Thanks Dave.
If it was my insurer, I would adopt the following stance.
1. I need to be put back into the position I was in prior to the incident. My car is less than 3/6/9/12 months old and your Policy Condition if followed to the letter would possibly provide me with a vehicle which no longer accords with the manufacturers specification and would amount to a modification which you would then seek to penalise, me with, by charging an increased premium.
2. As my car is new, Lexus are obviously best suited to provide me with a repair which accords with the manufacturers original specification.
3.You wish to penalise me financially by insisting that I use one of your chosen repairers. I can agree to this,but you must agree to ensure that your chosen repairer performs in a manner which is consistent with the repaired vehicle conforming with the original specification.That way we both succeed.
4. Should your chosen repairer not perform so that the repair is invisible to the driver (me), then you will insist that the work is carried out again. Should this second repair not lead to the objectives of the first repair not being achieved, then you will authourise Lexus to effect the repair and I will pay what I would have paid had your chosen repairer been successful.
5. As you are aware one of the underlying principles of insurance is "uberrima fidei" ie. utmost good faith and I trust that my remarks above illustrate my wish to have an outcome which is morally, financially and honourably.acceptable to both of us.
If hope that my comments might be of some use Dave and I wish you well.
Please do let us all know, how you get on.......and the name of your insurer.
Before you act upon this it might be useful to ask your Lexus Dealer who would repair vehicles for them and then if they are on the Insurer`s list you can choose them.