show me some evidence a Manual is less reliable & less refined or less fun or more expensive to upkeep than an Auto - utter drivel and you ranting on about comparing a manual to a diesel ffs. A Lexus is250 (manual or auto) is not particuarly engaging at all to drive, anyone who knows the car will say the same. Its a very good car in its own right for comfort and wafting around, but its not driver focused or particuarly engaging to drive., the latter being my main reasons to get a different car.
Would I have kept my motor over 2 years if all this nonsense about manuals was actually true? from what you are saying its basically undrivable and fit for the skip. I can give you the contact number of the bloke who bought my car and he might shut your gob as you dont know when to stop it seems.
We know tax is quite a jump up on Autos and I for one think thats the main factor in Autos being favoured and more readily available. Most people who enquired about my Lexus said how much is tax, how much is tax, .. clearly its all they were concerned about. Some people dont worry too much about tax, like the guy who bought it or myself with a Legacy that costs about £530 a year to tax.
You are the same poster posting crap about a Lexus that was very severly damaged and saying it could be fixed up.