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  1. I think I'm just going to buy the engine itself . Most places seem to want a hell of a lot more cash if the wiring and ancillaries etc are included. I've been told it would fit straight in?
  2. im needing to replace the engine in my is200 auto sport 2002. ive been told that all engines fromm 1999 to 2005 will fit but im confused a bit as the sticker on the cam belt cover on some engines reads different codes? ie F1G-E61PR 44 . This code is different on some engines, but all read 1G-FE inprinted on the cover just below ??? am I just looking for all engines with the 1G-FE code thanks
  3. does it sound like water trickling just behind the dash? I had this as well as over heating problems a month ago, turned out to be the head gasket that was away? :(
  4. hi all im having to replace the engine in my 2002 is200 sport auto. im wondering if all is200 engines will fit? ive been told they will if they are between 1999-2005. anyway the sticker on the cam box with the bar codes on some engine reads different codes? does this matter? or is it just the code 1GFE im looking for. ive attatched a pic of the sticker im talking about in this post. any help on this matter will greatfully appreciated thanks mark :)
  5. Do you mean the hose the comes from the top of the engine into the rad? Next to the filler cap? I'm not sure if it gets pressurised? Should it be?
  6. The fans come on fine. Also it's just a new thermostat? I think I need to get both cooling system and head pressure tested?
  7. The mileage is 116000. I've tried bleeding it again today for over an hour and it looked like I'd got all the air out but having tried it again today it's still not right? There's no horrible milky stuff under the oil cap or at the end of the dip stick either :(
  8. hi all im new to this forum as this is my first Lexus. I have a 2002 plate Lexus IS200 sport auto. I haven't had it long so have no real history on the car. basically Im able to drive the car for 30-50 miles on and off before it starts to overheat. I have replaced the radiator, thermostat and temp control sensor at the bottom of the rad. ive checked to make sure the fans are coming on and they are if left on tickover. but when it starts to overheat iv checked and they are not running. I also hear a wee gurgling noise when I pull off from behind the dash(heating matrix) I think. Ive gave the car a couple of engine flushes till there has been no gumph coming out too and that seems fine. does anyone know if there are any cylinder head issues with these? ive always been lead to believe Lexus/Toyota are bombproof which is why ive always wanted one thanks mark
  9. Welcome to the Lexus forums markysparky :)

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