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Everything posted by ChrisIS200SportTTE

  1. No Pete I didn't post the WIM settings, wouldn't do that. These settings need to be applied on a hunter 4 wheel laser alighnment machine. No point changing tyres before getting the geometry done, new tyres will just wear on the inside too, even if not noticeable to the naked eye. WIM have a few outlets nationwide under black boots with the hunter laser alighnment machines. Go to one of them and they'll apply the WIM settings.
  2. That's not a bad price to be fair.... Call Lexus and see how much they want. Then you will have a heart attack! Lol
  3. Honestly and just my opinion.... But I would never buy a car with no V5 present.
  4. Anyhthing is possible.... What you have to equate is weather it's worth the time, effort and money! Personally I think not, probably cheaper and a lot easier to just buy an IS300
  5. Many have tried and many have failed.... Mainly because nobody will lend their TTE cradle to make a copy from lol.
  6. Always always change the tensioner and idler when changing the timing belt.... ALWAYS!!
  7. I also relate the rotten egg smell to the CAT but if any of your three CAT's were not functioning properly then it would def trigger the EML and a fault code... also any faulty sensor or if a sensor detected something was wrong, EML. And again if it was an ECU prob (very very rare) this would also bring the EML on. Timing being out would also bring the EML on. I don't know what to suggest mate, sorry. :(
  8. Hi. Basically in a nut shell... The factory geometry settings suggested by Lexus for the 1st generation IS are wrong! They will result in inner front tyre wear. it's very common and covered extensively in this forum. WIM (wheels in motion) went about re writing the geometry settings and got it right. Have a look here.
  9. Yeah there's loads of info on this forum about it. Do a search fella :)
  10. Totally agree. If kept clean and tidy these cars age extremely well, timeless design :)
  11. Glad to hear it :) This has been my experience also, talk to the people that own these cars and work on them themselves, they generally know more than most garages :)
  12. Driving, for me at least, is a lot lot easier in gta5 compared to gta4. Yes the damage is completely unrealistic as you can hit a wall head on, flat out and there's just a dent in your bonnet Same as GTA4 that when you get on the car if you stay still for a few seconds before driving off your character puts his seat belt on (or if on a bike puts his helmet on) if you drive off straight away your chatacter wont put a seatbelt on and if have a head on collision at speed you'll fly through the windscreen and die!
  13. See now why didn't they charge him then get him to pay for all the mirrors he smashes. Even if it meant paying a fine monthly it may have taught him more of a lesson..... But no, gone soft Britain yet again!!
  14. Take the bumper off and have a good look. Might be as simple as the hose has just disconnected. I can't see this being a huge problem to be honest mate
  15. Yeah you know how angry you felt when you first saw it? I actually caught a couple of 16/17 year oldish chavs keying my Honda a few years ago.....They were walking down the street just keying every parked car they walked past. I ran after them, one was skinny and fit and got away, I caught the fat little git, gave him a bit of a kicking, teach him a lesson.... silly old bat of a lady across the road thought I was mugging him and called the police..... Got a lecture from the police about not taking the law into my own hands and then they actually asked the little scrote if he wanted to take any further action against me for assault!!! I said what about the damage to my car? And would you have cone out if i had called and said there are two teenagers keying cars? They didn't answer that.....Have you got any proof he did it was the answer from the stuck up copper who couldn't have been much older than the little chav! It was that exact moment I lost all respect for our police force! Absolute shower of sh%#!! Anyway I hope you can get the scratch out... I'd be absolutely gutted if that was my lex :(
  16. What's going on here? Why are IS's being keyed this weekend around the country? I'm in France at the moment, hope I don't get home to find mine keyed. That's the second member on loc this weekend and the fourth in total (2 on the Facebook page)
  17. Third here for photobucket :)
  18. I was told this by Ormi, a Toyota tech who used to be very active on this forum. He has a green IS and was looking for new wings and doors. This is the problem he came up against. Earlier IS200's were a very slightly different shade of green that's all I know sorry...
  19. The A/C will drop water even if it's on hot. Makes no odds what temperature your asking for inside the car. If the A/C is on then the compressor is on and it'll give off condensation.
  20. There are 2 Lexus IS greens. I don't know the codes bit I know they are different shades (slighlty) One was on cars 99-2000 then the other slightly different shade of green was 2001 onwards.
  21. Yeah I think your lucky not to have been relieved of £200 or £100!! Dodgy as!!
  22. Not heard this on a 250 but yeah it's common on a GS. People sit on the key fob and roll the windows down by mistake. Didn't know the 250 had this feature which to be honest I think is a totally useless feature. When do you ever think "oh I know let's roll all the windows down half way when I'm not in the car" pretty pointless feature IMO
  23. I'd just get a new filter mate. Get it from your local Lexus dealer parts department and sump plug and fit it yourself, can't be that much. Don't forget to re set the ecu to clear the fault codes and warning light after fitted the clean/new filter. Un clip the negative terminal on the battery for 15 mins to do this
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