ok so now I bought 2005 lexus rx 400H
overall first impressions are good I like car much better as GS450H
1. There is no noises and rattles from dash
2. Much more comfortable
3. Braking is smooth and did not noticed any shifts from regenerative braking to normal.
4. I can't feel much how engine switching on sometimes feel little bit but it's same like with GS
5. Fuel economy and how hybrid works...
It's much better as GS450H
first maybe because RX has 2 generators when charging battery, so battery seems charging faster,
it's much more easy to drive electric mode only with GS I had to be extremely careful with accelerator pedal to get it in electric mode, when battery get to 2 purple bars GS engine started to work all time except when release accelerator in RX that's not a case it can drive only electric also with 2 purple bars, eventually of course engine kicks in if driving too much electric,
so what it translates to real numbers:
in city with warmed up engine ~5mile distance I got 40mpg in the middle was even little bit traffic jam... so average city driving
of course I tried my max to get this number pulse driving then when possible drive only electric mode get to 30mph then release accelerator then lightly push to drive only electric etc.
Then the best fuel economy was 8 mile distance with 56MPG also have to note that battery was charged to 6bars from highway driving and when stopped it was 3 bars. With GS it would be almost impossible to get these numbers....
When push hard it goes hard as well so performance is also good...