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The Alien

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    GS300 SE
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  1. Hmm, looks like I may have joined the wrong club or, asked the wrong questions as 166 views and the only reply was my own, not a great new users experience when I'm seeing later posts getting in excess of 2,500 views and responses in abundance. Disappointing :doggy:
  2. OK, in light of no responses, I've spent some time looking around and it appears that I have the same problem as many others have experienced but, I'm determined not to spend a kings ransom to get it fixed/replaced by Lexus. SO, I'm now looking to see if the compressor can be overhauled by/with a kit as given it's a compressor, it's all about seals! Has anybody else here tried this and if so, can you guide me to where I can purchase the requisite kit to overhaul myself? The fall back it to install a switch to switch the compressor off when in low mode as it hasn't been off road since we've had it. I intend to use one of the blanks on the dash for the switch but, have yet to investigate; alternatively, hide the switch. It's up and down like a whores drawers and when it's up, it's awful but, when it's down, it's great so, any views/opinions/comments or warnings on any of the above, please? Cheers, Alan.
  3. Hi, My RX300 has suspension issues in that it sits high of it's own accord and I can't get it to go down then, days/weeks later, it does so of it's own accord but, when it's miss behaving, there's a constant sort of click-te-click-te-click on start up then the light flashes and it stays high? Also, what is the little green airbag looking light that flashes near the bottom of the suspension setting display, I can't find it in the book? I'm a newbie so don't hurt me!.. ;-) Thanks, Alan.
  4. Welcome to the Lexus forums The Alien :)

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