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Everything posted by ChrisIS200SportTTE

  1. Yeah that's what mine are, the cog ones! What a donut! Lol... I want these now, I think they look nice not cheesy. Like Matt says I've got chrome around my gear gator, a chrome gear knob (aftermarket TRD) and chrome bits on the vents. :)
  2. Errr.., no I don't have these actually! Lol :( On closer inspection mine are just silver plastic lol
  3. I read this on another forum but have no idea how true it is. Interesting if this is correct, any experts let us know :) The float in the tank has a resistor in it. It sends readings to the ECU of how far away it is from the top of the tank. Something like 7 a minute. The ECU then calculates how much fuel is in the tank by working out an average of these readings. It does this because if your on a steep hill or going around a corner then the petrol obviously sloshes about in the tank giving inaccurate readings. Working out an average gives a more accurate reading. The ECU then sets the fuel gauge on the dash. This avoids your fuel gauge going up or down when on a steep hill or going around a corner.
  4. £115 for geometry last time I was there a few months ago. It'll save you £££'s in tyres. It's a better set up than Lexus and Lexus charge £150. With the Lexus set up the front inner tyres wear faster than the rest of the tyre resulting in you having to change tyres before you should have to. Lexus say their set up gives a quiter, more refined ride. I say thats a load of bull! My car felt a lot sturdier afterwards and still feels as refined as it always did :)
  5. I got these on mine! They were on there when i bought it. Different to the SE, their like a grey colour on that. Do You know if these were standard on the sport?
  6. The only way a Lexus technician would ok it would be by looking at the history of the car and not looking at the belt itself. As Bren says visual inspection doesn't cut it. If its been changed by Lexus in the past 10 years or in the past 60k then I would say that is the only time Lexus would "ok" it! :)
  7. Check your geometry set up and wheel balancing. That would be the first place I would start :)
  8. Hi Joshty and welcome. This is a great place for information about your Lexus. This forum honestly has taught me so much about my car that I would never have learnt otherwise! :)
  9. Could well be your water pump. Should be changed with the timing belt really. Although I'm a fine one to talk, I didn't change the water pump when I changed the timing belt! I'm just waiting for mine to go! :(
  10. Well actually Noby yeah. I normally use total excellium 97 RON but filled up last time on 99 RON. Do you think the difference in fuel is making the ECU confused or something making it give the wrong reading on the gauge? I put £15 in this morning (99 RON) and the gauge has moved up the correct amount. It's also moved down the correct amount since driving the 28 miles to work. So everything seems to be normal again, I just gained nearly a quarter of a tank from somewhere! :)
  11. Hi guys. Apologies for the long post but I have a very strange one for you. Now I've read a lot about faulty fuel gauges and sticking fuel gauges on the forums but nobody seems to have had this problem that I can find anyway. First of all you should know that I'm one of those people who always knows exactly what the fuel gauge is reading at all times and I always re set the trip when filling up so to monitor MPG. When I arrived at work this morning the fuel gauge was on or just below the 3rd bar from the bottom and the trip was showing 312 miles since a full tank so exactly where it should be just before the light comes on (1 bar from the bottom) I had to park on a very steep hill today. When I got in the car tonight and started it, the fuel gauge shot up to between a quarter and a half. I didn't think anything of this as in my Honda if you parked on a gradient, then the fuel gauge would move up or down but would go back to normal once on the flat. So I assumed the IS would do the same. Well no. I drove the 28 miles home and the fuel gauge did go down but only what I would expect it to after doing a 28 mile trip through towns and villages. I've been home for a few hours now, car parked on my flat drive. I've checked it 3 times and the fuel gauge still reads a lot more than it should! So has anybody else experienced this or similar? Its like the petrol faires came and put some free petrol in! :) First thing I'll do tomorrow is put some fuel in to see if the gauge moves up correctly. I'm just unsure now of how much fuel is actually in the tank! I'm worried that it could be reading over a quarter but this morning I was waiting for the light to come to go and fill up so it could be empty!
  12. Then you are 1 of few Wendle! Must be lucky!! The wheels on my car were replaced by Lexus at 3 years old ( I have all the documentation relating to the car). My current set is therefore 8 years old and I have receipts of 3 wheel Refurbs. Mine are also starting to blister quite badly so will need doing soon. I keep mine spotless Wendle and clean them nearly every day!
  13. Don't be drastic. Could be you need a new radiator and most likely but you need to get it looked at. There are other reasons you will lose coolant so it needs a proper look at by a professional if you can't see any obvious leaks. Do you have a puddle on your driveway when the car has been sat?
  14. Yeah what Dan said. There's loads of info on this topic. Basically all Lexus alloys are rubbish in the UK and corrode due to the salt we use on the roads during the winter. It's a well known problem, Lexus are well aware of it and they seem to be happy to give people new wheels under warranty rather than come up with a solution to corroding wheels :)
  15. Can you do this again please and I will def be there. Couldn't come today, it's the wife's birthday! Gutted lol...
  16. I'll come if it's on a Sunday and MrW let's us all drive his IS-F! ;)
  17. If you fill up using the metal cap ( as I also did 1st time) then you may need to squeeze the radiator pipes a little to feed it through. That's prob why your gauge hadn't moved as what you put in is trapped at the top of the pipes. You also risk trapping air in the system by doing it this way. If you fill Using the plastic cap it's much better and the gauge will move as you pour it in :)
  18. Hi and welcome :) Agreed the gear ratios are ridiculous on the 220d! 6th gear is purely only for illegal speeds! Look up some threads on here for poor MPG from the 220. There's lots of info about cleaning EGR valve etc that should help improve your MPG :)
  19. Every car I have ever owned rolls back a little bit when applying the hand brake, only a CM or 2.... Especially when on a gradient. whoops sorry I meant "parking brake" :)
  20. Well yes it is time consuming but it's what we had to do before price comparison web sites existed and I still do it the old fashioned way :)
  21. I've only driven a 300 for 15 miles but I thought the Auto box was superb. Especially when using the Shift buttons on the steering wheel :)
  22. Or do what I did and ring insurance companies direct and I got mine for just under £100 cheaper than on any comparison site :)
  23. I have the same problem albeit on the passenger side and my IS is 11 years old! Lol... But still I tried OEM from Lexus, Halfords, Bosch and umpteen other makes. Been through 7 sets in 6 months! They all work brilliant for a day or two, in the case of the OEM ones a week! Then they start to judder and the passenger side doesn't clear on the down swipe! I've tried everything, windscreen cleaners, polishers the lot! Had them looked at to see if the arms were bent while I was at Lexus Bristol getting a new key and they said they were fine! Can't fix it and I've given up! So if you find a solution please let us know. All I want is for them to clear the windscreen as well as the wipers on my dads Alfa do!!
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