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  1. Thanks Mark Got a holiday in a couple of weeks so will look at getting the seat out after that. Can't contact the last owner yet Malcolm, only had the car just over a week so waiting for the paperwork coming back from DVLA but will give that a try too, see if they know anything about it thanks. Very impressed with the speed of replies, nice forum :)
  2. Thanks Eff, The seat all works perfectly, all motors run as they should, I have tried to push and pull the plastic rods but they won't move at all. I thought that they may have been part of the runner, but as I have never had one apart I have no idea, any idea on how to remove them, and are you sure that they are not part of the runner mechanism? Just don't want to remove something that should be there.By the way they do not move at all when the seat is moved.
  3. Hi, i'm a new member to this forum, just bought my fourth lexus LS, a 430 with premium pack( air suspension, cool box, electric rear blind, massage rear seats you get the picture) this time after two series one 400's and one series 3? 1997 just before the last facelift of the 400. Anyway, the problem that I have noticed is with the drivers seat runners, it's only noticeable in the rear footwell, I have two plastic rods sticking out of the runners into the footwell area, Hope the picture has attached as I haven't done photos in posts before. After lots of searching and finding nothing about this anywhere I figured it was time to join a forum and see if anyone had any ideas, thanks for any advice.
  4. Welcome to the Lexus forums Geffro :)

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