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Posts posted by petejenkin

  1. I understand that to get the best possible performance uplift with the Hiper, I must bin the cat. What are the implications of this, apart from the obvious emissions problem at test time.

    Has anyone actually got their car through a test without the cat, that would be interesting.

    Also, if I were to replace the cat with just a length of pipe, what happens to the lambda sensor? you can just leave it tied up somewhere surely. Does the replacement pipe have to have a stabbing for the sensor?

    Any advice would be most welcome.

    Thanks guys

  2. Came back from Sweden last night and gave my car a good thrashing up the M11 and A1M (but I didnt break the speed limit, honestly).....

    I noticed when I pulled over for a loo break that my engine had developed a slight rattle. Upon investigation, it seems the rattling, or tapping, was coming from the area of the rear quarter of the engine.

    I turned the engine off so it could rest a little, went inside for about 20 mins and when I set off again, I noticed a distinct lack of power when accelerating. The power was OK in 4th, 5th & 6th, and maintained a steady speed for the rest of the journey, however when I put my aircon on, the car seemed to judder slightly when the compressor kicked periodically. The temperature remained normal.

    When I arrived home, I also noticed that my clutch was ommitting a bit of a worrying noise, a bit like what a dry bearing would sound like. The noise disappeared when the clutch was depressed.

    I spoke with my brother this morning, he reckons it could be caused by my sparkplugs being a little worse for wear, and the clutch noise was probably my clutch bearing or lay shaft...... :crybaby:

    Does anybody have any ideas? Im a little worried it could be valve trouble and clutch touble developing...... :crying:

  3. Better still, lets re-introduce ration cards like we had in the war, and we can only have a gallon a week, that we we can beat poor people up and steal their ration cards and take their quota of petrol for our lexuses and there will be only one make of car on the road, and before you know it, world domination for lexus...................

  4. Mod-Fever is the scurge of the modern jap-car society. It hits you without remorse. Resistence is futile.

    I started modding when I were a teenager. Started with my dads petrol lawnmower, custom painted it all shiney black with red flames coming out the grass collector, then stripped the engine, polished the ports, binned the cylinder head gasket to raise the compression and there you have it.

    Sunday mornings were never the same again, he used to cut the grass in 7.6 seconds. Boy did I get a leathering for that one :crying:

    But why do we have this need to modify perfectly reasonable and moderately performing cars anyway. I know, its so we can impress our neighbors with loud meaty exhausts and pull more birds.

    There you have it, blame the women.......

  5. Thats the spirit, stand up for yourself, sue em.

    It happened to me a few years back. My "one owner from new" car turned out to be a ringer! Sued em big time.

    It is all too common nowadays for dealers to pull a fast one to sell a car. The used car market is massive, and competition is harsh, so they will do practically anything to shift a motor.

    If you buy something, you expect it to be right, whether it is a packet of screws or a 13 grand car.

    Good luck mate, keep your chin up and dont let em grind you down or fobb you off with excuses.

    A mate of mine was robbed by a used car dealer, so he set about printing off a load of posters which he stuck on the fence of the dealer and he lost loads of trade! nice one.

  6. Thanks for the help guys, thanks also Duncan for the info on

    I looked at and a set retailed at $205 which equals £111.00, however they are out of stock and tried to push a set of Goodridge ones for $235 which equals £127.36. I thought this was a little expensive. Thanks to Alex (JDM_Parts_Guru) Ive got sorted.

    Once Ive got my old ones off, I shall visit my local Aeroquippe dealer and see how much a set would be to be made up. I shall see also what the price would be for multiple sets and let you guys know. However Alex is a star, and I think he might be able to help you.

    Incidentally, Aeroquippe hoses are MOD and Aerospace spec, so they are pretty good. I know a mate of mine got 2 sets made up for his Nissan 200 for less than £100 !

  7. Why indeed :blink:

    I know, heres a great idea, something to do over the weekend, lets graft 3 IS200 engines together end to end, make it an 18 cylinder, just to see if we can.......NOT

    The trouble and expense some folk go to, just to get noticed, cos they aint got any mates, needs to get out a bit more dont yer think?

  8. I must have tried two dozen places and cannot find any braided hose kits for the IS200. Fensport have a photo on the site but they are not available yet!

    Short of buying a single front and a rear standard hose and getting some made up I just dont know where to go. Ive searched high and low.

    Is there anyone out there who has bought some off the shelf? If you have, where the hell did you get them?


  9. Nightmare ! :angry:

    I cant come!, Ive got to go to Sweden on Business and wont be back in time.

    I was really looking forward to meeting you guys, really sorry.

    I guess you will have to make do with happy shopper sausages and not the real Mccoy thick link lincolnshire!

    Its always the damm same, everytime I make arangements, my bloody job gets in the way.

  10. Hi guys,

    Need some advice. I've ordered a HKS Hiper, and am eagerly awaiting its delivery. Can anyone tell me if any mods are required to the cutout on the rear bumper to take the tail pipe? I hope not!

    Thanks chaps

  11. My Clutch judders a bit also, especially after a bit of a thrape.

    Can anyone suggest a good uprated clutch?

    I read loads of comments about clutch judder, is it just a bit of a design fault, or is the clutch just about had it when you start with juddering. I would hate to buy an uprated clutch only to find a good one still in there which just needed roughing up or something!

  12. I flashed my gold card to bloke on the stand, and all I got was a blank look!

    I asked if there was any hospitality for owners and/or goldies, and he said no.

    I didnt want for much, just a sit in the concept, and a drink or two, possibly a sarnie, a chat..........

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