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  • Lexus Model
    IS 220D
  • UK/Ireland Location

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  1. Hi there, Basically I have read numerous threads relating to excessive smoking but up to now I have had the following done already: NEW HEAD GASKET CLEANED THE EGR MYSELF THE PREVIOUS OWNER HAD A NEW CAT FITTED 12 MONTHS AGO But I am still getting alot of Greyish Black smoke, I have only had the car 2/3 weeks, I have started to fill up with Shell V power, I have ran the vehicle with 1 tank full already and just filled up with BP Ultimate and also added double dose of Millers Eco additive. If the problem is a build up of carbon how long will it take for the BP fuel & Millers to take effect? Also is the Particulate filter in the Cat? or any other suggestions as the car is booked in a garage tomorrow to have the rear parking sensors fixed. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks
  2. Welcome to the Lexus forums bofsters :)

    1. bofsters


      thanks, hope to get more involved with the site.

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