Ed, I have come to the view that many of us take it too personally.
Not one of us is responsible, if any body is its the entire human race. For its understanding and its lack of understanding
There is a multitude of factors which need to be taken into account on the subject of Global Warming. And we know some of them. None of us have been here before and we cannot therefore have experience to draw upon.
We do however have on occasions, common sense. It takes us some of the way, but not all of the way. What we don`t know, we don`t know !
We know that the Planet has warmed up previously, on several occasions.
We know that the Planet has cooled previously, on several occasions.
We know that chronologically, we are currently coming out of an Ice Age
We know therefore that the Planet is warming up regardless of what we humans do
We know that we are adding to the warming process regardless of what we are doing.
We know that millions of tons of methane are currently being released from the Russian Steppes due to the warming process, thus releasing more co2 into the atmosphere.
We know that there have been at least 7 Extinction Events in the history of the Planet
We don`t know if we are into the Eighth !
We know that the Taxman cometh using fear of Global Warming as justification for Taxation.
My rant is nowhere near half over, but it is time for others to join in., methinks.😉