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Everything posted by Shahpor

  1. Got a couple of Comet Goldfish at the moment, so nothing exotic. Had a few bristlenose Catfish for a while. I inherited the Goldfish from someone keeping them in a bowl, so not much choice really I have only been doing it a year, and it has taken quite a bit of time, effort and money, but I do like watching them swim around. People make it sound so simple, but I have had so many problem with Nitrates, algae, fin rot, cloudy water, ph levels and so on, that either I am unlucky or it is not as easy as it looks! If something were to happen to these fish (have had a few casualties already), then I am tempted to convert to marine or cold salt water. Gone too far now to not have some sort of fish!
  2. Unfortunately, the warning screen can't be turned off, but you do get used to it. Just becomes part of the start up routine. Congrats on the car. Some come on, more details and pictures are required.
  3. Nice one. I used to get annoyed when manufacturers made you take off the inlet manifold to get to the plugs, but since it is once every 60k in this case, it is fair enough. It is good to get things done yourself. On a completely unrelated topic, it took me over 5 hours of messing around to fit a UV Steriliser to my fish tank today, and despite being a complete pain in the arse, you can't help but feel good when you turn it on and it works fine. By the same token, I do miss tinkering with my cars.
  4. You guys really need to stop this now. There is nothing to be gain from carrying on since you both know each others position, and are obviously not going to change your minds.
  5. Perhaps that also means the 220d has its place after all?
  6. @Linas.P I swear this is the truth, but I actually bought the car because I do 120 mile round trip all the time and I usually stick to 60mph while doing it Of the 10k odd miles I have done, probably around 8k of them have been the kind of journey you describe. Otherwise, I would have bought a IS250. @toffee_pie I couldn't possibly do that. I might like it too much and I can't get rid of my IS at the moment.
  7. @Linas.P Well, I am certainly not saying that you don't have the right to your own opinion. The only reason I originally posted in this thread is because it is hard to not feel unwelcome on this forum sometimes since I apparently have the devils own car. Also, I do like to point out on some threads that things aren't always black and white, especially when it comes to cars. As for the rest, I am just bored and this is fun.
  8. I actually meant just dropping in and asking if one of the technician would be willing to come out and have a quick listen. If they are in a generous mood that day, it shouldn't cost you anything. Worst they can say is say no, so you have lost nothing in trying. Whatever noise it is, it seems to be subtle enough that it is hard to detect on that video. That means that we can't really help diagnose the problem without more info to go on.
  9. Thanks for that Steve. Don't worry, Eric and I have had our run ins before, but it is all good now. He obviously loves you guys so much he can't leave.
  10. Yes, but local technician is not the same as a main dealer. Might be worth taking it there. As for tappets, does it do it specifically when it is hot or cold or both? A worn tappet would be a constant noise.
  11. That is strange. Why do the back of the seat but not the fronts? Also, not sure about the white buttons and belt buckles. Nice idea though.
  12. Tricky one. A rattling noise when revved would indicate something like a timing chain, but that would be a rare occurrence. Don't think it is valves, and they are not adjustable anyway. You could try going to a dealer and asking one of the technician to have a listen? My local dealer is pretty good in that regard and they would happily come take a quick look.
  13. Well, that was not my intention, but ok. My point is that you guys are fixating on a specific part. What I am trying to say (evidently not very well) is that there is enough good in the rest of the car to make it worthy of a Lexus badge. Is the engine and gearing of the 220 a pain? Yes. Doesn't it make it a horrible car to drive? No. What I am saying is that when I am behind the wheel, I don't sit there brooding about the engine under the bonnet. I love all the rest of the experience enough that I enjoy driving it regardless. To me, that makes it good enough to wear the badge. Now don't get me wrong, I agree a IS250 is a better car, but that doesn't automatically mean that the 220 is terrible; it is just less good. All my opinion of course.
  14. If it goes away and comes back, perhaps you can catch it on film when it does? It would make identifying the noise much easier. Also, is there a specific time when it does it? Does it do it at idle, or when you rev it as well? Does the sound increase in volume or tempo when engine speed increases?
  15. I agree that it sounds normal to me? There is a slight noise at around 13 seconds that sounds strange, but I can't tell you if that is supposed to be there or not.
  16. Can't see the video now, but it was there yesterday. Perhaps I am getting old and my ears are failing me, but I can't tell what noise exactly you are talking about? Can you describe what kind of sound it is?
  17. While I agree in general with you Eric, I must say in the almost 10,000 miles I have done in mine, it has been perfectly reliable and comfortable, as well as damn fine looking! And that is my point; It has the same seats, stereo, sat nav, interior trim, exterior panel and paint, wheels, brakes and suspension as a IS250. What I am saying is that, while it is important, the engine of a car is not the be-all and end-all of that car, and in all other respects my IS is all Lexus. I will give you an example; There is another thread on this forum where I share my thoughts on a new IS 200t F Sport. My main concern was that the ride was too hard and the seat too uncomfortable for my liking. Anyway, despite this is issue, I still think it is a damn fine car and a proper Lexus. It is just that I personally wouldn't choose the F Sport because of the suspension and seats. I just think some people on this forum overreact when they hear IS220, and I am sure there are plenty of perfectly happy 220 owners out there.
  18. @jackcramerr See what I mean? Apparently, I am not a 'proper' Lexus owner. Shame on me for buying this car! Seriously though, it may not have the greatest drivetrain in the world, but it far from the worst I have driven and I have still enjoyed the 9000 miles I have done in it so far.
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