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Darran M

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  1. Happy Birthday Darran M!

  2. Thanks masha, I did what you suggested and it worked to a certain degree, we have rubbish signal around our area and that's why it doesn't seem to work very well, will just carry on with FM for now, hopefully the signal will improve before FM gets turned off!
  3. Personally I don't think its worth it, we find it really hit and miss
  4. Sounds like a plan! I had another go yesterday and got loads of stations, was in a different location, guess I was just in a bad signal area
  5. That's really good, my wife is a bit of a petrol head and very heavy footed but we thought it was about time we got a sensible car! Our diesel bmw used to get about 50mpg so if it matches or does better than that then it's all good
  6. Not a bad idea, I will give that a go. We have a DAB in the house that picks up about 20 channels but I guess that's because it's stationary all the time! Other than this problem we love the car, my wife did a 180 mile round trip to her head office yesterday, 95% motor way driving and it was doing 53mpg, not bad considering that the car has not been broken in yet
  7. Our dealer is over an hour away so it would be a last resort. Everything else in the car is easy to set up and we had no trouble, we have plenty of stations on FM radio but it just seems silly that it has a DAB feature that is difficult to use! fingers crossed some one can shine some light over this problem. Thank you for your reply Paul
  8. Hi people, I am hoping some one can help me, we took delivery of our lexus ct200h yesterday and absolutely love it, its a fantastic car but we do have one problem...... how do you tune in and store DAB radio stations? we have a list of about 6 random channels that we have never heard of but we don't seem to have things like radio 2 or any local radio stations! using the manual I have figured out how to re-tune it but it still goes back to the same stations that we had before! many thanks Darran
  9. Welcome to the Lexus forums Darran M :)

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