I`ve just picked this up from a M.B. website, It is about practices at Inchcape which has a franchise for both M.B. and VW. We are all advised to be very alert!
"Mine (MB )correctly pointed out the rears were on their last legs - I knew it and had already checked how much they'd cost. Service Advisor insisted they'd be competitive and asked if they could give me a price, so I said 'sure'.
He came back and the price was there or thereabouts what I'd had. I was about to say go ahead, and in very much an afterthought I said "this is for both, isn't it?" "Oh no", he said "that's each"!
Bearing in mind they're an Inchcape dealer they've never been too bad. Same group owns the local VW dealers and I've had calls from them, including one just a few weeks ago on wife's Tiguan, saying tyres are worn close to the European Legal Limit of 3mm. There''s no such thing! And the tyres are near as dammit 5mm!! "