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  1. Had the car just over a year - it's got 50000 miles, and a 57 plate. I've done 10000 miles. Been uncomfortable since day one, but getting worse. Front passenger complains too. Many of the 2008/09 models, 460s and 600s, have been addressed in the USA since new, courtesy of TSIB L-SB-0071-09. Never been a problem here? For comparison, I drive my Volvo 35000 miles each year, sometimes as much as 8 hours at a time - never NEVER a problem. MED
  2. Really sore buttocks after about 30-45 minutes driving. Anyone else got this problem? I've checked with main dealer, who is checking out to see if there is a known problem. There is in the USA, where many 460s/600s have been addressed via a TSIB (USA market). Don't know if there is an equivalent RH drive / UK market TSIB. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Hi Just joined. Hope the following is of use to you. Had horrible probs transferring bulk contacts or even single contacts to my 2007 model. Tried an iPhone but was advised by all that the iPhone, whatever model, will NOT work. It pairs and works well in the car, just zero contacts. Transferred all my contacts from the iPhone to an old Nokia E65 (2006-7 vintage) and all worked fine - even bulk transfer. In the car, I switch back to the iPhone and everything works - both making and receiving call. Seems that Lexus (at least, my 2007 model) will not "pull" your contacts, you have to "push" them. Hence, you need a phone with the ability to SEND contacts, either one-by-one or bulk. With the Nokia E65, I "marked all" and selected SEND by Bluetooth when the Lexus prompt during TRANSFER appeared. Note, the phone disconnects during TRANSFER, but re-connects during SEND. Worked for me a treat - hope others are as successful. Regards, Malcolm
  4. Welcome to the Lexus forums MEDGamble :)

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