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Everything posted by ChrisIS200SportTTE

  1. Oh and Lexus are expensive for this, £194 they quoted me.
  2. It does need immediate attention. Need a new oxygen sensor by the sound of it.
  3. Throttle body clean? Is the check engine light on?
  4. And it increases MPG! Really? Don't think so somehow! If you buy it let us know.
  5. Hi and welcome to LOC. Cambelt is 60k or 10 years :)
  6. Nope! I have 225, 18" on mine and lowered suspension. No scraping even with 5 in the car and a full boot!
  7. You can check the pins yourself but if you don't know what your looking for then prob best to take it to a garage for them to look at. They should be well greased and move freely. Get the back pads changed if their not the correct ones. I had issues with the brakes on my IS and I ignored it for a bit.... Big mistake! I had to get 2 new callipers as the pins had seized and 4 discs and 4 pads. Total bill just for parts...£550! And that's getting them from eBay so not paying garage or dealer price!
  8. That's an amazing car! Thanks for the link to the story, very interesting. Never seen anything like it! Love the look of the exterior but sorry the interior is a bit "in your face RED" lol... No offence! :)
  9. Hi Ray and welcome to LOC. Seconded, good to have a mechanic on board :)
  10. If its intermittent then I'd second what Steve says and check your slide pins as you could have a sticky calliper. Also a sticking calliper will warp good discs so get it looked at ASAP. :)
  11. I live in Wiltshire and couldn't find any. I used Lexus Bristol as its only down the M4 and they were cheaper than Lexus Swindon for the 100k service. £70 cheaper! Lexus Bristol also do gold member discount :)
  12. It also says in the sale of goods act that if the damage is caused by ordinary wear and tear then it's not the sellers problem. Sounds like a judge would have to decide. Take it all the way... What have you got to lose!
  13. That's the craziest IS I've ever seen! Mental!!! Love it... :)
  14. Sounds nice mate. I had an impreza for a bit. Good cars Subaru, but like you say it's not a Lexus :)
  15. They think that because thats the most Common reason the light comes on if the car is still running fine. Without the proper codes it's complete guess work however experienced a mechanic they are... Just trying to stop people making the same mistakes as me. Didn't get the codes, got told it was the lambda sensor as the car was still running fine, changed it and paid them, light still on. It was actually a leaky fuel injector dropping petrol into the cylinder after I turned off the engine causing a misfire so bringing on the engine light. Like I said it could be 1 of 100's! Have you seen how many fault codes there are connected to an IS200? Blooming loads!!! Lol... :)
  16. Need to get it on a diagnostic and get the fault codes. Total guess work without them. Could be 1 of 100's of possibilities. The trc light flashing always happens when the check engine light comes on. Lexus charge around £50 for a diagnostic which you will be able to negotiate lower or even free if you get the subsequent work done at the dealership. Other garages will be cheaper but not all garages can read Toyota/Lexus codes and you run the risk of a mis-diagnosis which has happened to me in the past. Good Luck, hope it doesn't turn out to be too serious.
  17. If they fixed the fault that caused the lights to come on then the lights should be off when you picked the car up. Take it back and ask them what their playing at!!!
  18. When I was at Lexus Bristol on Monday the service manager showed me a pic of the new IS. It was a pic of the LF-CC. I told him that's the LF-CC and he said yeah it is but it's gonna be tweaked very slightly and launched as the new IS. Looks stunning :)
  19. I understand your anger and frustration. I would be exactly the same. It seems that lexus Reading are not living up to the famous Lexus customer service. From what you've said I would expect the dealership to fix everything (properly) for free this time. I've used 5 Lexus Dealerships in the UK and the standard of service does vary between them. I found Bristol to be the best, they can't do enough for you, yet just up the road at Swindon it's a completely different matter! If the dealership are still being awkward I would get on the phone to Lexus UK and tell them everything in its entirety and send them evidence such as correspondence between you and the dealership and the report from the auto windscreen people. You might be surprised with the response by going over the dealers head. Hope you sort everything but I guess you are turned against Lexus as I was turned against Mercedes Benz after some shocking customer service.
  20. you tell it how much fuel you have put in your car in Litres. Then set your trip on your car. When it's fill up time you put in how many miles you have done. It then works out your average MPG. It also works out how many miles per litre and shows graphs etc of all kinds of other stuff that you don't give a rats arse about! It's called road trip. Costs £2 or something. It's just a calculator really but it converts litres to gallons for you and obviously it isn't completely accurate but more accurate than that blooming mpg needle. That tells me if I'm in 6th gear doing 60mph I'm getting 40-50 MPG.... I know that's not true!! Lol... :)
  21. Very simple, my 11 year nephew changes mine for me lol... :) Bit awkward getting to the passenger side bulbs because the ECU and the windscreen washer fluid are in the way!
  22. To be fair don't you think this is an isolated incident? I'm a member of 3 Lexus forums and this is the 1st I've heard of windscreens not being put in correctly. There are many topics about leaky windscreens with all Lexus models that have had a windscreen change but none I can find where the windscreen was dangerously fitted. I may be wrong, RX owners please correct me if this is a common problem on your model. I'm not condoning it but it sounds like a genuine mistake. Yes it should have been checked more thoroughly but It's not as if Lexus removed the windscreen then didn't put it back right... Is it?? Please correct me if this is what happened. Need more details. Did Lexus change the windscreen or was it a previous owner that did a bodge job or was it like this from new?
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