does your car actually turn on ???
does the radio turn on ???
does your car work normally i.e. everything works but you can't get to the ready status
you need to let us know so we can try and help you a little more.
if you did connect the battery the wrong way round?? if so you have probably done some expensive damage
to the CT check all your fuses and replace any that have blown you could also check the fuse in the hybrid
orange service plug, attached is an image showing the fuse you dont have to take the fuse out of the plug
just remove the service plug and with a multimeter as you can test across the connectors.,online_chips:prius+hybrid&usg=AI4_-kRNhdJ2tVgl-OKOhF73psKQcuwKrw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje_c-4sKTfAhWVs3EKHadqDGgQ4lYINSgO&biw=1920&bih=942&dpr=1#imgdii=vXYuXmIunuFu5M:&imgrc=AJ-uJGfQ_hU2fM: