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Posts posted by wildrnes

  1. see you all on monday off to portmeirion at 12

    will be sorting out the mega meet/ holiday whilst i am there

    going to be a nice weekend so will post the pics when i get back

    oh btw will someone tell me what i missed on monday

    cheers folks :yahoo:

    steve when is the wap site coming ???? :geek:

  2. ok got a plastic seat protector yesterday what crap

    i can make something far better for the same if mot less cost (6.99)

    they give you 2 self adhesive pads (velcro) to go on the seat

    so much for protecting the leather hmmm

    i am thinking of either a lex logo or team lexus / loc logo on it off work till next week but will have one for gaydon i hope as loong as i can get the plastic / pvc

  3. ok dad has been really good and got the boy a really trick car seat

    a concord trimax in ebony

    it matches the lex interior :ph34r:

    bot the little sod can still kick 7 colours of cra# out of the back of the seat

    i have a choice

    an axe (leg removal)

    a roof rack (boy on top)

    or some way to protect the seat ?

    any ideas and where from

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