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Posts posted by Shahpor

  1. Thanks Ian and Linas.

    You both make good points.

    I actually wish I had done it sooner so I could have got potentially more usage out of it.

    Like Linas said, I am not sure how long I will have the car for, and £285 is a lot of money. 

    I actually didn't get round to calling Lexus today, so will give them a ring tomorrow.

    The connect2 does sound ideal, so I will looking into that more closely as well.

    My warranty is up in 8 months, and I am going to have to decide then to either renew it (£995 currently), or change the car.  Although annoyingly, 8 months is just long enough to possibility make it worthwhile.

    Decisions, decisions...:smile:

  2. True, it would be better if it was a generic USB connector, but since I don't see myself using anything other than my Ipod for the foreseeable future, it would indeed fit my needs.

    I too am surprised that the official Lexus item uses the CD/DVD changer connection since this seems like a bit of a botch, while also losing the use of the changer.

    Also, it might be quite expensive as I have found a page on the Lexus site that claims it is £285.

    The thing is, since I have an extended warranty, I don't want to risk anything by going aftermarket.  Might be worth just stomaching the cost and letting Lexus sort it out.  I will see what they say tomorrow.

  3. Hello all.

    As you guys are no doubt aware, the IS is a pain for AUX integration since you have to manual start and stop it, and it has no car controls.

    I know there are some old threads on the subject, but I was wondering if there has been any advances recently for this?

    Also, I keep seeing mention of a Ipod Integration Kit from Lexus, but I can't find any info on it?  Do Lexus offer an option?


  4. My mechanic friend and I managed to do it on axle stands.  It took 8 hours in the end!  Although he did say that if he needed to do it again, it wouldn't take anywhere near that long.

    It is a complete pain of a job, I agree.

    It has been a year since I had it done, so I am trying to remember what we did.

    Can you post a picture of the bits you are having trouble with?  Might help.

    Also, you say you have the official Lexus procedure, so is that from the workshop manual?

  5. Mine will run at 1200rpm when it is cold and the air con is running.  Once it is fully warmed up, the will stay at 800.

    You say that after 7-10mins it goes to 1200 and stays there, but is that a short while after, or have you gone on a longer run with it?

    Mine can vary how often and long it stays at 1200, but to be honest, after a while I don't even notice it anymore.

    By the way, is that the standard sat nav?

  6. 2 hours ago, carnut1980 said:

    yep, 322k, 07 plate, serviced every 3 months by lexus, for the past 5 years ,so the best part of 30 main dealer service stamps

    Wow, that is impressive.

    You must be quite friendly with the people at the dealer then. :smile:

    Can we perhaps know a bit more about it?  Pics of how it is looking, how the mileage was racked up, any other problems apart from this one?

  7. No probs.

    I am getting a little frustrated with the Lexus Extended Warranty.  Not from a personal point of view, since I have had my claims accepted, but from others having problems with items that should clearly be covered.

    We had one not to long ago where they denied a claim for a hybrid Battery, even though it is specifically mentioned as being covered by the warranty.  Took a bit of back and forth before it was settled.

    And now we have dampers, which again should be included.  If you go through the documentation, it is quite specific on what is parts are covered, but of course, there is mention of serviceable items, which is vague.  As you can see in the picture I posted, suspension is mentioned, so how can they deny the claim?

    As for the MOT protected parts, what I was told was that they are only protected if in a dangerous state.  Normal wear and tear isn't included.  The example given was a suspension ball joint.  Apparently, if it just worn, it is down to you, but if it about to fall off completely, then they will take care of it.  Strange one, and in practice, the MOT cover doesn't really do anything and is meaningless.

    Either way, I would pursue it all the way to the ombudsman if I were you, unless they can provide you with written documentation that states it isn't covered. 

  8. First things first, prepare yourself for a torrent of replies telling you that it is madness to buy one :smile:

    If you make it though and are still determined, then read this thread:

    It is for the petrol version, but a lot of it still applies.

    Other than that, a few things to look out for:

    Make sure there isn't coolant sprayed over the engine bay as this is one of the signed of the head gasket issue that is well documented.

    If the car doesn't boost cleanly from about 1600rpm, then it has a possible EGR blockage.  Also, although you can't tell by looking, DPF on these (as well as most diesel cars) tend to block up if you do too many short journeys.

    If there is a judder when moving off, it is most likely the dual mass flywheel that is knackered.  Not a cheap fix.

    It's late, so perhaps I have forgotten something, but I think that is most of the major things to look out for.


  9. Sorry, perhaps I didn't make my post clear, but I haven't had the dampers replaced under warranty.  I just thought that if you needed them it would be a good idea.

    Was your previous warranty also a Lexus one?

    I can't comment on the previous warranty, but under the extended one it is covered, which suggests it shouldn't be classed as wear and tear.



    As you can see, no mention of suspension in the 'not covered' section, but it is listed in the 'covered' bit.

    Of course, being a pre existing condition, I can appreciate why the new policy won't agree to replace them.

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