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  1. I actually bought this almost 2 years ago but my RX400h is possibly the best car I have had and after living with it for this long, I don't know what else I would drve. It is smooth, confortable and also I don't have top pay any congestion charge in London. We have a jaguar and 2 mercedes too but this is my favourite. It had 21K mile when I bought it and has only just hit 42k now. Took it to France last year and I couldn't imagine going in anything else. The room and comfort with the family and plus the cargo space to hold over a dozen cases of champagne along with our luggage - our old mercedes wouldn't have coped. Am tempted to look at the new RX450 but I love my RX400 and so will probably keep it for a few more years. Family members have the newe model as well as a couple if CTs but I like what I have for now.
  2. Welcome to the Lexus forums J9AVN :)

    1. J9AVN


      Thanks - I love cars in general but with the evolving Hybrid technology, thinga re hotting up. But I do enjoypeople looking at me as I drive the RX, especially in Central London ( for free).

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