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Everything posted by ChrisIS200SportTTE

  1. Don't sell it. Get shot of the BMW. 250SEL with 17k on it..... Your very very lucky. For me there's only 3 BMW's I would have instead.... 330, M3 or M5. :)
  2. Yeah I had a bump on the M4 last year. Guy behind me was watching his speedo in the average speed check roadworks and didn't notice me braking and went into the back of me! I'm glad I was in my old Honda and not the Lexus. How come you pay so much for car insurance? Your roughly the same age as me. I have 11 years no claims and I did have a clean licence held for 14 years. I'm with esure, the old mans company!! Lol....
  3. So who here drives purely on the speedo? I know I don't. That in my opinion would make you a worse driver. I drive to what I find acceptable for the road conditions etc. and yeah your right the lex is so quiet I wouldn't have noticed me creeping up to 80 on the speedo. I gaurantee that most people on this forum if put on that road at that time with no traffic would have planted their foot and maybe gone to a ton+. I have done in the middle of the night myself. It's very tempting, just 2 miles of straight, perfectly tarmacked road. All I can say is I do not remember the speedo reading 80 on that night. I remember seeing the camera van quite late, looked at my speedo and it was just over 70, prob 72 but they get you from quite a way back im told so was obviously going faster just before. If we were all looking at our speedos every 30 seconds then surely there would be more accidents as your taking your concentration away from the road itself and concentrating on your dash more! As for my insurance it's for renewal in 2 weeks. I haven't told them yet I was going to do it on Monday. I only pay £44 a month fully comp at the moment and that includes AA breakdown cover. Hope it doesnt go up too much.
  4. Seem to have started something with this.... Well I got caught at 8.22pm on bank holiday Sunday. I was honestly the only other car on the road at that time. I was on a straight dual carriageway with no hazards, no pedestrians, no roundabouts coming up. It's just 2.7 miles of straight dual carriageway. I was driving safe and steady in my opinion, 6th gear 70mph. I must have crept up to 75 obviously but it wasn't on purpose and I'm sure we've all crept over without noticing. You cant even get off or on in that stretch of road, Then it narrows to a windey single carriageway where the speed limit increases. I can't get my head around it! Anyway I'll take my punishment and fork out the £60 fine. I will be much more careful when on a dual carriageway from now on and if I don't know the speed limit I will sit at 50mph!!
  5. Put it up for more than you expect. People will try to knock you down. If you put it up for £3k and get £2600 you'll be happy and the buyer will be happy as they think they've knocked £400 off... Everyone's a winner :)
  6. You'll get £3k if your not in a rush to sell. If I had a spare 3k I'd give you that for yours today! Knowing how well you've looked after it etc it's a good buy :)
  7. Got home today to find a notice of prosecution waiting for me. I was caught doing 75mph on a 50mph dual carriageway by a mobile detection unit. £60 and 3 points. Goodbye 14 years of having a clean licence :( At first my reaction was anger but am now feeling very very lucky. Why? Well I found out that if I was doing 1mph more I would have lost my licence as 76mph in a 50 zone is a driving ban and fine of upwards £200!! Thing is I don't see why the speed limit on a straight dual carriageway with no pedestrian hazards or anything like that is 50mph? Surely it should be 70? The road even narrows into single carriagway and that is then signposted as national speed limit which is 60mph! So the road narrows to 1 lane and the speed limit increases!! Doesn't seem right to me. I know I would still have been speeding but only by 5mph. I honestly did not know I was speeding, sat at around 70mph all the way. I even went past the camera van happily. I saw it but didn't think I was speeding. I even went back to the road tonight as I couldn't remember seeing any 50mph speed limit signs but fair enough they are there! Guess they wouldn't catch as many speeders if it was a 70 limit tho and make loads of money!
  8. I can't believe your contemplating this?? Nobody would make me sell my Lexus. Tell her if she wants a bigger car then go buy one!! Lol..... Put the lex in the garage and just bring it out on special occasions! :) Seriously tho, I'd put it up for £3 - £3.5k and see what interest you get. That's the price good ones seem to be going for on Autotrader etc. Good luck :)
  9. I'm not really sure what your asking me here mate? I don't have anything to send you. When my seals cracked and started leaking I called Lexus Bristol. They knew exactly what I was talking about as it must be a common problem. They took payment for the part over the phone and posted the seal to me. I then took the car to a local place just outside Chippenham that fit sunroofs, windows, window tints etc and got them to fit it for me. Whole thing cost me less than £50 :)
  10. Well silversalmon's car is 2005 so one of the last 1st gen IS made and his is on all the time! Guess some are just operated by the button and some just stay on :) As for the windscreen mine comes on when I press the rear windscreen heater.
  11. I also don't have 2 symbols like this on mine. Just the rear windscreen heater
  12. My handbook says exactly the same. Mines 2001. :)
  13. Mine are on all the time when the car is running.
  14. I'm 6'1 and I have to have the seat as low as it will go or I hit my head on the roof when going over a bump! Lol :)
  15. Go to the dealer for the part, pay somebody else to fit it at half the labour charge. That's what I did :) Mine wasn't as bad as that pic but was leaking a little bit.
  16. Wow I've never heard of such bad customer service at Lexus! I've used Swindon and Bristol in the last year and both have fallen over themselves to help me and I own a 11 year old IS200! I had some work done at Swindon, cambelt, water pump, brakes, new and an oil service and the bill was £1212.59 which the manager without me pushing him rounded it to £1000! Which was very nice of him... :) I'd make a complaint to Lexus head office.... Not that it'll prob do any good. I second steves question. Why the problem with callipers? Had 2 seize on my wife's IS and 1 seize on mine. What's going on??
  17. Take it back to where you bought it and get your money back. They sold you a car with a £2900 fault! If Lexus say it needs a new ECU then it's kaput mate!
  18. Yeah I've noticed that too! I have the same instruments as you but in different order. Top - Temp Middle - battery voltage Bottom - MPG Mines a year older than yours so maybe they switched it after 2001? Can't understand why?
  19. Aahh....Yes but you forget this car was made also for the US market...... Not the brightest bunch now are they? Lol....... :)
  20. Never knew there was a beeping sound for the reverse sensors, is it so loud that it can be heard outside the car or something? No it's just beeps inside the car to let you know you've selected reverse gear rather than 1st gear as their next to each other :)
  21. I forgot about the CD player. Mine works when it feels like it. Sometimes I'll go weeks with it working perfectly but then the error code. Sometimes the error code stays for days, sometimes only minutes! Very annoying!! I've found that if I empty the CD player after every use I get longer between the error coming up :)
  22. Lol... This an old thread alright! :) I agree with Ben, sticking callipers! Grrrr Also....... No armrest Bloody sensitive alarm Soft paint Seatbelt doesn't go back by itself The way it eats tyres Cup holders are completely useless if you have a manual and their not deep enough. can't change gear without knocking your drink over Apart from that I absolutely love my IS :)
  23. Thanks for the reply. I have no idea about car electronics so wouldn't even know where to start looking. I looked on the internet and found its a common problem amongst VW's and Fords but not Lexus. It is the relay with those cars. Hope it's not an expensive fix, I wouldn't have thought it would be?
  24. Ok so my wife came home yesterday and said here heated seat on her IS200 kept coming on whilst on her drive home. I laughed at her and said she was imagining it so I took her car for a spin this morning and yep she's right. The seat heater comes on intermittently while driving along without pressing the button in. If you press the button in then it comes on as normal but turn it off and 10 minutes later it's on again! Any ideas guys? Is this a common problem? I guess some wiring must be knackered or something. will have to take it to an auto electrician. Just wondering if this has happened to anybody else? Her car is getting on a bit now, 11 years old and 153k on the clock. Thanks Chris
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