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Posts posted by harrylime

  1. It is called no claims discount not no accident discount, I might ask them first what no claims discount you will be entitled to next year?. I was told by a friend that their premium went up because of an accident they reported to the insurance company, even though there was no claim, they organised and paid for the repair themselves. Honesty obviously not the best policy when it comes to insurance companies

    Whose fault was there accident? Mike.

    My friend's car was parked, it was the other party's fault.

  2. The reasons why some of us, who are still able-bodied, get upset at people who abuse Disabled Parking bays are manifold (to keep this on a motoring theme)

    But how about:

    1. Many of us know people who have a disability and sympathise.

    2. Today I'm fit and healthy - but tomorrow............


    3. People who abuse Disabled Parking bays (probably) beat their wives and kids........kick their dogs.......and break wind in public!

    Just my opinion :)

    That echoes my answer to the person who asked "why do you care who parks in disabled bays?"

  3. It is called no claims discount not no accident discount, I might ask them first what no claims discount you will be entitled to next year?. I was told by a friend that their premium went up because of an accident they reported to the insurance company, even though there was no claim, they organised and paid for the repair themselves. Honesty obviously not the best policy when it comes to insurance companies

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  4. It isn't bollix You like him are denying the evidence & he's trying to hide it by refusing to publish the deaths which occured AFTER benefits were withdrawn from the disabled As for the questions need to be asked, do you have any idea how difficult it is to obtain disability benefit.

    I can't comment on your personal experience, but if it's so hard, how come so many people manage it?

    Young people in the UK are twice as likely as their counterparts in other rich countries to be so seriously ill or incapacitated that they cannot work and must live off disability benefits, an international study on welfare has found.

    I rest my case. Amazing the correlation between disability rates in different countries and benefit rates. Lexmanic misses the point yet again. To defend my position once more, I have been temporarily disabled, with chronic, severe pain and mobility problems after a serious injury as a fireman. My doctor was called out more than once because I could not get off the floor due to the pain and it took me 8 months to get back to work. Even if I hadn't experienced that, it does not mean that I am unable to empathise with someone with disabilities. You need to read posts more carefully. At no point have I had a pop at the disabled. I have had a pop at those who pretend they're disabled, or exaggerate their problems to get a blue badge. If you have been through the mill during the evaluation process, it's because they are trying to weed out the fakers. Unfortunately the fakers are very , very good at fooling assessors and doctors and it tends to be the genuine ones who suffer.

  5. I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

    I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

    Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

    1st no its you who are missing the point if your not disabled why do you care who parks in these bays and yes just becaue some of us are disabled doesn't mean we are stupid (although we do sometimes get treated that way) Yes there are some people who DO abuse the Blue Badge but a survey revealed that its not as many as ablebodied people & this government would have us think. Now not only do they require your doctors written confirmation they also now require evidencxe that you are receiving the highest rate of DLA before they'll issue a permit

    Hi Jon, Can you point us in the direction of this survey you quoted? I would be interested in the figures.Mike

    Sorry, I thought this thread was open for anyone to air an opinion if they wish, not just the disabled. My mistake

  6. I had a feeling that some would not get where I'm coming from. To the posters who seem to be in denial that some people have blue badges who do not need them, please credit me with some intelligence. I'm aware that some medical conditions are not obvious, and I'm not talking about people using shopping trolleys to support them. I'm talking about the people who so obviously do not fit the criteria "having a substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking" it is ludicrous.

    I have worked with people with various disabilities, injuries and illnesses, including assessing them and helping them return to work and know a little about this. and many people in my area are abusing the system, it may be different in your area although I doubt it. The damage these people do is twofold. They take up spaces which are then denied people with genuine mobility issues, and they also increase the potential for the able bodied to disregard disabled markings and park inconsiderately by reducing levels of empathy for the genuine. Not something I would do, but one reason, perhaps why people do it. I would not like to put a percentage on those who are abusing the system, but I reckon most would be astonished how high it is (disregarding those who use relatives' blue badges etc. which takes it even higher). If in doubt, take note next time you go shopping etc.

    Strangely, I have noticed that some people with the most severe disabilities sometimes seem to be more determined to be independent and don't even appear to have applied for blue badges. I sometimes see them really struggling from the far reaches of the car park, even when disabled spaces are available.

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  7. I'm going to be slightly controversial here and give my view as to why some people consider disabled parking spaces fair game. Some are just completely lacking in consideration, or are too thick to realise it makes a difference, as they can't empathise with someone who has mobility problems.. Others probably take the view that many, many blue badge holders are doing so fraudulently. I absolutely do not refer to your circumstances, really, but the percentage of disabled drivers / passengers in my area who get out of their cars and are clearly more sprightly than I am (I have no significant disabilities, touch wood) is astonishing.

    I find it both amusing and infuriating in equal measure to see people who get out of their cars in disabled spots, with walking sticks, and miraculously, often do not seem to need them. This sometime happens gradually, as they feel the need to put on a pretty pathetic display when exiting their cars, but when I see them a few minutes later, in the supermarket perhaps, it is clear that the stick is performing no useful function. My educated guess is that they are worried about being filmed by dss investigators and losing their benfits, but it drives me nuts. I sometimes speak up and say something like "disabled, my a**e", but they are quite shameless. I have relatives with significant disabilities so feel quite strongly about it. The penalties should be far more severe, both for thoughtless parkers and fraudulent badge users.

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  8. Bully boys had nothing to do with it, in whatever sense you meant it, I was never one to be bullied, in any way,I'm afraid. I never stopped looking for a solution, in the little time I have between other things. I came on the forum for suggestions, not for sarcastic comments about full ashtrays, or for ill informed statements by several people that "you must be able to get one fabricated", stated with absolute certainty. Try it. I have tried every air con specialist within a hundred miles and I can tell you that I can not. As it is only a bit of alloy piping I could not believe how difficult this was.

    I was pretty ****** off when I posted, having tried so many different avenues (and having charged the system at least four times now, quite recently).I have found out that even the epoxy resin I tried was part of a faulty batch, which may be why it did not work, it was yet another obstacle. I bought a Lexus and not a Jag because I don't want to be ****** about under the bonnet, I want to be driving it. And before anyone says it, yes it is an old car and I know I can expect some maintenance and repair work. I just know that someone would be just patronising enough to state the bleeding obvious. If my car does not work properly, it is not something I can ignore, it bothers me, and I feel out of sorts. I don't like loose ends, I prefer to sort things out. I will get there, if I don't, I'll sell it and buy something newer, perhaps a GS or RX.

    I'm unable to format the photos properly to upload, even Picasa is causing me problems

    Many thanks to those who tried to help

  9. thanks for the responses chaps, and the suggestions. It appears that the pipe is available, having called a different Lexus dealer and given the same description. I then sent photos to both dealers who confirm it is available. I pick it up on Wednesday, although it is fairly extortionate at around £70, plus fitting charge and recharge of the system.

    I took a look last night after dark with my UV torch and there are traces of the dye used elsewhere, but I don't know if they are transfer or old leaks ( I had my independent change some seals previously). I'm hoping the condensor is not leaking but my only option is to replace the pipe, recharge and see where we gp from there.

    Whether you have had problems with your aircon or not, I would recommend taking out the Battery tray and checking underneath for corrosion. I found some surface corrosion only and have treated it with Finnegans number one, which will kill it dead and protect it, although I will paint it again with hammerite. A few years left left alone, as it is out of sight, may have been a problem. I do wonder whether water can collect there, or perhaps a little Battery acid has leaked, removing some paint

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  10. No doubt it would be a minor inconvenience for some, but it is not for me. I need air con to achieve any level of comfort, other than winter time, which is not what I bought it for. I have contacted a couple of breakers but they take their sweet time responding. I have taken a few photos of the pipe in situ but as explained,have no idea how to disconnect it at the front end (image 499). If I do get a pipe from the breakers, it may be as bad as mine. The chap who repairs them locally, is doubtful it can be done, as it is close to a bend. I assumed I'd get someone to fabricate one, but I'm struggling. I'm also not convinced that this is the only leak.

    The main worry is that unobtainable parts after 16 years is a disgrace, especially since vast numbers of the LS were not produced, a stockpile could have been put in place.. I am pretty good at improvising but don’t want a car for which I need to rely on second hand parts. If it were a 1962 Vauxhall Victor I could understand it.

  11. I have a pinhole in my aircon pipe. It's an alloy pipe that goes from the cylindrical thing in front of the rad/ condensor, and extends back to the engine bay bulkhead. I've just about had it. I tried epoxy resin(which cured a cracked block in my Mondeo many years ago), that did not work.

    Lexus tell me the part is no longer available (Sheffield lexus tell me this, leeds lexus give a different part number and say it can be ordered). When describing the pipe, their parts diagram seems to give them problems identifying the damn thing)

    I can't even work out how to remove the pipe, if it comes to it (after having it discharged obviously), from the front end, as the fitting looks just like a grommet around the pipe.

    I have precious little time for this as I'm restoring a house. It may be time to let the old girl go. I'm gutted, as I go on holiday in a few weeks and wanted to take the Lexus, rather than my Skoda. Can't do without aircon though

  12. well, I have to admit to a level of stupidity here. The posts are slightly tapered, and while I thought the terminals were pushed down as far as they could go,,they were not. Loosening right off and pushing the terminals further down the post did the trick. About as basic a mistake as it's possible to make.

    I blame the anxiety attached to trying to find a solution to the pinholed aircon pipe that sits under the Battery tray. Yet to find a solution, the next problem is getting the Battery tray out, as those nuts are seriously corroded. Even soaking in wd40/plusgas overnight did not help. I broke the first one I tried to loosen and I know the others will go the same way,. I will then have to work out how to secure the Battery tray

  13. I bought a new Battery from Lexus last year because the last one kept running flat. I took the Battery off today to access an aircon pipe and noticed that both terminals seem loose, I can rotate them with a bit of effort. The Battery terminal posts seem too small for the connections. This is a Toyota Battery bought from Lexus for my 400. Anyone else had this? I may need to source better fitting connections from somewhere

  14. I finally found the pinhole leak in my aircon system. A leak in the lower pipe from the cylindrical device in front of the condenser, to the compressor. First problem, I can't see how it attaches to the cylindrical device (the one with the sight glass) as it just looks like a grommet at the end of the pipe.

    Second problem, Lexus want over £140 for a bit of pipe. Third problem, which removes the second problem, is that the part is no longer available.

    So I'm a bit stuck. Perhaps an aircon specialist could fabricate a bit of pipe, to replace or repair the existing. I may be able to get the part from the USA, although they are still costly.

    I may first attempt a repair with epoxy metal. I recall repairing a cracked Mondeo engine block with this stuff and it was amazing. Has anyone tried this and if so, can they recommend a product?

    I dislike "bodge " repairs but as parts availability becomes a problem, it may be necessary to be a bit more creative

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