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  1. Hi agai. A little update on the situation. He has finally agreed to take it back. I guess me going silent after telling him a letter would come in the post changed his mind. So thank you so much guys for giving me that extra push to try again ! It worked ! I'm very grateful xx
  2. I forgot to say that the other mechanic is now checking if this can be fixed under the extra warranty that I got and to be honest if that is approved I will just do that to save my poor hair going more grey hehe. It does state in the warrantys terms and conditions that these parts are covered so that would pay up to £500 and I would just put the rest towards it myself.
  3. Thank you both for quick reply. I have now again contacted the garage he didnt take my phone call so sent him a text message telling him what the actual fault of the car is which they failed to find and also informed him that I did not invalidate the warranty as he claimed and asked him again to take the car back. I can get a written declaration of whats wrong with the car from the other mechanic so thats not an issue. To be honest I would rather not speak to the guy as he is just wanting to take it back for repairs and is avoiding me. I guess im classed as a pain in the neck customer as i got very impatient after they had the car for 6 days and i was told that it was just 3 spark plugs and yeah demanded it fixed and back asap. That means they did no investigation whatsoever in to the engine other than the superficial. I will contact CAB and see if they are prepared to talk to him for me cause my hair is going greyer by the hour dealing with this hehe. Will be interesting to see if he replies to my text message.
  4. Hi im gonna try to make this short and to the point. I recently bought a x reg lexus is200 from a dealer. I have had nothing but problems since I got it and the mechanic I am using now to sort it out suggested that I go online and find out if these are common problems or not. Since I'm almost completely clueless when it comes to cars I found this forum and thought I would ask here. Mileage is just over 108k The main problem now is that it has had a pressure test in the cylinders of which 5 cylinders had a psi of between 150 and 180 the 6th one however had about 50 psi. Is this a common issue with this model? Due to all the problems I even tried to return the car but the dealership refused and said they would like to fix it. But they have been given the chance to do so and had it for 6 days and only really sorting one of the issues out so they are out of the picture. Luckily it came with a 3 months warranty which is the route im going down now. My second question would be what else is it worth keeping an eye out in a car of this age. I realise its 15 years old but yeah one can hope hehe.
  5. Welcome to the Lexus forums Kittycat :)

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