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Posts posted by harrylime

  1. Hi Simon

    thanks for taking the time to respond. That's a good point about the time the engine was running during the work on the aircon, but I'm also looking at the mpg for the current tank of fuel, which was refilled after the work was done. Even the current mpg display, which I rarely check, seems lower than usual. I'm not sure the car is picking up as quickly as it should, but I hope a good servie will sort it out. I'll ask the specialist to give it a good check over. I've seen those spark plugs for around the £50 mark, a;though I need to make sure they get here bfore next Monday, and thanks for confirming the spec of those.

  2. My 400 is booked in for a long overdue service. It was last serviced in 2012 at Lexus, although that was only 6000 miles ago. I am having the oil and filter changed and the air filter changed. The spark plugs were changed in 2008, around 12000 miles ago. Is it worth changing these? If so, what is the correct spec for a 1999 ls 400? I have searched the forum but not found anything. I look after my cars well, and am not happy with myself about leaving it two and a half years since I bought it. However, sometimes other things take over in life.

    I went to the Castle Howard car show yesterday, the highlight of which was the Spitfire air display. I was disappointed with the fuel consumption, which seems to have taken a sudden dive. It may, or may not be linked to some work carried out last week on the air conditioning system. I'm wondering if something was disturbed. Usually on a good run I can achieve 30 or late 20s, but yesterday I was struggling to get above the low 20s. I noticed from setting off that the current mpg seemed even lower than usual. The air con specialist was very good, and seems to have fixed an issue that two other garages have failed to resolve. I now have a cool 1.7 degrees C at the vents. An overnight pressure test (which had to be done twice, as the first revealed a iny leak at a seal).has raised confidence that it is now sorted. I am happy to recommend the air con specialist, also an auto electrician, and based in Rotherham. After next week, i probably will be happy to recommend tha lexus specialist, as he is a nice guy and seems very knowledgeable.

    So, questions, spark plugs need changing after 8000 miles and 8 years? if so, what spec?

    Oil / air  filter, Lexus or Mann? the specialist says he asks the customer, and uses whatever they prefer, which is a good approach, I think. Are the lexus oil and air filters better?

    As always, very grateful for any advice

  3. That's brilliant. Thank you very much for that. I am equipped both with the tools described and the necessary swear words. I am, though, now nervous about risking any breakages before taking the car on holiday in a couple of weeks. I've had the car for over two years, so may just buy the part and include it in the service. I have been recommended a specialist called Lex Tek near Sheffield, so may have a full service carries out including the air filter. Are the oil filter and air filter best bought from lexus or can I get them elsewhere?

  4. Does anyone know whether it's much of a job to replace the raer wing  radio aerial on a 99 ls 400 , in terms of connections/removing trim etc? I'm having a partial respray, doing both sides to freshen the car up and want to replace the aerial, which is tarnished gold colour, with chrome, as well as the badges. Also, does anyone kno where I can get a decent quality replacement

    thanks in advance

  5. I truly sympathise, as I imagine the police response will be less enthusiatic than if someone had robbed you of the amount of cash you will need to rectify the damage. Is your car likely to need a respray both sides? I would imagine that if you deduct the area covered by plastic, and have it sprayed to the roof line the cost should be more reasonable, and it should be easier to achieve a good paint match? I am considering doing this to my cat to refresh it so would appreciate any info on prices quoted. I hope you get it sorted out, it is sickening

  6. The accusation of racism was ridiculous and demonstrated a complete misunderstanding of what was said. James was simply quoting what Lexuschap said, as I understand it. It was Lexuschap who introduced the Islamist elemt and if he shouted that down the phone, it can only have been to intimidate. It was completely out of context and makes you wonder even further about what he is like, and what his agenda is. It is likely that it was either a racist comment or an attempt at intimidation. In either event, I would be tempted to report it to the police, so that they can decide whether they should take a close look at him.

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  7. The depressing thing is that lowlifes like this are allowed to continue trading. Clocking a car is bad enough (tantamount to theft and should be treated accordingly in court, in my view), but selling an unsafe car should result in a custodial sentence. People have gone to jail for health and safety offences, due purely to ignorance, incompetence or negligence. Selling an unsafe car goes one step further than this, knowingly and intentionally putting people at risk to make some money. If he has migtrated from another country, he shoiuld also be deported. This court case is the tip of the iceberg, who knows how many other people have been conned, or are driving around in potential death traps?

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