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  1. Hi, I did just this a few weeks ago on my 98 LS400. Make sure you have a large bucket/container to capture all of the oil which will be released. First you need to unbolt around ten nuts which hold the large plastic moulding/cover under the engine. The oil sump nut is straightforward as it only needs to be unscrewed with a suitable sized spanner. Be careful not to round the edges on the nut otherwise you'll have to try and get a local garage to help you loosen it. Next, the oil filter can be removed by hand. If this does not work then try pushing a long screwdriver into the centre of the filter via its sidewalls. This will allow you leverage to turn the filter, hence unscrewing it. Last thing, make sure you dispose of the oil and the old filter as per your local environmental recycling procedures. Good luck, you'll feel good after having done this job. For my first attempt it took me around two hours, but next time it will definitely not take as long.
  2. Hi Guys, just an update for those who are interested. I could not take anymore stalling, so I handed my car to my local Lexus Dealer. After investigating it appeared that a wire connecting to the engine management system under the passenger side glove box had come loose and was intermittently connecting/not connecting, hence the stalling. I was charged a total of £329 for the investigation and soldering of the wire. What do you think?
  3. Returning home last night I decided to check the battery light. It was black and not green i.e.less than 65% charged. This morning before setting off I checked the battery light again and it was green! It looks like, as was mentioned earlier, the alternator is not fully charging the battery, but then why should it light up green this morning before setting off? Anyway, does anyone know where I can get a reconditioned alternator unit which does not cost the earth. Lexus has quoted me £370 including labour and vat and a reconditioned unit swap.
  4. No engine check light specifically. When it stalls while driving, the battery and handbrake lights come on i.e.all auxillary lights come on and the car slowly comes to a halt (steering wheel gets heavy and brake pedal gets hard when pressed, as expected when car has shutdown). If it was a particular charge fuse or relay, how can I check for faulty relays (I think these are the green/yellow/blue square shaped objects in the fuse box under the hood)?
  5. Yes, on the old battery. When a stall would happen if I tried to start the car the car would click, click, click but the engine would not start. On the current new battery which has a green light, the engine starts ok. I've just checked with a Lexus Service dealer who says that the alternator cannot be at fault, as a new battery will drain within a few hours if not charged by the alternator! Any ideas?
  6. The car's only done 73k miles but I do accept that only short journeys are made each day (10 miles per day!)
  7. No fluid leaks. I don't know whether it is relays (don't know how to check these as broken fuses can be seen easily) or what. There is obviously a pull on the electrical power when AC and other devices are used. I've checked the new battery and it is still showing the Green light. It is an intermitent thing. I replaced the old battery because the stalling was happening a lot while driving. Miraculously, with the new battery fitted for a week the car did not stall at all, even though all electrical functions were being used. Why now after a week or so?
  8. Hi, I have the same problem with my 98 LS400 i.e. the car will simply shut down while I am driving. I had the problem sorted for about a week when I replaced the battery with a new one from Lexus, but now it's stalling again without warning. I have noticed that if some of the electrical devices are used e.g.AC then this usually causes the car to stall. Do you know how you sorted the problem out, as I do not wish to switch off the AC and other functions! :)
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