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  1. Hi Found out why the car felt funny, the rear diff has been welded (apparently). Been a busy couple of days doing research and have located a diff from a 3.0 ltr model. Physical size is the same but ratio jumps to 4.1 from 3.96. Not sure if mine is open or LSD as they came with both. Just need to watch speed on motorways as indicated speed would be slightly less than actual. Fingers crossed got a good deal on it as we'll. should arrive early next week. Started taking mine off tonight which is fun. Can take case off when out to see what's going on. Will keep you posted. Andy
  2. Hi This is my first post and visit to this forum. Recently bought a Soarer V8, but I do know the rear diff is on its way out. I haven't pulled it off the car yet to get the part no, and looking for a spare reveals very few. The question I have, will a differential from a Lexus LS400 be a swap in, as they are supposed to be the same floorpan / chassis etc. Kind regards Andy
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