale, the only option is to pay like £1600 per unit from Lexus itself.
  9. If that is what satisfies you, then a way to go. Although, standard projector lights are quite weak and are you sure you OK without auto-dimming mirrors? seems minor thing, but could be very annoying. ML on IS mk2 is little bit pointless. Standard system is already 13-speakers and ML adds 1-speaker in the centre console (the speaker layout is slightly different). Yes ML amp is better, but equally it is known to go wrong more often - all in all minor difference. People realised that and not many cars with ML were sold, as result Lexus realised they gave mk2 too good standard system and in mk3 they put standard system so bad that upgrade is necessary. There are minor benefits of ML e.g. if I am not mistaken it should accept DVDs, but is that really relevant anymore? The only benefit I see is that SE doesn't have headlight washers - they are just so annoying! 😄
  10. First link when I google "Lexus IS250 Headlights": Maybe not exactly the same, but you get the point - they are plentiful on ebay/alibaba/aliexpress.
  11. No it doesn't, it just leaves your DERV in the puddle of oil and trail of black smoke behind you 😄 It is called "self destruct button". Turbo Diesels are inherently highly tunable for few reasons. One is that they already have turbos, so simply adding more air and more fuel makes more POWWWA! Secondly, because most of existing TD engines are tuned with quite big reserve in power so that they can last quite long time. Any tuning is always balance between reliability and power, but reasonable tuning could make car more powerful without compromising much on reliability. Neither of these benefits applies for 2AD-FHV, because it is inherently unreliable and bad engine - Lexus already took it past reasonable compromise from the factory and it is simply not fit to do even the 179hp. This is exactly reason why Lexus detuned the engine to fix it and hence why 2AD-FTV exists. 150hp is the most this engine can do whilst staying somewhat reliable. Could you take it to 215hp... I guess you can... you can probably even take it above that... but this means your engine just going to be more likely to grenade itself even more immanently than otherwise. I have seen some many such DERV racer wanabees with deleted DPFs claiming to have opened pandora boxes with their IS220d, just to see the cars being shifted for £500 with "engine defects". Conclusion - if you want to tune TD engine and make power, at least take reliable one as a basis... not the one which already barely works even at the standard tune.
  12. I am pretty confident it is wrap, that is why they not done the door shuts. Either way - somebody made rice rocket out of it and now expects top money for C Cat car. I would say if it would be listed for £850 I would consider it 🙂 but even then risky, nobody knows what is under that nasty wrap. Original paint was the best colour as well dark-blue.
  13. I would not look into SE or SE-i, Sport etc. Reason being - in Lexus you have to get all options straight away, it is not easy to modify, it is often not possible to retrofit or not economically viable. Meaning that if you want to have certain options the safest big is to go for SE-L, second best is F-Sport. It is up-to you whenever you think there is anything you need or don't need and maybe SE has all the options you care about. However, considering SE-Ls sells with very little premium from other trims I would just go for SE-L. I would even take little bit worn down SE-L over better conditions SE... you can still change brake disks, pads, refurbish wheels, change tyres or polish paintwork... but you can't retrofit HID for reasonable price. Again, maybe there is nothing particular which you would miss in SE, but just wanted to warn you that there are quite a few subtle differences between the trims then you may thing and they could be real pain to retrofit.
  14. That you don't have cyclist, then it does not make you in right and me wrong... it is just your opinion. Cycling is as much of transport as horse riding, electric scooter riding and skate boarding - and whilst this is great for leisure (and I love it) it is still retarded way of commuting and transportation... just my opinion. If you want to test may statement "motorists hates cyclists", just add "why" and type the same in google search and you will find million reasons. To be fair - I have not found any good quality statistics which would say "70 or 80 or 90% of motorists hates cyclists", so there is potential the whole "hate" thing is overblown and not as many motorists as one may thing actually hates cyclists. At least I was not able to find and concrete statistics. However, if we flip the questions - how many motorists likes cyclists, how many supports more infrastructure for cycling and more cyclists on the road, then it would be small number. I recognise that this isn't fault of cyclists or motorists, it is fault of government and it is done deliberately.. in my opinion. And how did we get to discussing cycling when topic is IS/RC/GS being discontinued!? Ohhh I know - somebody mentioned that cars being outright removed from the roads is not an issue and cycling or walking being a "future" is the way to go.
  15. Sadly that is not how it works, entire country mentality means that politicians are left uncountable, dozen of cyclists die by cycling between moving traffic on unsuitable roads, dozen of innocent drivers get's thrown in jail for trying to bring food on their family table by commuting to work. And I don't get to work nano-second quicker... I have to pend 1 hour in the traffic over the distance which could be covered in 18 minutes.
  16. OMG.. cyclist apologists... this point of view is so convenient for politicians, they are so glad that majority of people are so easily manipulated like you, because why improve roads, why develop infrastructure when you can simply feed people with bu****t, grass, put them on bicycles and let them rip each-other to pieces. Motorists frankly hates cyclist, because roads are not fit for purpose and on top of all issues you still have to babysit grown up man just in case they ride right into your car. Cyclists hates motorists because they are apparently planet saviours and feel entitled to... and nobody have time to step back and realise one thing - we all just need better infrastructure, better roads and less BS and broken promises! Travelling isn't even an issue when it comes to CO2 and global warming - 10% of total CO2 is transportation, 2.4% commuting in cars, but you guys are just so convenient soldiers, with your heard mentality, cycling, using stinky trains, exchanging diseases, then taking showers at work and putting on suits - heroes! Tap your selves over the shoulder, you saved the planet! Using human as a method or propulsion was, is and will always be retarded and backwards, we are better than that! What is next - instead of heavy oil turbines in tankers we going take 1000 slaves like in ancient times and give them paddles? Cruise industry going to cheer the cyclist mentality coming their way - "they not only pay for cruise, they even row themselves!" The next time you order container from China it will come on top of this (in 800days that is): And I mean we just joking around here, but you need to understand that above is the exact equivalent of bicycle as a form of transportation just in a form of ship. Basically, a device or a vehicle which is powered by human muscle power. It doesn't get more basic than that when it comes to progress, with exception of maybe jumping into river and letting the currents to flush you downstream.
  17. Probably, I should add more details... but either way we don't need to agree, people have different opinions and you don't need to be sorry to have yours! I feel the problem is relativity... things are not good or bad by themselves, but in comparison to other things... First of all I don't need sat-nav in the car to show me where to go e.g. if I am driving from London to Edinburgh, or Frankfurt I don't need sat-nav... Roads have signs and major roads/major cities will be clearly signposted. The only reason for me to use sat-nav is for real time traffic information (so that I can avoid traffic jams) and for calculating quickest route (again linked to traffic conditions). Lexus sat-nav sucks in both - to the level where it is as useful as paper map. Same goes for sat-nav in my RC... it is useless. Simple google maps on my phone will drive circles around build in sat nav and that is what I use and always used, both in my IS and in my RC. So "good" is relative... is it as good as smartphone maps.. no, is it as good as other sat-navs in other car from the same era... even then no... there were probably sat-nav which were worse at the time, but not many. Best system back in the day were BMW iDrive and Lexus is far behind that. If you look into it in isolation - then yes Lexus sat-nav is better than no sat-nav at all... but that isn't high bar to meet is it? Reverse camera is much the same - indeed it may be just the same as 2016 IS300h or 2012 RC450h, but that is because they all have terrible quality cameras. Yes, they are useful in a sense that you can see obstacles, but if we compare to the cars which actually have good quality reverse cameras then Lexus ones are quite bad.. My experience comes from MB rear cameras, they even close when not used so you never have an issue in rain as camera never get's covered in mud. Overall, the best quality camera I have seen was on Nissan Qashqai, just crystal clear in day or night. BMW highlight obstacles in camera view as well, so it not only shows where you reversing, but highlights what you may hit. Again - it would be fair to say it is better than no camera at all, but in comparison it isn't great.
  18. I guess overall - fair enough. We don't need to agree on it... but it seems that in general we do agree. So really we just don't agree on details... just to be clear, I didn't say that people who are cycling are retarded, what I said is that considering cycling as primary method of transportation and future of transportation is retarded. I will start in reverse order... So you say horses are "nice for a hobby but forget the rest" - that is exactly how I see bicycles. I cannot see any reason why a person who can otherwise drive a car would voluntarily choose to cycle instead. It just absolutely makes no sense for me. Now you see where I coming from? For me car is just absolutely, in any way, shape or form superior way of transportation unless situation is exceptional. And I had such exceptional circumstances in my life - when at school I had car and in winter I would drive to school, but school was 2 km away, so as soon as weather was acceptable ~March to October I was cycling to school. For 2 km travel on pedestrian paths and gardens the bicycle was better option indeed, but that was exceptional and not norm. Electric bike costing 5500 euros is as well ridiculous, overall bicycle prices are ridiculous. And here I agree with you. 5500 euros is not even the most expensive one - how comes some bicycles costs £10,000 and £20,000 ?! it is just cannot be explained and stupid. You can buy best superbike, brand new BMW S1000RR costs £15,000, so how comes bicycle costs £20,000? I would say that any bicycle costing over £1000-£2000 is absolute madness - what is so expensive there?! Now in terms of stats you have mentioned I am sure they are correct. However, there are several differences in UK - Holland is basically flat, UK isn't. Holland has cycling infrastructure, UK doesn't.. all the infrastructure we have is unsuitable, it is nothing else but empty words and politics. Bicycle lanes are just painted on the street and conflicts with traffic making it extremely dangerous to both drive and cycle, roads surface is terrible even when you driving, but it is outright dangerous on bicycle. Further we on average live far further from work than you do in Holland. I don't know what the average is, but I live 28km from work and that is considered "close", many people travel from different cities. The whole thing is highly toxic, because government deliberately creates conflict between motorists and cyclists, if you see how cycling infrastructure is made here it is obvious that conflicts will happen. Why it is like that then? Because, it is convenient for government - whilst two parties fights, one is always at fault and other literally dies, the politicians can continue to ignore the needs of both. Here are some stats: Other example, no so long ago I was in China and I remember saying that, if we would have infrastructure like in China I would even consider cycling, they have proper separation, dedicated cycling roads and that makes sense. In UK we don't and the only way to cycle in UK is to put yourself in danger and your health at risk. For my leisure I often cycle more than 28km needed to work, often between 30-50km. But there is huge difference between enjoying yourself on nice forest path in the nature or on the beach and fighting for every inch with buses and truck on dirty and polluted streets. And that is why I do not consider "commuting on a bike" to be a norm. Finally, it depends what work are you doing... if I am expected to wear suit and tie at work, then sorry cycling is not an option for me (nor public transport in my opinion). The only thing I accept as suitable is going to underground parking, getting into clean air-conditioned car, driving directly to another underground car park and getting into the lift. No exposure to elements, stinking or sick people and no sweating. Sure if I am some sort of street artist maybe cycling and ripped jeans goes together very well 😁
  19. Yeah... if you really want to find decent example you kind of need to look nationally. My advise would be to focus on what you need from the car, not where it is based... once you find what you need then you can start looking to your options actually getting it to Scotland. This is not BMW where you can expect 10 to be local to you, Lexus only sold few hundred cars nationally (1300 total)! BMW sold more 430i just in black with red interior alone 😁
  20. Even for a £1000, that is just starting bid! I assume they end blow that, not start!
  21. I think main issue I see with your listing - you looking for low mileage car. That is generally not a bad thing, but total waste of money if you looking for Lexus IS250. IS250 is just such reliable car that you can really get high mileage example in great shape and for very cheap. That is main advantage and saving in IS250. Going after very low miles examples just limits your choice, costs you more money, depreciates more when you start adding miles even has issues related with not being driven and have very little benefits. I am not suggesting to go with 200k miles cars either, but any normal 10-15k miles per year mileage is fine as long as cars has FSH. Meaning that for 2007 car you looking at ~130k miles (that is normal). Another note - I understand you want Sat-Nav, I had cars with and without it... and one thing I can tell - IS250 sat-nav is so bad that it is not worth having. Yes it could be sort of "completionist" thing where you want car with every option, but I never used it even when I had it. Probably the only benefit is reverse camera, but even it has terrible resolution. I like F-sport looks, but I really liked SE-L cooled seats and rear window blind (F-sport don't have either). Let's look to my example - I got 120k miles IS250 in 2014, it was one of the cheapest car on sale at the time which met my requirements - SE-L, Black on Black and it had newer wheels from Advance, so overall good looking car. I think I paid £3995. I went on to drive the car all the way to nearly 200k miles and it never had any serious faults and costed me nothing to maintain. I would still be driving it if not for it being written off as well. The funniest thing it really didn't depreciate much at all insurance valued it at £3750 and I would struggle to find car in similar condition for £4000. Here is some info from my ownership: If you really want to spend £7000 on IS250, then at least look at newer models perhaps with little bit more miles, rather thank only model with absolute smallest mileage.
  22. Yes... sorry that is not future for me. I don't think that I don't like cycling - I love cycling, I grew up cycling, I even did that competitively (thought I was 12 years old) and I did cycle to work when I was 15-16. And this exactly describes my view very well - the only reason why would anyone use bicycle for commuting is if they are kids and cannot have driving license, are too poor to own a car or you doing it for leisure. I still cycle for leisure and I love it, but commuting on bicycle is (in my opinion) retarded, it is backwards, it is not progress and certainly it not future. It is actually more outdated than riding a horse (which I love to do for leisure as well), because when you ride an animal of any sort that is already a progress as you using somebody else muscle strength to move you along, preferably somebody on 4 legs as they are better suited for long distances. Using your own muscles to travel that is stone age level retarded, we are better than that. What is next? no food unless it is grass? I appreciate you providing this article, but do you really believe what it says? Have you tried considering the numbers present? Let's brake it down... so he says that if everyone will switch to EVs the increase going to be only 10% or ~6GWh. Now I would say at very minimum one needs ~22KWh charger to properly charge fully electric car at home. Yes more common home "fast chargers" are like 7KWh, but they are ridiculously slow... even taking EVs with outdated technology like BMW i3 it will take 8hours to charge it with such charger. With improving batteries in EVs and improving chargers 22KWh will be the bare minimum one needs at home and I am think that by 2020 even 150KWh will be realistic. So let's just assume technology does not improve somehow and by 2030 we are somehow stuck with only 22KWh chargers. First of all 99% of homes cannot support 22KWh chargers... and what exactly they are proposing for this issue? Secondly, let's come back to that 6GWh figure... so extra 6GWh could only charge ~ 272,000 cars @22KWh... somehow that seems like "little bit less" than 40 million cars which are currently on the roads (and increasing). Even if we go back to 7KWh chargers that only charges ~900k cars... So no... this figure he is giving cannot be right! Ok...let's look into what it could actually charge, so 6GW/40million = 1.5KWh... Accidentally, my computer power supply is 1500W, that is computer not a car! Seriously, that is not enough for average microwave, never mind car. Just for fun... how long that is going to take to charge aforementioned BMW i3 (which is already very generous as majority of EVs have much larger batteries even today)... it will take just 37.3 hours or 1.5 days. I am sure going out every other day is fine! They probably expect COVID to last forever 😁 So this guy is day dreaming at best, but most likely is simply fraudulent because "national" (private) grid is benefactor of electric revolution. Now obviously I am exaggerating an issue a little bit, because not every EV will need charging every day and at the same time, but I am sure that you can agree the previously mentioned 40GWh figure for 25%EV fleet is closer to reality. Meaning that it could provide ~ 5million slow charging points 7KWh or 1.8 million fast charging points @22KWh , so this is sort of realistic if we consider that from 10 million vehicles not every single one will need charging every day. I still-think this is conservative figure because battery capacity should double few times in decade.
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