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Everything posted by SteveL

  1. Cheers guys Spent the morning trying to sort all the financial stuff out. You dont realise how much crap there is to sort through till you actually have to do it. Cancelling wedding arrangement, direct debits, memberships etc etc Big thing now is obviously getting the house valued, and then seeing about paying her off. Time to do some major maths to see if the Lex is still a viable option I cant face the thought of a crappy little car again Only thing so far to cause slight arguements is who gets the plasma screen. I'm determined to get it.............i'm a man, i need a big tv Also need to try to sort out the holiday we've got booked. Was due to go to Cyprus at end of march. I've got about a month to try to sort out a mate to come with me now and get names changed on the tickets. Bloody good job we hadn't booked the and new york..........cos that would have been an expensive exercise to sort out still, ya live and ya learn
  2. Well, after much talking, me and the girlfriend, actually fiancee, have decided to split up. Five and a half years together and it's over in a matter of an hours talking. Was due to get married in August too Must admit it's kinda been on the cards for a while now, just been a matter of when we finally took the plunge and finished it. All is amicable, but none the less, very much gutting. Guess it's better now than 12 months down the line and after 6 months of marriage Looks like i'll be keeping the house on. The big question is whether i can afford to keep the lex though. I reckon if i can get someone into one of the spare rooms, the lex will stay. Anyone of you guys wanna move to barnsley Just need to get if off my chest :duh: Roll on all the single laydeees B)
  3. I cant get into mine either
  4. What gives you that idea.................163 views and 459 votes I want Mr Wosket up there, but i dont wanna see his............. If this vote is rigged, doe that mean John is in the lead
  5. Dunno what your laughing at matey, wasnt this the style of bonnet mod we were discussing in Nottingham for your go faster Greddy stickers???
  6. Any luck finding one? but was talk last night at midlands meet that next northern meet should be up your neck of the woods! Save you trekking all the way down to us lot again
  7. If it had been a weekend, one of them would probably have been me What brought you over that way mate?
  8. Ally's strap on could come in handy then
  9. How could you not pull over and share Shame on you
  10. Congratulations to the both of you :)
  11. or the fact he had to chop a couple of inches off cos it was too big
  12. I saw it, i turned out behind you Kerb! It was a central island, how the hell did you miss it!!! Any damage?
  13. No, but John took Ally outside to show him his shiny bits Nothing too scandalous i'm afraid.
  14. Another successful mini meet Cheers to Aido the part-timer for arranging it. Only you could arrange a meet and leave after half an hour :P Was great to meet some new faces for me - finally putting faces to zee, ifraz and nick, and meeting a couple of new members in ally and kaz. Some very interesting conversations too
  15. Looks great Dave I can see people's point about the online store. Luckily i already knew cos i read this thread first :P
  16. It's tomorrow mate ← Ok I'll be there but late on, prob around 9 ish ← Think Aido has the table booked for 9, so you should be just in time for food. Eating at the Exchange Diner i believe
  17. Cheers mate. I think we should be okay, i'm pretty sure Aido knows where he's going. Either that or watch out for 4 IS200's driving round Nottingham looking lost
  18. This is lining up to be a good one Chris, we're meeting at Castle Marina in Nottingham at about half 7. I aint got a clue where it is, I'm just gonna follow Aido
  19. Happy birthday mate. Have a good 'un. What did ya wish for........................un uninterupted nights sleep???
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