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  1. He said he'd take care of the number plate, which my research beforehand had indicated dealers did as the norm. I'm going to write to the DVLA for the contact details of the new owner and appeal to his / her better nature. A number plate is only a plate but when it's a 50th birthday present it means a lot more, my other half is well upset at how this lexuschap or whatever he calls himself has basically sold it on unethically. He might get on this forum and deny all knowledge / pontificate / get self righteous but from reading other issues people have had I only wanted to warn others of him whilst he operates under this pseudonym.
  2. Hi all. I recently sold him my LS400 with him racing over from Dudley literally within minutes of my ebay listing. I made it clear to him there was some MOT advisories so what does he do when he relisted it within hours, He says there are no issues! He also has sold my car on with my personalised plate on which was not agreed but he gets all steamed up and starts getting silly. get a life man is his favourite line it appears. He then supposedly sold my car to another dealer but can't locate the address or telephone number so I can ask the new owner if I can have my private plate back which he thinks is very funny and wonders why I'm getting angry about "a silly little number plate" which was a present for me. I now have to go through DVLA to locate the new owner whereas a reasonable man would help especially if you're a dealer. He accuses me of seling hastily and I should have known what to do when selling a car with a private plate on, yet pro dealers do assist. Be warned.
  3. Welcome to the Lexus forums petrolhead222 :)

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