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  • Lexus Model
    IS220D SE
  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Has any one seen this deal on the Lexus site My question is, will the sensors be as they would if installed on the car from new i.e. integrating into the dash display etc. Or is it simply using one of those do it yourself kits you can buy from Halfords etc Thanks eveyone Steve
  2. Thanks for all the help I've called the dealer and it has been done in the past. Another question, can I ask the dealer for a print out of all the work done in the past? Thanks to all
  3. What if it hasn't, can I insist they do it, I have a warranty, but not a Lexus one? Cheers again
  4. Hi readers I recently bought an IS220D SE 2006 with full, up to date, Lexus serivce history. Is there anyway to tell if its had the 5th injector recall mod done or not? Cheers to all
  5. Welcome to the Lexus forums sc5cc :)

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