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Posts posted by harrylime

  1. Having had my aircon regassed it stopped working after a few weks. I took it back to ATS and they kindly regassed it (very good service). It came back fine from the pressure test, both times but I was still convinced it had a leak. I bought a cheap UV torch off eBay and just took a look, as I knew that UV dye had been added to the refrigerant. Sure enough, I found some yellow phosphorescence on and around a small aluminium cylinder, located close to the dipstick, below the recharging point on the bulkhead. Does anyone know what this is and whether it is a cheap / easy fix? I really miss my aircon, even on cooler days so I'm keen to get it sorted out (hopefully without another trip to the main dealer)

    I would appreciate any advice. i will try to take a photo tomorrow


  2. I recently cancelled my Which membership, as it is a total waste of time and money. Often, the sample sizes of products are too small to be taken seriously. I was in the market for a new boiler and they seem obsessed with Worcester Bosch, which gets all the plaudits. Why the focus on one company, who knows? It is so obvious it makes you wonder what they get out of it. This fixation with W. B. flies in the face of all my research and conversations with gas engineers, who talk of a significant drop in quality (although they do , apparently, have excellent customer service). After extensive research, I went for a Veissman, which are frequently cited as being very good by engineers and for a reasonable fee, comes with a 10 year guarantee,the only one available to my knowledge. This is a major selling point for a boiler (some come with 2 year warranty), and makes them worth looking at, you would think. Veissman were not even tested by Which.They will select products as Best Buys, and often their readers' experiences of that product will have been awful, so totally contradictory. They will test electrical items, but often the reviews are so out of date, that particular model is obsolete. The only way to test something properly is long term ownership, so I look elsewhere for feedback, including forums. I hate to admit this, but I sometimes look on Mumsnet (don't know if there is a Dadsnet)

    I research everything, so thought that Which magazine would be right up my street. It is a shame, it could be so much better.

  3. That is excellent. It reminds me of a Bob Dylan track called Hezekiah Jones, which i think is based on a poem. The lyrics are as follows:

    This is the story of Hezekiah Jones...

    Hezekiah Jones lived in a place... in Arkansas.

    He never had too much, except he had some land,

    An' he had a couple of hogs and things like that.

    He never had much money

    But he'd spend what he did make as fast as he made it,

    So it never really mattered that he had much money.

    But in a cupboard there, He kept in the cupboard... he kept in the cupboard books,

    He called the books his "rainy season."

    The white folks around the county there talked about Hezekiah...

    They... said, "Well... old Hezekiah, he's harmless enough,

    but the way I see it he better put down them goddam books,

    Readin' ain't no good, for nigger is nigger."

    One day the white man's preacher came around

    Knockin' on doors, knockin' on all the doors in the county,

    He knocked on Hezekiah's door.

    He says, "Hezekiah, you believe in the Lord?"

    Hezekiah says, "Well, I don't know, I never really SEEN the Lord,

    I can't say, yes, I do..."

    He says, "Hezekiah, you believe in the Church?"

    Hezekiah says, "Well, the Church is divided, ain't they,

    And... they can't make up their minds.

    I'm just like them, I can't make up mine either."

    He says, "Hezekiah, you believe that if a man is good Heaven is his last reward?"

    Hezekiah says, "I'm good... good as my neighbor."

    "You don't believe in nothin'," said the white man's preacher,

    You don't believe in nothin'!"

    "Oh yes, I do," says Hezekiah,

    "I believe that a man should be indebted to his neighbors

    Not for the reward of Heaven or fear of hellfire."

    "But you don't understand," said the white man's preacher,

    "There's a lot of good ways for a man to be wicked..."

    Then they hung Hezekiah high as a pigeon.

    White folks around there said, "Well... he had it comin'

    'Cause the son-of-a-bitch never had no religion!"

  4. I can't help wondering why our politicians are tiptoeing around Israel. Even taking into account the spineless, unprincipled, self serving, greedy, fat, useless nature of our current crop of "leaders", they have been remarkably quiet over the daily slaughter of innocents. Haven't similar acts in Bosnia etc. resulted in charges of war crimes? Israel do not produce oil as far as I know, or much else except oranges ( and I will never knowingly buy an Israeli product ever again). Nick Clegg has spoken up, but who the hell listens to him any more? He jumps on any bandwagon to try and save his dying career (he'll probably end up buried in a well paid job in Europe)

    I was wondering if perhaps it's the perception of Israel as strategically important in the middle east (dubious), or perhaps their importance as customers for our arms exports. Either way, we are now forever associated with them and aside from the shame in this, it must increase the likelihood of our being targets for terrorists. Who can blame them? Strange how these arms exports are suddenly under review by our Government, but only after they were exposed by a journalist, the hypocritical, two faced bastards. I hope they enjoy their long holidays

    Imagine a terrorist blowing up one of our schools. What would the reaction be? Even the IRA never stooped that low, although, ironically, I believe the Nazis did. Perhaps the Israelis believe the Palestinians are Untermenschen?

    Sorry about the rant, but it sickens me.

    • Like 2
  5. At least Israel has a democratically elected government, whereas Hamas are a terrorist organisation, with no remit from anybody, and are cowardly enough to quite often store their weapons in hospitals and schools, knowing that if they are destroyed they will gain huge publicity from it.

    If a terrorist organisation (the IRA, Al-Quaida, whoever) set up camp on the Isle of Man and were using it as a base to launch missiles on Manchester and Liverpool, I wonder how long it would be before the UK government would take action against them? And yet Hamas are doing the same thing to Israel, repeatedly bombing its major cities from their strongholds in Gaza.

    It's a very complex situation, but blaming Israel for disproportionate action against the "poor Palestinians" is a vast over simplification!

    Having a democratically elected government is pretty meaningless, even for us. We have a democratically elected government, the Tories having received 36%of the vote. This has resulted in the deliberate, ideological destruction of the public sector, deliberate suppression of the working classes (and middle classes) with continual reduction of earnings (whilst the rich get richer), savage attacks on the vulnerable in our society, blatant pandering to big businesses, ,the financial institutions and bankers, accelerated selling off of OUR assets, unhealthy close relationships with the press and some extremely dodgy party donors, cash for honours, cash for lobbying and in my opinion,rampant corruption between politicians and businesses etc behind the scenes, on a par with many third world countries . Isn't democracy wonderful?

    A democratically elected government also took us into illegal wars, wasted hundreds of military lives on campaigns in Afghanistan etc. What thanks did our lads and lasses get? largely, redundancy.The " Man on the Clapham Omnibus "could have told you that as soon as we went in, terrorist training would be moved elsewhere, and that as soon as we left, the Taliban would move back in. We have left a trail of death and destruction across the middle east because our democratically elected government (of all stripes) have their own agendas and lack the foresight or the intellect to realise the consequences of their actions. We are still complicit in the cowardly practice of air strikes from drones, in which thousands of civilians have been, and are still being killed. They are allowed to fire their missiles based on "profiles" of individuals or groups they are watching from thousands of feet up. So a community meeting is assumed to be a terrorist meeting and they are blown to pieces. It is criminal and no wonder the West is universally hated in many regions. How many of the people affected by this slaughter will turn to terrorism? The only people to benefit from our democratically elected government are themselves, the rich, bankers, the arms manufacturers and makers of prosthetic limbs.

    So what is democracy and what is a terrorist? When Russia invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban were freedom fighters, supported and armed by the CIA, now they are terrorists. In the 1970's Sinn Fein were terrorists, now they are politicians.To call this a struggle between a democracy and terrorists is too simplistic and is also pointless. I feel for both sides and cannot imagine what their lives must be like.

    • Like 4
  6. Where is Tony Blair, the peace envoy? Talk about an oxymoron.

    What I don't understand is why the areas of the world in which religion appears to play the biggest part in people's lives are also those in which violence is at its worst. The Israelis, to my limited knowledge, are fairly spiritual, religious folk, as are the Arabs. Yet they appear to foster this deep hatred of each other. It is a David and Goliath scenario but If my family were killed by a Hamas rocket, I would probably act disproportionately. Who is to blame? usually it's whoever fired the first shot but this tit for tat has gone on for so long it is irrelevant now. They need some intellectual giant from outside to mediate, someone respected by both sides. That excludes the warmongering Brits and Americans (name one heavyweight, well respected deep thinker in our cabinet). A Henry Kissinger or Mo Mowlem (who largely engineered peace in Northern Ireland, although others took credit for it)) might have had a chance. I will risk ridicule now and say that one of the few politicians who seems to be grounded and to speak sensibly is George Galloway. I like him, although it may be because he also despises the detached, arrogant, privileged, uncaring fat ba****ds who are in charge at the moment.

    Amazing how few politicians will speak openly. The Arab spring we precipitated is a disaster and the only thing that would make things worse over there is for the West to get involved.

    It's very depressing and the sight of terrified Palestinians and the rising death toll is doing Israel no favours. Not exactly the caring, gentle folk portrayed in Schindler's List

  7. Regardless of how good these cars are, mileage always makes a difference. The few I have seen advertised from £3000 to £4000 and beyond have all had low mileages (around the 60000 mile mark I think). Clearly they are well out of Glass's guide etc. but some buyers will always prefer low mileage cars (Including me). I have always bought low mileage, and change my cars fairly frequently, and touch wood, have always done OK. The 400 will easily do vast mileages, if maintained correctly, but that's just the way it is. just a bit surprised it did not sell quite quickly. I think it's a trader so he may well take less than the advertised price

  8. I went the other way (so to speak). My classic/weekend car was a 1999 MX-5. Wonderful car, how they get that ride / handling compromise I do not know. I wanted luxury on my day trips out so bought a 400, which is sublime. My main car, an Octavia is brilliant, but not really luxurious. It depends on what your main car is, I think. If I upgrade to a Superb, I may get another ragtop instead of the 400. I also fancy a classic van but at 5 cars in the family my wife is starting to raise objections now

  9. Has anyone seen this one on eBay? It has unusually low mileage and I have to wonder why it has not sold. It does not seem to be priced ridiculously high, does anyone know the car, or been for a look?

    I have absolutely no connection with this car, do not know the owner etc, just curious why it's been for sale for so long

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