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Everything posted by Linas.P

  1. I think that is quite harsh statement... Me saying I don't understand why would anyone need to have, want or should be allowed to own SUV... that would be me having "absolutely no empathy". But the reality is that SUVs are absolutely dominating the market and "people that holds different views" have absolutely not choice! It is not about respecting their choices, or SUV owners, nothing to do with respect or lack of it. Simply said how can you even respect my choice if I don't have one in the first place?! And that I don't have much empathy that is true 😄 but I still have a little bit... just in this case it has nothing to do with empathy.
  2. But if I follow this logic, then it would be SUV drivers who should have empathy towards normal car drivers - 80% of the choice nowadays are SUVs, and not much in terms of other body types. That is the point - it isn't SUV drivers who are squeezed out of the market, it is everyone else.
  3. How one fraudulent company makes idea and feasibility of fuel fraudulent? Seems like you are getting desperate Gang... Besides you don't own Nikola truck so according to your own logic you can't trash it! Tell me what is fraudulent about Toyota Mirai... maybe I can't see it? Where is a catch?
  4. I was told this is mainly for Chinese and middle-eastern markets where they like excessive opulence... and where MB/BMW/Audi sells most of their cars nowadays. In other hand I think it is personal test thing, I don't like any SUVs so I don't like X7 either, but that is because I don't like any of them. If I would have to choose between RX-L or X7... I am not sure I probably still go with RX, but for other reasons than looks. I don't find Audi particularly better in that aspect either:
  5. Yes tax seems to be all over the place ... like for example why 2008 GS450h would be half the price in tax compared to 2006 GS450h. Both have same engine and same CO2... I guess justification for newer car to pay less tax because they "on paper" have lower CO2, still does not explain why same car from different year is so much different. In other hand seems like IS300h is much cheaper to tax than NX300h, which would seem logical, but then this trend is reversed with GS vs RX... just so inconsistent.
  6. How is that comparing to normal cars? Would NX pay more than IS, or RX more than GS?
  7. Same like Tesla stock went 800% up despite it making no sensible investment looking at all company performance metrics. They investing in idea (which is great), but it is not vice investment. So judging these speculative or idealistic investments is not good measure of how viable or successful the business will be.
  8. Agree, but don't you think being in SUV makes occupants feeling psychologically superior i.e. they feel they can push smaller cars around and in reverse, somebody in small car feels vulnerable and thinks of how they can become better at that i.e. getting large car themselves... which then impacts their buying decisions?
  9. Tiny nickel batter - not at all the same thing. Not comparable at all! They quite openly say that - "not everyone will need to charge their car every day". So definitely they will decide when and for how long you could charge the car, provided that you can do it at all. Now from one perspective that is reasonable, maybe not everyone need to charge it every day... but fluctuations in demand will definitely happen! Maybe there will be 3 weeks of no demand, and then suddenly there will be huge demand when weather is nice and everyone going to sea side for which network will not be able to cater. BEV owners will therefore have to "queue" to charge based on when network capacity becomes available. I have highlighted will need, because it will not be you who decide whenever you do or don't need - it will be decided for you. Because definitely, there are not enough capacity (network, generation etc) to charge all EVs at the same time, nor some EVs during of peak time. So your energy provider will be interested in you only at the time they have this "waste" extra capacity without consideration if that is actually convenient for you or not.
  10. @LexusLuksus - there a chance you got ex- @Subtronics car? 😁
  11. That is true, and not being completely focused on driving... but that only affects other moms (and some fathers) who are likely to all have SUVs... Don't really affects other motorists all the way to where they going, only the last bit by the stadiums 😄
  12. Unless your previous gauge cluster was broken and change in mileage is recorded, then I believe it is ok. Sadly I can't find the thread in this forum (search function isn't great), but I am sure it is not plug and play. First of all the dial sliding function didn't work correctly and the context menu didn't show correctly and that had to be programmed in additional adapter. Would be interesting if somebody could find the thread.
  13. I would not say "worst", but vehicle is status symbol for some or many people. Meaning the bigger and shinier it is the more presence on the street it has and thus it is more of the status and more intimidating. I really doubt mom taking her boys to football is really going to be a big bully on the road, but the size of something like this really makes everyone around less comfortable, almost looks like different size scale models: On the point of car sizes... Yes models have became bigger in general, but importantly we need to note that British in particular were micro car nation, European, Australian and especially amurican cars have always been bigger, roads and parking wider and maybe only Japanese K-cars were the size we used to have here, but importantly K-cars are exceptional thing in Japan, not a normal car. So it much more shocking for British how big the cars are, but much less shocking for rest of the world, as far as amuricans are concerned European cars are still kind of small... Almost looks like X7 suddenly is small when next to amurican truck
  14. 😄 little bit of fat shaming is always healthy!
  15. I had a story with UXe... when I went for service my courtesy car was UXe and the service manager asked me how far I will go... and I said "don't know maybe 100-150miles at most" (meaning I am not planning to go far). And he was like "ohh... sorry then we need to get you something else, because we arranged you UXe, but it won't make it". This just shows how limited are use cases for BEVs at the moment. And to be fair I really wanted to try electric Lexus, just curious... but it wasn't be... Lithium mining itself is a big issue, especially on large scale, it was an issue even before BEVs when we only mined for phones and laptops. It is possible to mine it more sustainably, but then our capacity will be limited to like 100k cars a year. As well this is only one of many issues, the problems were not like "pick one" - they all need to be solved. Solid state batteries for safety, capacity, weight and size... fast charging to remove the need of home charging... etc. Before all of these issue are fixed we have problem. And after that we still need to figure out how to recycle them (structural battery like Tesla model Y is a crime) etc. So BEV tech is far from ready. Whereas hydrogen... we can simply build nuclear plant in the middle of nowhere, just crank it to the max and make hydrogen 24/7 - even sea water works (in fact it is even better). And car technology itself is ready to go and car actually pollute a lot less, because they don't require big battery. Now I am not saying we should stop BEV development, but we shouldn't ignore everything else.
  16. 100-200 years ago yes... the only way in which people became bigger in last 20 years is that they probably became fatter 😄 (for a fact since ~1960 people are actually getting shorter) well probably time to update your profile 👍 MPG will as well heavily depend on the speed you doing... more so in SUV than it is in saloon. Maybe because none are made? Or at very least soon there will be none... Apart of that I don't have an issue that people buy SUVs... What I have an issue with is that Lexus will release another useless crossover when they already have crossover (UX) and they have what globally would be considered small-SUV as well (NX). Why would they need to release yet another SUV to the market is beyond me... and to be fair I would not give a fig if they wouldn't have just discontinued basically entire range of their cars - Coupe, two Saloons and one Hatchback. Even before that their line-up was overly skewed towards SUVs i.e. they had 5x SUV, 4 Saloons (technically 1 was limo), 2 Coupes and 1 Hatchback (although LX and GX can be considered proper off-roaders). In short half of their range were already SUVs.. now this has changed to ration of 6, 2, 1, 0... and they have no entry level cars at all, only SUVs. Seems to me they may as well find another name for themselves like Suxus or something, because they are becoming SUV company. Other thing to note - as I said I am actually trying to convince my father to get NX next time, because as far as SUVs goes it is rather good one. However, anything smaller than NX... aren't really benefiting from those SUV "benefits" because Utility part of it is just gone... sure they call them crossovers whatever that suppose to mean (car which pretend to be off-roader, but isn't).
  17. I doubt fuel consumption would be the same, so running GS with only 2 people in it is less of an issue than doing same in RX. As well you own both RX and IS, meaning you had reasons to buy both larger SUV (and I am sure you have good reason for it) and smaller saloon. However, the future seems like you will have to have RX and NX... seems like an issue to me, maybe not an issue for you. So when we say it is people choice I think we actually mean "illusion of choice". When on the market 85% of new models are SUVs, it doesn't take genius to guess that 85% of sales will be SUVs... or at least significantly higher number than it would have been if only 30% of offers would be for SUVs.
  18. What why isn't hydrogen applicable for cars? And why ignore obvious issues with infrastructure BEVs have, which makes them quite exclusive. The reality is that BEVs are banking of technological breakthrough which currently don't exist. They need to find alternative to cobalt and lithium, make batteries solid state and find a way to charge them in couple of minutes (5 minutes at most) to be able to challenge ICEs. The hydrogen cars only lacks infrastructure - specifically hydrogen stations, but the cars themselves are there and technology are ready to use. You can fuel one same as you can fuel ICE and they have great range. For me it is quite clear that we need to support both if we want to phase-out ICE cars by 2030 and still drive same number of cars and same distances. However, just working with BEVs I suspect solution will not be ready in time and something else will need to happen - either we push the date back or half of the population will have to find other methods of transportations. And I find it unacceptable.
  19. If we talking about questionable mods (like EGR removal), I wonder if it wouldn't better to go all the way: 😁
  20. I know the answer already... young people can't drive so why would anyone care what they think 😁 One must be at least 25 before they can even afford insurance never mind the car. Even bigger issues is that man during middle age crisis don't matter either, because now it became popular to get into lycra clown costume, cycle on the road in most obtuse fashion possible and bark on all passing cars like rabid dog. And why I bring this up? That is because these man used to be the demographic which justified making coupes and that is why young people were able to pick their used coupes after 3-5 years and drive them. Nowadays such man have a bicycle and only sometimes borrows their wife SUVs... that is how the world has changed... ps. this meant to be satire, but maybe I am not the best writer 😄
  21. That in theory would mean marketing is useless. If all is about people choice, then why even bother marketing it - people will choose what they want. Right? No... I think marketing impacts the choice... let's market SUVs as well... people will want to be cool and people will buy them. If people would choose SUVs for actual practical needs I thing there would be far fewer of them. Nobody needs SUV smaller than NX, because all the implied advantages of SUV no longer exists in that size... yet crossovers are selling like a hot cakes... probably better! My answer to this - for minority it is about choice, but for majority is 20 decades long indoctrination from never ending marketing, which eventually formed the opinion that having SUV "is practical and cool".
  22. But what is then left for young people? Or their needs don't matter? As well I guess one needs to experience fast drive, harsh suspension and "hard" to get-into coupes before they can really appreciate the "comfort" of the SUV?
  23. That is my view. Your car simply isn't high risk to be targeted... if I own nearly new RX I would definitely have something like this fitted, but in IS I would not bother.
  24. But then why you feel the need to justify anything and everything. I am sure it was not a personal attack on your second half either. The Shahpor post said basically exactly the same thing - different people have different perspectives, needs and opinions, what is good for one is terrible for other. Yet disproportionate number of people are buying SUVs and that seems to be the only thing that is being marketed and made. You can have IS-F because at some point there was more choice in the market, but that won't be the case in the future... it isn't the case even now. Lexus just announced 6th SUV - they have GX, LX, RX, NX, UX and whatever the new stupid cross over will be called. yet at the same time they announced that they discontinuing GS, IS, RC and CT... so if you were in position where you want something like your IS-F now... sorry you would be out of luck! Hence the frustration we have...
  25. Hello.... I like your new style! I would add that there isn't better or worse thing, it is always trade-off and compromise. It is not easier to get into SUV. Yes sure if you have bad back it may be, but that is expectational case. On the contrary, because SUVs are higher you have to step-up instead of sitting down and you may as well make your trousers dirty if sills are dirty, so I would rather climb into low coupe than SUV. Driving position better... not sure it is - you more up-right in SUV... Is that better? Maybe for some people it is, for some other it isn't. Could it be to do with visibility? Maybe... but again it is trade-off, you can see further away and especially if you have another SUV in front of you, then you can see past them. Yet you will always be worse of at seeing object closer to you and low down. That is why SUV drivers more often going to run over kerbs and low objects. Agree with you on this one - SUV does not automatically mean it has loads of room. Yes RX will have more space than IS, but NX is comparable and UX has a lot less space. X6 is as well good example - it is rather cramped in the back and boot isn't great - but it is SUV! And besides - what if you don't have a big family kids and dogs? That all extra space just means more unnecessary weight you hauling around and higher fuel consumption. So SUVs have many undeniable benefits, which comes with equally long list of undeniable issues - it is compromise.
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