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  1. I've not checked for any yet mate. If there's anyone need to Warrington that wants a few quid to check for me that'd be great!!
  2. Gutted for you mate. I've been a silent viewer on this topic since it started, as the mpg on mine is aweful. Avg approx 26-28mpg, and I too get the pulsing at certain revs. I regularly clean the EGR, USA AR6200 and use the DPF cleaner as I was certain they were the problem for the poor mpg. But they aren't. I have had the car almost 2 years now, and the mpg has gradually got worse. Although I don't have the limp mode problem. I'm wondering how I can test the suction control valve without buying one.
  3. Hi Ali, why don't you just import a whole car with high miles on it and take what you need and sell the other parts? I remember having the parts from 2 Altezza's that had been stripped into race cars, and the phone didn't stop ringing for them!! Just a thought mate.
  4. I thought that the "Qualitat" and "Modellista" were separate models? This car says its both. I remember importing a Qualtat and it was identical to yours.. Maybe its had a Modellista speedo put in? I could of course be completely wrong.. Lovely car though regardless!
  5. I would defo be interested in the results too.. good luck mate.
  6. I have tried going up and down the motorway loads of times, occasionally getting a bit of smoke after using a dpf cleaner, but the mpg and performance is still on a downward spiral. Ever since I bought the 220d, I've been nervous about the DPF, so if I can go this once a year and clean the EGR every 6 months or so, it should do the trick. I really like the car, but I am constantly on edge with regards to the DPF. Does anyone know if the DPF is easy enough to get at, or has any sensors etc that need to be disconnected? thanks again Scott
  7. Hi guys, has anyone actually tried clearing your dpf like this? If so what were the results? Also, would there be anyway of damaging it? Judging by the amount of black SH1Te on the guys driveway, it looks like to bloody well works!! I look forward to hearing your thoughts guys.
  8. Hi mate, my wallet wont stretch to a RX450h mate.
  9. Thanks Colin, what reliability issues are there on both models?
  10. Hi Guys, I am thinking of changing my beloved is220d SE-L for either a GS450H or RX400H. I cant make my mind up, and my budget (£9000 ish) would only allow me to buy one with around 80,000 - 85,000 miles on the clock. Is there anything I should be aware of about buying one of them with this sort of mileage? when are the more expensive services? When do the batteries need changing etc? Pros and Cons for both please. thanks in advance Scott
  11. How do i search for i certain topic on the forums?

  12. Thanks Steve, so some BG244 should help this issue then right? Just ordered some, so fingers crossed..
  13. Hi guys, ever since I bought the car approx. 16 months ago, I thought it lacked power. (I could do with testing a similar one to see.) Mine is a 07 SE-L with 79k. Anyway, about a month ago, it started to have loses of power for the odd split second here and there, normally about the 30-35mph speed. I put this down to the fact it was due its service. I had it serviced a couple of weeks ago, EGR cleaned, fuel filter change etc etc, and it seems to be getting worse. Now when the engine it warm, the idle it what I would call "lumpy", I cant see a change in revs, but just feels like something is wrong, and it could cut out at any time, and it struggles to pick up spend to overtake when I put my foot down. I kept it at a steady 3000rpm for 20-25 mins on 2 journeys yesterday, but its made no difference. Every now and then, I get a small white smoke cloud, but nothing major, as I thought that the DPF was starting its regen. (is there any way of checking how "full" the DPF actually is? Could it be that the DPF is choked, or maybe something more sinister? I have used Wynns DPF cleaner in the past, and was quite impressed, my MPG increased by a couple, but ive not used it now for over 6 months. thanks in advance Scott
  14. Hi all, ive noticed a few people mention that certain things have been recalled to Lexus. Does anyone have a list of items that "should" have been replaced under the recall? cheers Scott
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