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  1. Thanks Reset my password but its sent to a very old aol email adress which I no longer use so maybe that I have to stick with this one. Gathered it was a biggie, but the prices have varied widely so trying to get an estimate of hours so I can discount both the quotes too high and too low! Rare problem yes unless you factor in a girlfriend driving the car with no water in it!!!
  2. Hi all Not been on here for a while and cant seem to get access to my old account hence new member staus (for now) Sorry to jump in with requests but need sorting asap Has anybody had any experience with head gasket failure on a lexus v8? Any idea how much i am likely to be looking at? Also on the landrover forums there is always somebody around who has the dealer tech sheets for doing the job and more importantly expected hours it should take so i dont get ripped off, anybody on here with the same info? Thanks in advance guys
  3. Welcome to the Lexus forums fandrover :)

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