I think it's summed up by the way he interestingly describes it as not having ML sound but instead has what looks like the base sound system, which apparently sounds better. Oh and it seems to change hands rapidly.....
Well, 'F' cars are obsolete anyway these days, given that after 2022 everything is going to have to have a speed limiter and a black box in it. I'm off to swap mine for a Prius..
I believe you can check a reference number of your satnav on the Lexus website, if it's over a certain value then you can download a map update and indeed apply it via a USB stick. It's been on my list of things to do for a looong time. One of these days 🙂
Hi and welcome, that sounds like a great set of cars. I almost owned a gordon keeble at one time but ended up with a couple of scimitars instead, so I can definitely see the attraction. What motor is in the GK?