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  1. Actually look's very easy thought it would be alot more difficult than that, could you tell me if this is the same part as I'm from UK was worried as part number wasn't the same but not sure if that is just because its a different part number for UK?
  2. Yes it was lexus that told me it was fine to drive, did you do them yourself? if so did you follow instructions from anywhere or? Thanks
  3. Hello, I have a problem with my IS250 which I am trying to figure out, shortly after buying the car the Engine light/traction/stability lights came up on the dashboard, I plugged it into the OBD and originally found the error to be 'Oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 1', I took it for it's service and was confirmed that the problem was this and was quoted £335 to replace the sensor, I was told there would be a wait and that the car was safe to drive. Whilst these lights were on nothing in the car seemed to be causing a problem, The car would run fun after erasing the error codes and it didn't come back in for quite a while, a couple of days ago I found that the error had changed to 'p0031' oxygen sensor heater circuit sensor 1 bank 1, I just wanted confirmation that this was infact the same sensor as I couldn't understand why the error message had changed, the old error message is no longer coming back, but unlike what it was doing before the car brings the error back up as soon as the accelerator is touched were before it was only coming up after a few 100 miles, since this new message has started coming up I've also been experiancing very low MPG (use to be getting 30+ now my trip computer is showing 15-16 mpg, there is also a very strong petrol smell, My main question is do I still need to get the same repair carried out as the service center believed it was replacing the oxygen sensor bank 1 sensor 1 or is it another sensor, also is the car still safe to drive or should it be left alone until the repair is carried out? Thanks for your help
  4. Welcome to the Lexus forums lwarner1993 :)

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