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Posts posted by petejenkin

  1. Ive renewed using, they got me a good quote, about 120 pounds cheaper and an excess of only 100 quid. You can get covered instantly and print your own documents off.

    Incidentally, I have just looked around and there is a Gold Members Insurance Scheme. Cant say how much you will save as everyone is different.

  2. There are several benefits to going gold. Once you have applied and paid your membership fee, a poultry £25.00 per year, you can have access to a huge list of companies with some really good discount packages.

    I believe there is an insurance scheme, but not too sure about the details, I will check for you, unless someone else gets here before me.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going gold.

    Not only do you have access to some amazing discounts, but you can also participate in the group buys which also tend to save big bucks.

    Im alot of cases, the discount given on a single purchase can save you more than the annual subscription you pay to the club!


  3. I sent my spammer a reply to mine yesterday telling him I was 99.9% sure this was a hoax, and to stop sending my crap. I also said that if he was sure that it was not a scam, then reply to me and I will get my company solicitor to have a look at it.

    Guess what......he replied:

    Dear Peter Jenkin,

    Thank you for your mail.I want to reaffirm that this transaction is as free as breathing if carried out as planned with your cooperation.

    There is nothing much left to do.I have done every arrangement here within the bank,This is why i contacted you.

    I have also told them i will contact my clients next of kin for claim.All they are waiting for is presentation of the next of kin of my client Late

    P.B Jenkin ,.The next thing we have to do is that i will send to you a letter of claim which you will fax to the bank as the beneficiary and next of

    kin of this money.

    In the application i will include all the account information of the deceased such that when the application is recieved the bank will transfer the funds on your instruction because every

    information needed for evidence will be included in the application.In this way the bank will rely on this information provided and my letter introducing you to them.

    My direct telephone number is (Ive deleted this bit). I will forward the claim application to you today once i get your response to this mail or telephone call from you as i want this transfer done as soon as possible.You can also give me your most private telephone number so we can discuss.

    Warmest Regards,

    Barr.Barrister Richard Jim.(ATTORNEY-AT-LAW).








    Well guys, I think this is defo a big scam, if you read between the lines he is asking me to help him by telling lies !. Ive a mate in the police aswell so I might get him involved. Some poor old lady somewhere has probably fallen for this and lost all her money or something.

  4. This is what Ive been sent, Ive got a picture aswell of the guage and the sensor, but cant post it:

    PIVOT Analog Air/Fuel Meter

    * Green Illumination

    * Accurate and Precise Readings

    * Measure Desired Revolution Point

    * Race Spec 4 Wire 02 Sensor with Bolt Adapter

    * Analog Readout Display (60mm)

    * Cross Coil Meter Engineering for Precision Measurements

    * Real Time Air/Fuel Meter

    * 5 Second Hold Button

    02 Sensor available seperately.

    The Pivot Analog Air/Fuel Meter displays your air/fuel ratio in real time, and relies on it's own wide-band oxygen sensor to give you accurate readings within the full sweep of the needle. The air/fuel mix is the lifeblood of any operating motor. After adding on any aftermarket air or fuel devices you may be causing a rich (too much fuel) or lean (too little fuel) mixture in your motor. Overly rich mixtures can lead to fouled spark plugs, ruined catalytic converters, and a poor running engine. If your running too lean it can begin to detonate or ping, which can destroy the engine completely. The meter provides information vital to tuning your motor correctly, and running it safely. One of the most important and unique aspects of The Pivot Analog Air/Fuel Meter is that it comes with its own dedicated wide-band oxygen sensor. Instead of using the narrow range design of the factory oxygen sensor, The Pivot Analog Air/Fuel Meter oxygen sensor will provide you with accurate readings throughout the entire sweep of the gauge needle. The Pivot Analog Air/Fuel Meter is necessary if you plan to do some serious tuning to your car.

    If your interested Mat, let me know. I dont know prices yet, but its through a dealer Ive just done a Goldie Discount Deal with, so obviously I aint gonna mention who it is here.

  5. I get them all the time Chris, just delete em mate.

    Its nothing compared to the email I got this morning, here it is:

    From Barr. Richard Jim,


    I am Barrister Richard Jim, a solicitor at law,

    personal attorney to Mr.B.P Jenkin,a national Of your

    country,who used to work with Shell development

    Company in Lome as a contractor, herein after shall be

    referred to as my client.

    On the 21st of April 2000, my client was involved in a

    car accident along Nouvissi express Road. All

    occupants of the vehicle including his wife and only

    child unfortunately lost their lives. Since then i

    have made several enquiries to your embassy hereto

    locate any of my clients extended relatives in his

    home country,this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts,I decided to

    track his last name over the Internet, to locate any

    member of his family hence I contacted you.I have

    contacted you to assist in repartriating the fund

    valued at US$12 million left behind by my client

    before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable

    by the Continetal Investment trust Bank where this

    huge amount was deposited. The said Continetal

    Investment trust Bank has for sometime now issued me a

    notice to provide the next of kin of my client or his

    account shall be declared dormant or possibly


    Since I have been unsuccesfull in locating the

    relatives for over 2years now, I seek the consent to

    present you as the next of kin to the deceased since

    you have the same last names, so that the proceeds of

    this account can be paid to you.

    Therefore, on receipt of your positive response,

    we shall then discuss the

    sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all

    necessary information and legal documents needed to

    back you up for claim. All I require from you is your

    honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction


    I guarantee that this will be executed under

    legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any

    breach of the law.

    Please get in touch with me through the above e-mail

    for more details.

    Best Regards.

    Richard Jim(Esq).


    Now thats a scam if ever I saw one, but just imagine if it were true; a full collection of Lexus motors, one for every day of the week....... :whistling:

  6. Ive got one of these, one of my workers brought it back from Singapore for me. I never thought of using it for this application. You could put it on the front of the car for getting some speed videos or for recording what the rabbit looks like a nanosecond before it gets squished :lol:

  7. Im booking mine in for a full monty machine polish on the Friday, but no doubt it will chuck it down on the way on Saturday Morning, Im flapping a bit cos I aint got a tent anymore. I forgot I had it nicked a couple of years ago, so need to buy another one, and a stove, and a frying pan, and every thing else come to think of it. I aint even got a sleeping bag anymore. This weekend is gonna cost me a fortune!!!!!!

  8. do you mean a scoop of some sort infront of the rad directing air towards the filter cone?

    Yes, like one of those small black plastic ones that you can get for kit cars, that they use for brake cooling ducts and such like. You can clamp some round flexi-ducting to it, do you know what I mean ?

  9. My IS200 sport does not have the Sat Nav. What I am thinking of doing is having a in-car DVD player. Is there a screen that fits perfect in the top dash that I can use as a TV ? Im not interested in the Sat Nav, I generally know where I am going :)

    I would like to use the screen as a DVD player, X-box, and TV.

    I dont know where to start with this subject, so any assistance would be gratefully received.

  10. Do you have a problem with engine cooling? You need to make sure small stones cannot get through and punch a hole in the rad.

    Yeah thats a big concern, maybe I will just cut out a piece on the side of the induction kit, I wonder if I can get a scoop in there and direct the air to the filter ?

    There seems to be enough room to put one there, and that will stop the rad getting damaged ?

    No I dont have a prob with cooling.

  11. Has anyone thought of removing the backing attached to the standard grille? That would increase airflow considerably, albeit just into the engine bay. I dont know what the vizual effect of this would be as it looks like you can see straight through to your rad, I will check it out. It would prob improve engine cooling aswell.

  12. erm, yeah, just follow the signs for Billing Aquadrome..


    yeah alright then.......................

    wheres Billing?

    ................................and dont say next to the aquadrome....... :)

    I put a search into autoroute and it cant find it.

  13. OK Chaps, whos next on the reserve list ?

    I cant go to this event. Unfortunately, ive had to trade one event for another to keep her in doors happy, Im off to JAE for the weekend, good trade I think.

    Sorry if Ive created a problem chaps.

  14. I will make a note of each bolt size I replace and post it so all can see.

    I didnt bother counting each bolt and ordering just for that. I ordered a big tub of 200 items from Demon Tweeks, bolts, nuts, washers, caps. I figure it should be enough :)

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