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  1. Hi, I added a load of voice tags when I was sat bored in traffic the other week, and now they have all gone! I've added them again & within a week they disappear! Any ideas anyone?
  2. Matt, thank you for your words of wisdom. Having been driving for over 30 years, I have had my fair share of new windscreens, and usually giving the number plate and the car model is sufficient. I do not have experience in knowing if the screen is acoustic, or has an antenna built into it. I asked NW how to distinguish if these features were present and the helpful person on the phone could not tell me. As NW are a windscreen replacement company, I would expect them to know the windscreen that is required, rather then me, just as I expect a mechanic to identify the correct parts for my car.
  3. My 6 week old CT200h has got a cracked windscreen. I didn't see it happen, but its just one of those things. Rang National Windscreens (who my company use) and told them - they wanted to know loads of information, like: Is it an acoustic screen? - dunno Is it an antenna screen? dunno Is it grey tinted - think so Has it got rain sensitive wipers? - yes "hmmm.....not sure which screen it is, but we'll bring both" They arrived a few minutes ago, and you guessed it - only bought one, and it was the wrong screen. They rang head office and were told that they didn't have any anywhere in the country, so it might be a couple of weeks before they can get one from Lexus!!! Apparently I am the first in the UK to have a cracked 2015 Lexus screen! Yay for me......or not! So now I wait...... GRRRRRRRR
  4. I had mine done by the dealer, its not something that you can apply yourself. Its really controlled by the company. I think that mine was about £300, which might seem a lot, but without exception I get that back when I come to sell the car because it looks so good. Some Lexus dealers offer a product called Superguard, which has been around for years, and you can buy yourself for about a fiver on ebay, but as its a wax based product it comes off within about 3 months and has to be done again. A real waste of hard earned money, which is why I always go for the Gen-3 Glasscoat.
  5. I've just had my new CT200h delivered last week, and had it Glasscoated prior to delivery. A mate also had a CT200h delivered on 1st March, and we were comparing the cars, and the difference in the finish between his, and mine. Mine is TONS smoother! I've had Gen-3 Glasscoat on my previous cars - volvo, audi, VW and without exception when I've come to sell them privately every single buyer has said how fantastic the paintwork looked. And I kept them for 2-3 years each, and washed them not very often. The difference between all these paint protection products (and there are loads out there) is that the Gen-3 stuff is not a polymer or wax based product, so it won't wash off, no matter what I do to it. Also it doesn't need to be topped up or anything, and I can put it through the carwash (cos I'm too lazy to do it myself!) Anyway, the upshot is that I think its great stuff and would recommend it to anyone!
  6. Welcome to the Lexus forums Hiltonkev :)

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