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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. Again I don't think running costs are the issue, but punitive insurance and road tax is. The above would really make sense in different country or maybe one day when we have "per mile" insurance and tax. Now the IS-F would cost me £2000 just parked and under cover.
  2. What is your issue? If you post the picture and say you love the looks, it is not unreasonable to expect that there are someone who don't. I didn't say it is a bad car or bad choice, just said that I personally don't like the looks of it - I don't need to pretend it like it if I don't... right?! I know that many people hate how newer Lexus looks - RC for example... like recently one well known youtuber compared it to crasher IS-F and said that RC-F "had an accident from a factory"... and that is fine - "beauty is in the eye of beholder". I understand such bickering by teenagers on social media where everyone are by default in "snowflake mode" nowadays, and all the comments are allowed as long as they are positive, but it seems that most of us are grown-up man here... so it is strange to see such sensitivity when someone has different opinion. btw, my post is not directed at OP, as he didn't have issue with my opinion (yet).
  3. There are certainly P-Zero 245/45/18-95Y rated 67dB, which is as good as it gets for noise, yours (100Y) I guess rated are 70dB... which isn't bad, but sort of average. What I would say as well - noise is personal thing, different people are annoyed by different frequencies and sometimes lower DB level rated tyres noise can be perceived as more "noisy" or simply their noise more annoying. Besides most tyres are more noisy when new until the sharp edges and little rubber bits wears off (say ~1000miles). As you fitted them recently maybe they still needs to "wear-in"? Overall, in my experience I would consider P-Zero to be more comfort oriented tyre, when compared to say more performance oriented PS4s (or even PS4), Conti Sport Contact, more universal tyres like Conti Premium contact 6, GY Asymmetric 5 or Dunlop RT2s. I generally do not recommend Pirelli as I am not that interested in "comfort" and in all other aspects they are much more expensive without delivering much more (sometimes less), but tyres are difficult and subjective topic.
  4. It isn't clear that car needs tyres, brakes or service and even if it does, then I would expect to negotiate this further as default assumption is always that car does not need anything except of what is listed. Sat-Nav in Lexus mk2 is junk anyway, so nothing is lost by it being broken, as I said nowadays putting in £300 android screen would be first thing I would do. So all in all saving £5k for (which is like 30% of cost) for few more miles would make perfect sense if I would be in the market for IS-F. Besides car... may or may not still be on "warrantable" . Lexus is known for accepting warranty on the cars over 10 years old, as long as they are FLSH and under 140k miles.
  5. Lexus calls it "the sports sedan" - so I guess yes... But again - it is not like on 18" is suddenly uncomfortable and moving down to 17" makes all the difference. Yes even I said that "17s are the best compromise for this model", but that is only because it just marginally improves comfort, by just marginally impacting handling. Let's put it this way - if somebody would come and say that they have 17" and they considering 18" to improve handling, I would say it is not worth it. Simply put more aggressive/sporty tyres, maybe pump 2-3more PSI, like wise if we talking about downsizing - not worth it... just put more comfort oriented tyres.
  6. First of all what we comparing? Kia Stinger GTS (3.3tt) vs. Lexus IS300h (entry level poverty line)? - clearly that is not valid comparison, because not only Kia is not a Lexus (like VW is not an Audi, or for that matter Toyota is not Lexus), but as well KIA Stinger GTS is top of the line model ~ comparable with IS350 F-Sport with Premium Package (US price wise). Secondly, not only you comparing 2018 model year Kia with 2013 Model year Lexus, but HUD and 360 Deg Cameras only became standard in 2020 "face-lift" (called "the new" Stinger)... do you see an issue here? Certainly car released in 2018 and face-lifted in 2020 will have better base spec. compared to 2013 car. So, for similar price Lexus certainly includes "multi-adjustable seats" and as well Lexus offers LSS+ from 2017 (if I am not mistaken). Heated rear seats- is that really a valuable option? So whole "better spec'd" argument is not as clear cut as you make it. I do agree that Korean cars seems to come with all "bells and whistles" as they trying very hard to compete on "all boxes ticked" challenge, but comparing it to 2013 Lexus spec just not valid. As such - considering project lifecycle the comparison we should be making is with new "mk3.5" IS350 F-Sport and not with 8 years old IS300h base spec.
  7. Agree regarding mileage and fuel efficiency - I don't understand why people care about fuel efficiency when they not driving much anyway. However, the issue is that in UK you pay same road tax and pretty much same insurance regardless if you do 15k miles or 1500 miles and that really hurts to pay £2000 for insurance and road tax on car just to drive 10 miles every other weekend.
  8. ....not only about looks, but about handling as well. Having square set-up does not improve comfort either, nor staggered set-up reduces it. Car being RWD it does make sense to have staggered set-up, not only to increase the grip in the rear, but as well to make wear on both axles more similar. Besides difference between 17" and 18" in terms of comfort are not as dramatic as you make it sound. If you really want to float in the clouds, then get 16" and put something like 205/65 and just float on the road... without any feel of what the wheels are doing, but in great comfort. I do agree however than Lexus 18" 225/255 are a bit silly and makes car way too much front biased, meaning that despite being RWD car will understeer first (people consider FWD like handling "safe"). More suitable sizes would be 235/245 for IS350 and 225/235 for IS250. This would provide more neutral balance (with just touch of Rear bias) and would make wear more even across the axles.
  9. Just to note - the stock tyres on 18" are not 245, they are 255... that becomes important if you want to calculate speed difference. Obviously, there is and alternative of fitting 245/45 instead of 255/40 - resulting in similar OD and minimal speed change, theoretically better fuel consumption and perhaps more comfort. Although, again - the difference would be so small it becomes subjective.
  10. Like Colin said - alignment check is part of service, but for example Lexus Woodford never does it. Myself I do full wheel alignment every time I replace tyres, so ~30k miles... unless I hit kerb or pothole and have some other problems like steering not straight, pulling to one side etc. which would indicate alignment issue. So for this has worked for me just fine. I haven't noticed wheels going out of alignment by just driving (road vibration) or at least not to extent where it would require alignment. As well aligning on part worn tyres, which may have uneven wear already is kind of waste as tyre wear on one tyre could impact geometry overall. So don't do alignment before tyre change - do it after the change or together with it.
  11. I know this is subjective but I Kia Stinger always looked like real mess for me (just design wise), I appreciate that the looks is personal thing and there are many people who may like it. When it comes to toys it is not exceptional either, even compared to Kia own range. But... considering above is funny when people say Lexus won't bring IS350/RC350/GS350 to UK market because it would not sell any. I think there is that market for ~5s cars, but not outright weapons like "F" cars.
  12. It depends how much time you want to spend on it and how much comfort you need e.g. if 18" alloys themselves are in decent shape, then it may be worth selling them. You can certainly find 17" OEM set for less and still have change towards the tyres (heck... I have 2x 17" sets myself). But obviously they will require time to find buyer, time to find another used set etc. So it is not impossible, but I don't see it as worthy time investment for what will be marginal difference. Noise is not going to be an issue with premium tyres like Goodyear Asymmetric 5s, Dunlop Sportmaxx rt2 or Continental Premium/Sport Contacts, even Michelin PS4 (although they ride little bit harder), Pirelli P-Zeros are as well quote comfortable, but lacks little bit in grip. Ride comfort is decent on 18", but it depends what you comparing it with - it won't be as comfortable as Merc S-Class for sure.
  13. If I understood correctly OP is looking at IS250 SE-L? SE-L came with 17" as standard, 18" were optional and not many had them. As long as they Lexus OEM wheels makes no difference for insurance... and generally whole mods notification to insurance topic is little bit overblown. Back in the day (maybe 20 years ago) when alloy wheels were rare and expensive option, and when wheels used to be stolen insurance wanted to know if you have them. Nowadays - as long as the wheels are roughly same size (not 30" spinners) insurance just doesn't care, nor could prove anything. If even an issue one can say they bought the car that way and it is no longer modification. As for whenever to have 17" or 18"... 17" will be little bit more comfortable, quite good compromise actually, 18" will be better for handling. But difference really isn't massive to justify removing set which is on the car and replace it with something else.
  14. IS250 is great for that - when there twice and loved the car. It is planted, comfortable, handles well, seat is supportive enough and I got the re without even getting tired. The only thing which was on the limit is power... It is just on the limit - 50-80hp more and it would be perfect.
  15. Because it is... Nick just mixed-up pictures and posted jar of gravy he was about to put on his pudding. 😁
  16. @65mike - that is what I thought, almost seems to be too good to be true... or just simply very good deal/quick sale. @mr_s81 - that is why I am selling mine as well... 3000 miles last year, 400 miles since October this year. And road tax is drop in the ocean - insurance must be at least double if not triple that. Just hard to justify owning nice car when one doesn't drive it at all.
  17. I would say that cop was wrong, but don't take advice from me, I am not lawyer, nor I am providing legal advice. To simplify my statement - on private land highway code does not apply. What is or isn't private land that is another question. Finally, police more often than not either does not know the laws or knows them and does not follow them. If you let them abuse the laws they will do, but I do not advise gambling with them as courts are very partial as well - unless you have clear cut case you will be in immediate disadvantage. So everyone needs to decide for themselves if it is worth it.
  18. But... in theory you can do it on your drive way, because driveway is private land and thus highway code does not apply.
  19. Certainly in last 3 years... back then they bottomed out at around £12k... some little bit more tired examples were available for just under £10k I still hate myself for not picking one for £9800 probably 2 years ago. It was very clean 2009 (or maybe even 2010) car with ~109k miles at the time (which was a little bit high) and car had tow-bar which was a little bit weird, but it was gone within a day and from that time prices just went up and up and up... But this looks very straight and clean car... the only thing I could pick on is that it done 17k miles last year out of nowhere, whereas all years before that it did 3-7k miles. Just kind of strange that mileage shoot like that in last year, especially during Covid, when most people stopped driving as much. But if as claimed the car was serviced in correct intervals that is not an issue in itself. Yes I noted that that screen is broken, but to be honest even when working it isn't very useful on these cars. I would probably consider replacing it with android system anyway. And as you said - even to fix it is few hundreds at best. I would say just at first glance it is at least 2-3k undervalued. £17k probably not, as there are 2009 cars with lower mileage at just £17.5k, but £14-15k easily.
  20. Start what ? I was born naughty... not sure what you talking about?!
  21. That is quite cheap, especially considering recent market. Not high mileage for the age... Owner must be desperate to sell... Or am I missing something?
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