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  1. Hi. Just switched from an iPhone to a nexus 4. However when I connect to USB to play music the display on my (not nav) ct200 shows error. Is the phone not able to connect via USB (it definitely starts charging) or is there a setting I need to change?
  2. Thanks. Might need to phone them. I have managed to sort out the Bluetooth issue with my iPhone but that in itself opened up a whole new can of worms (Bluetooth appeared to be off in the car tonight and couldn't pair either of my phones. Think it might be cos it paired to my wife's phone before I drove off) I'm finding the whole Bluetooth unnecessarily complicated. Especially as I will want 3 different phones connected at various times. Oh well Still can't get USB to work though.
  3. Sorry that last line should read both by Bluetooth.
  4. Hi hope someone can help. I have now got my ct200h (absolutely loving it!) but having some problems with the audio system. It's a non nav version BTW. 1. Connected iPhone to USB and it is not being recognised (iphone4 on iOS 6.1), phone doesn't charge and when I press USB/aux button it just says something about bta (Bluetooth audio) the book says about going into the menu and selecting iPod mode but when I go into the menu it only gives me options for connecting via BT. I have tried a few different cables in case they are faulty but no difference 2. In the book (man is that thing hefty!) it says when pairing a phone that is also a Bluetooth audio device you can select to pair the audio as well as the phone during the process of pairing the phone. I can pair my phone but I don't get the option of pairing the audio. The situation I am in currently is that I can either have my iPhone paired as a phone OR as an audio device. That means if I am listening to music the calls don't come through the car kit. And if the phone is paired I can't listen to the audio! I need to be able to connect my music by both methods as I have a work phone that during the day is paired to the kit and I want to be able to listen to my music whilst my work phone is paired (hence USB) Then in evenings weekends etc i want to only pair my iPhone to the car. Even If that means phone by Bluetooth and music by USB (although more convenient for both via USB).
  5. Meant to say complain on their Facebook page. They seem to be able to escalate things.
  6. If I was you I would complain in the strongest terms and also speak to someone at lexus head office. I had an issue with a Saab many years ago that only got resolved when I phoned their head office and gave the details to someone there. Lexus always get good ratings for customer service and I'm sure that they will want to keep that rep. Don't give up. I think you were missold.
  7. Hmm I wondered about that. My wife's Toyota with tomtom can't read USB sticks over a certain size. I can't answer directly as I haven't taken delivery yet but I'm sure someone here will help.
  8. Cool. Thanks for confirming. Think I will get it ordered. I like the look of the phone mount that slots in front if the USB hatch not sure if the uk ones are supplied with one (I suspect not) or if I can source one in uk.
  9. Hi waiting on delivery of my ct200h and planning out my music! Does anyone know if the flap will still shut with this USB connected: It looks a bit higher than the Sandisk or others I have found but I prefer the 64gb capacity. Can anyone figure out if it will be ok? Thanks
  10. Seems lexus issued an incorrect press release. They originally said that the advance would have moveon (tomtom) satnav and you had to remove it to get dab. They have retracted that and updated it ( Seems you can get dab and satnav in the advance. It's also appearing on the lexus website now but pics of the tahara trim aren't great. That said I went ahead and ordered it as my new company car!!!
  11. Hi New member here. I am not new to lexus having had an IS200 and an RX300 in the past. Currently Lexusless but looking at getting a CT200h as a company car. I read online (on the lexus blog) about a new model called the "advance" which seems a good deal with lots of extras over the SE for not a lot more money. I need to order my new company car soon but it seems that no-one at lexus knows much about this car. (although I have ascertained it does exist at least!) By hook or by crook I am getting answers to my questions but my final question I have had conflicting answers. I'm not sure if anyone here will know anything more but it is worth a shot! When I read independent review sites relating to the advance model it states it comes with tomtom moveon satnav (despite my local lexus dealer saying it wasnt a tomtom system!) but if you want to specify DAB radio you lose the satnav. Now I have asked several times at different dealers and even the central number and got different answers ranging from "yes you can have both satnav and DAB" to "no you can have one or other" to "that car doesnt exist"!!! I would like to specify DAB in my new car but dont want to lose the satnav I would be raging if I didnt specify DAB and then found out later I could have had it. Similarly if I specify it and lose the satnav I will be annoyed. Like I said not sure if you guys know any more but if you do I would appreciate some help! Even if it is a contact at Lexus who is likely to give the right answer!!! Thanks in advance
  12. Welcome to the Lexus forums chimpboy74 :)

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