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  1. Hi, I have a 59 reg plate is250 and lexus quoted me £650 for full 60k milage service with spark plug change and £300 for full service without spark plug change. It seems very expensive, especially £300 difference for spark plugs!? Given age of my car, is it still worth going to these dealers or better value just going local garage? Thanks
  2. I have the 59 plate, it was reg is Feb 2010, but I think 2010 later that year a new model was launched. Mine is probably the previous one. You mentioned HDD, how do I find out which mine is thanks!
  3. Hi, I am new to the forum and recently purchased a second hand Lexus. The navigation seems to be a little out of date I was wondering: 1) How often do people typically update? 2) How much should I look to pay and is it something I can do myself? 3) How easy is it to update - I tried to purchase online but it was asking for some DVD number which I didnt understand where to get. Thanks in advance!
  4. Welcome to the Lexus forums kingdech :)

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