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  1. Hi, Thank you for your reply, the lower suspension arm was damaged so was replaced. But with a second hand part as I needed it back on the road ASAP to get to work. My mechanic seems to think there are only two points that could be effecting the wheel. I am off to get a second opinion tomorrow but it is very weird! And worrying as it is not obvious where it is coming from! It has been on the ramp a few times with different eyes looking each time!
  2. Help!! IS200 had a knock and now Front offside wheel has been pushed back, near side fits 3 fingers either side of wheel - off side 4 fingers at the front, 2 at the back? Mechanic seems to think it's either upper wish bone or shock absorber but it's been on the ramp and it's not clear what it is!!! Any ideas? I'm hoping not the chassis!!!
  3. Welcome to the Lexus forums Laurynb90 :)

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